25.03.09 – What Is About To Occur (Lord Sananda)

Audio Recording

Mediation – Minute (00:00)

Follow along in group meditation with Lord Sananda.

Channeling – Minute (21:45)

I am Sananda, and I come to be with you this time, in these indeed, high-changing times that you are approaching now, that you are in now, but even more so, what is about to occur.

I cannot speak directly of what that is, but you will find in the days and weeks ahead of you, and perhaps months, you will find that a great deal is coming about, a great change is coming about, not only one change, but a myriad of changes all coming together to culminate as one larger change. That is what I can tell you now at this point.

When you spoke earlier of the terms – brace for impact, it was not about being negative, it was about preparing yourselves as individuals, but more so as the individuals coming together as the collective consciousness and how the collective consciousness is needing to brace for impact. Because the collective consciousness as a whole does not know what you know. They do not yet have the eyes to see and the ears to hear as you have. They are not yet in the more fully awakened stage as those of you are. So you, as always, are the catalysts to bring this about. You do this every Sunday in your medications.

You do this in your daily thoughts, where you have more positive thoughts coming through. Yes, we know that you also have some negative thoughts. We know that you cannot fully control your thoughts at this point, but you are moving more and more in that direction to be able to control your thoughts. More and more to be able to think positive thoughts. And that is so important, because remember every single thought that you have; whether negative or positive, goes into the collective consciousness, goes into the universal mind, goes into the quantum field, it is all one and the same. And those thoughts become a part of the collective consciousness as that collective consciousness draws those thoughts to them.

So that is how it works. So no, whenever you have a sense of negativity within you, just simply as you are aware of it, change it, change that thought, change that thought, but also then change the feeling within. And when you change the feeling, you are also then changing the intention of those thoughts. So think about that, moving forward.

Yes, indeed, move forward, be in the moment, all of this, that is important. But do not forget that being in the moment in each and every moment is indeed creating your future, creating your individual future as well as the collective future. So embrace the impact. You embrace the impact. There is going to be a great impact coming, not only for you as individuals, but even more so as the collective consciousness is ready for that impact, ready for these changes that are coming forward, changes in truth, truth coming forward everywhere. It is about all of the negative understandings that are going to come forward and be brought to all of those that are ready to hear it, as truth.

I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to prepare, prepare for the changes, prepare for everything that is coming forward, but even more importantly, as you are preparing for all of that, continue to be in the moment, enjoy the moment, be the moment.

Questions & Answers – Minute (26:40)

Master OWS

Om mani padme uma, om mani padme uma, om mani padme uma, uma om

Greetings to you, One Who Serves here, Shoshanna is here, and we are ready to assist you in answering your questions. If you have them.

Would there be questions for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?


I have question. Can you hear me?

Master OWS

We cannot hear if someone is speaking. Can you hear me now?


Can you hear me now?

Master OWS

Cannot hear.


Can you hear me now?

Master OWS

First, then we ask, can any one of you hear us here?


We can hear you. Can you hear us?

Maybe we are all muted.

Maybe, yeah maybe, *** are we all muted?

One Who Serves, can you hear us?

Master Shoshanna



Oh, they are off. Oh, great.

Master OWS

We apologize for the interference here. Can you hear One Who Serves here now at this point?


Yes, yes, yes.

Master OWS

And yes, and we hear you now loud and clear. It appears that the speaker went out on the phone temporarily here. We are ready though for questions if you have them?


I got a question.

Master OWS



Unfortunately, my mother passed away yesterday, and I’m just wondering if she is there among you, right now, and if she is doing okay, and if she has anything to tell me?

Master OWS

My dear brother, do not be concerned about how she is, for she is more concerned about how you are. She is in a wonderful place at this point, and is expressing to you; even now as we speak, her love for you, and how she wishes the best for you. That is what we can tell you. Do not be concerned about her, as we have said many times before, it is not difficult for the ones who passes over, only for those that are left behind.

So the ones that pass over are in many ways in a much better place than even you are now at this point. So do not be concerned about her.

Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?

Master Shoshanna

We will just say that we agree, and we know she is home, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good. Would there be other questions here?

No further questions?


This is ****. I have a question, please.

Master OWS



So, an unusual wait for me, is I’m sort of gotten back into following a little of a political interest. And I did watch something with Trump, as he was with the British Prime Minister, and they exchanged a letter from the king that said, he wanted President Trump to go visit.

And so the way they kind of waved at that white piece of paper said to me that it was a flag of surrender, and that as it began for the world with Trump’s political career, where he walked in front of the queen, and it was a capitulation of the cabal that this is then perhaps a major domino in that the world then coming together. And I’d like information about that, please, if it kind of was correct. Thank you.

Master OWS

We will tell you that indeed the world is coming together.

It may not appear to you as that in your everyday understandings, but moving forward, those ones being put in place now, put in position now to lead, to lead the world forward in peace and love and oneness. And that is what this one President Trump is there for.

He is in many respects the leader of the world, or if he is not yet he is going to be, he’s moving in that direction, because all of the other leaders of the world are shifting their allegiances, their understandings to allow for one to come forward and lead the rest in peace.

And that is what they want. Now it’s not all of them, but know that some of them have been replaced. You have spoken of this earlier in other times, that the ones that were of the dark side are being replaced by those, if you would call actors, doubles, clones even in some cases, that are capitulating as you have said to the white hats, to the side of light and love and oneness, okay.

Shoshanna, do you have anything to share here?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we would like to share, if we may dear sister?


Yes please, go ahead.

Master Shoshanna

Dear sister, here’s what we find. We find that you have a very high sense of humans and your intuition is very sharp.

So we would say that what you saw, and it is always this way, what you saw is a message for you. And if you saw an idea of surrender, if we heard that correctly, then that message is for you, and others will see the same thing, if that is their path, to see that you see. So we would say that whatever you saw, however your emotional, mental, physical, bodies interpreted that, is what was the truth for you, you see.

That is what we find here. Trust your intuition, dear sister, as it is great, namaste.


Thank you.

Master OWS

Very good, are there are further questions here?


I have a question.

Master OWS



Do you know anything about, have they been cleaning up the underground tunnels of, all the mess, all the nefarious things that are happening underground? You know anything about that?

Master OWS

We will tell you that that is a continuing process at this point and is ongoing. And many of those dark tunnels have indeed been cleaned out, have been and many that have been in those tunnels in terms of those of the human trafficking, the children, have been rescued over a period of time. There are more, but the White Hat Alliance is moving fully more and more in the direction of cleaning out even more of those tunnels.

So that those of the forces of darkness have nowhere to turn, they have nowhere to hide. So therefore, they have not been able to move forward with their plans of complete domination of the world, or can even destruction of the surface world. For they were going to go into these tunnels and save themselves, but there are no tunnels or very few tunnels for them to save themselves to, now.

Shoshanna you have anything to say.

Master Shoshanna

Well, we will add to this if we may dear sister, may we add to this?


Yes, please.

Master Shoshanna

Dear sister, many do not, many are not aware of the truth of what you call the war that is happening between the country of Russia and the country of Ukraine. Ukraine is a hub for human trafficking and organ harvesting, and abuse, and there are many tunnels that the Ukraine has and it is a dark place.

What we will tell you is that this guise of a war that is occurring between Russia and Ukraine is really the cleaning out of those trades of those tunnels, those trafficking efforts, those baby mills, those organ harvesting things that are going on. So the truth is, that is why it is continuing. That is why the “war” is still going because they are still cleaning it out, you see.

So many point to Russia, point to Putin as the warmonger, as the bad guy, and you must turn this around. You must flip this 180 degrees because he is actually assisting the world, assisting humanity, assisting mankind in cleaning up those horrible situations.

That is what is really happening, and there are casualties. We cannot say there are not, you see, but there has been a great effort to clean this up, and now your leader Trump has effectively closed the southern border. He has effectively put, we apologize to our Canadian friends, but put Trudeau on notice that our northern border will not be allowed to let these activities in. So it is all being locked-up and tamped down. This has been occurring for quite some time now as we find it, but this issue that you find yourself in in this third-dimensional construct has been going on for thousands of years, and now it is time to end and certainly it is ending, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good, would there be any further questions here?


Yes, I have a question.

Master OWS



Maybe you can help me for, to distinguish between the voice in my head when I am talking to myself or my higher self or my guides. Is it one of the same when I am talking to my higher self or my guides? Is it really matter whom I am speaking with?

Master OWS

We would say in the affirmative the last thing you said, it does not really matter who you are speaking to. It’s the message is that counts, not the messenger. So do not be concerned, and even if you think it is your imagination, you are not concerned with this because as you continue to move forward in the changes that are approaching and are going to be a part of your everyday existence, then you are going to find that you are going to be able to rely more and more on that intuition or that small voice that comes to you, and whether it is your higher-god-self or your guides or whatever. Again, it does not really matter because it can, it will be the message that comes forward and whether or not you accept that message as your intuition moving forward. okay, Shoshanna?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we would like to share here dear brother, may we offer our perspective on this?


Oh, yes, for sure, absolutely. Thank you.

Master Shoshanna

Dear brother, dear brother, we find that you as a being are close to your heart. The heart is where the message rings true. So as One Who Serves has given, do not bother yourself with what the message is, not, I’m sorry, who the message is coming from, but what the message is, because you will listen with your heart. So all beings that listen with their heart, know the truth of what they are being given. If they are listening with their head, then that is where the potential falsehoods come in, you see. And once again, we find you as a person that listens with their heart. So you are in good stead, dear brother, namaste.


Thank you.

Master OWS

Very good, we take one more question if there is, then we need to release Channel.

Anything further?

Nothing, then Shoshanna, do you have a parting message?

Master Shoshanna

We will just say that each of you, to be aware of your path and follow your path and trust yourself. Trust that all is unfolding in perfect time and that you cannot, you cannot go outside of your path as it is ordained that you be the path, that you constructed before you became a body, before you embodied into this world. Trust yourself, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good. And we say, embrace the impact or the changes that are approaching rapidly.

Santi, peace be with you. Be the one!

Author: Yoda