Edgar Cayce Was Right: The HALL OF RECORDS is the Single Most Important Discovery of the Millennium

Edgar Cayce Was Right: The HALL OF RECORDS is the Single Most Important Discovery of the Millennium



Edgar Cayce Was Right:

The HALL OF RECORDS is the Single Most Important Story of the Millennium

How have they kept the awesome revelations from Bucegi Mountain so secret?

Cosmic Convergence Research Group CCRG Editor’s Note Truly, if ever there was a story that could liberate humankind from its incarcerated past, the otherworldly intra-mountain complex and tunnel system in the BUCEGI MOUNTAINS is it.

The very few, yet stunning, disclosures which have thus far been leaked about this vast storehouse of ultra-secret Earth history, applied extraterrestrial technology and highly advanced scientific knowledge are nothing short of paradigm-shattering. As in every paradigm currently operating on Planet Earth … bar none! Dear Reader and Seeker of the Truth, if you read one story today, or this week, or this month, let this be the one. Although it is a lengthy discourse, it is the product of years of authoritative research and serious investigation. The author has done humanity an extraordinary service in this labor of love. He, she or they have painstakingly constructed a cogent and compelling case for the direct Ancient Alien involvement in the affairs of human civilizations over millennia. While many have known this to be the case in view of so much convincing evidence scattered across the planet, the ‘highly classified’ information coming from Bucegi serves as indisputable confirmation. In short, this preordained discovery in the Bucegi Mountains has set the world up for an unparalleled and sweeping transformation. Now that may sound like hyperbole. However, in light of the empowering knowledge and revolutionary information coming from the Bucegi Complex, the current race of humanity will undoubtedly experience the most profound and fundamental shift in consciousness in recorded history. In other words … this is it! Bucegi Mountian is quite likely one of the key locations that Edgar Cayce spoke of when he referred to the legendary Hall of Records. In addition to the Hall of Records in Egypt Cayce was clear about multiple underground chambers and complexes located in sacred lands around the globe. The holy mountains of Tibet, the Mayan temples and the Great Pyramids of Giza (including the Sphinx) have been mentioned in various prophecies and predictions. The CCRG has taken the unusual liberty of posting the great work published by the folks at Hidden From Humanity. We have done so, first and foremost, in an effort to preserve this valuable research project. The following material is so sensitive and so “radioactive” that it is vulnerable to being disappeared one day … without a trace. Cosmic Convergence Research Group

The Romanian Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains aka the Romanian Sphinx and the Carpathian Sphinx The extended essay produced by Hidden From Humanity begins here and full credit goes to them: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Bucegi Mountain Secrets & Evidence

www.hiddenfromhumanity.com This page contains excerpts of the discovery plus two years of my research finding confirmations throughout history… In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi mountains, an epochal discovery was found that would completely change the destiny of mankind. Section “I” contains excerpts from the book. Section “II” onwards is my own research regarding this discovery. I apologise in advance for such a lengthy page but some things cannot be explained in a few sentences. To prevent this page from being five times longer I have only covered the absolute basics for each section of my own research but anyone who wishes to discuss this further canclick here contact me. A brief summary can be found just below the following links…

Sections on this page


I. Summary of the discovery in 2003

  • There are 4 primary tunnels and further sub tunnels that lead to deep underground places which you would have heard of.
  • In these tunnels you will find rooms, huge rooms, with huge tables and stone chairs for people much, much taller than us.
  • The projection room contains all our history and can be replayed visually.
  • A table where you can perform holographic experiments with DNA, mix and match anything you wish and see what the results would be.
  • These rooms were created at least 50,000 years ago and each is connected to each other, protected by a energy source which actives all as one is activated.
  • The locations are; Near the Sphinx in Egypt, Baghdad, Mount Kailash in Tibet and the Bucegi Mountains in Romania. The inner tunnels lead to a secret World under the Gobi Plateau in Mongolia and, most importantly, to Antarctica.
  • This connects to WWII and the German Tibet expedition, Romania being fast-tracked into NATO, hollow earth, the eye above the pyramid and more.

Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometers to the opposite side of the country. Investigators remarked, it was possible to understand how half a million Mayan Indians escaped the decimation of their culture.

What happened in Romania

Ground-penetrating radar

In 2002, the Pentagon was running several military and geodesic programmes using satellites based on the above technology. The satellite spotted a particular structure located inside the Bucegi mountains.

The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. The blocks were made of artificial energy: the first was connected to a wall, a wall blocking access to the tunnel. The second was huge, like a dome or hemisphere, at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the mountain. Calzoncillos Slip Calvin Klein Massini acknowledged that there is something extremely important and was very well protected. The people from the Pentagon couldn’t understand why the tunnel turned in a sort of zigzag pattern towards the central zone of the mountain, nor the significance of the twenty-six degree angle of the construction. The structure was in a parallel plane with the ground and the semi-spherical energetic blockage was situated on the vertical corresponding to the ridge rocks called Babele. Actually, as our measurement based on the Pentagon data showed, the vertical was coming out at approximately forty meters from Babele, between it and the Bucegi’s Sphinx.

A similar structure in Iraq

“Signore Massini led me to understand that the elements of the internal artificial structure from Bucegi would not have particularly attracted their interests had it not been for the fact that their representatives from the Pentagon had noticed that the semi-spherical blockage had exactly the same frequency and shape as one from another secret underground structure that they had discovered just a few months before, somewhere near Baghdad. Due to reasons I don’t yet know, which the venerable Massini hasn’t revealed to me, those in power were extremely interested in the secret data the military espionage satellite had registered in connection with the strange energetic structure from Iraq’s underground.” “Shortly after the discovery, the war started and the Americans, with total secrecy, had access to that area while the Iraqis didn’t know a thing about it. Massini said that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t penetrate the energetic wall but he didn’t give me any more details. The whole operation was top secret. He stated that what was there was connected with our planet’s mysterious past, but in a certain way, with the history of their organization as well. Massini also said that what was there was information about the planet’s mysterious past and the history of their organization. When the Pentagon investigation noted the similarity of the data between the underground structure near Baghdad and the one from Bucegi, Massini was suddenly very agitated. Initially, they’ve almost panicked. The panic was due to the fact that this structure – much larger and more complex than the one from Iraq – is on Romania’s territory (note: it seems that Romania has a very important mission in the years to come. Above The Bucegi Mountains there is also an energetic pyramid – its shadow can be seen twice a year – which has a protective purpose and also keeps safe the true knowledge that will be revealed to everyone when the time comes). Massini provided the correct plan to reach the tunnel, as it has been calculated by experts in the Pentagon. The breakthrough was possible close to 60-70 meters from the first energy barrier on the side of the mountain. Massini promised ultra sophisticated U.S. military technology to achieve breakthrough into the first energy barrier. Their first attempts going through the barrier cost the lives of three solders who had cardiac arrests as they tried to walk through it. “It was a vibration frequency problem,” I said, amazed by the calm with which I had spoken those words. Cezar looked at me surprised. “Exactly!” he confirmed. “Looking for a solution, I closed my eyes and focused upon the energetic barrier. Shortly, I felt that it actually was ‘alive’ but in a very special way that I couldn’t explain to those present.” “I felt that between me and the barrier’s energy was a certain ‘compatibility,’ something like a reciprocal sympathy and that I had successfully passed the ‘personal vibration test.’ I couldn’t stop asking myself what kind of exceptional technological and spiritual development had those who had established this genuine ‘frontier’ of energetic checking which present science can’t even conceive of, never mind about actually achieving. I then took a few stones from the ground and threw them towards the invisible energetic barrier. As soon as the stones touched the energetic barrier, they were transformed into a fine powder that fell on the ground forming a straight line. “I was now looking at the amazed faces of the American officials and a few members of my team who were still on the other side of the barrier. I went to the wall and pressed the triangle from the perfectly finished stone square, the one you are looking at now. Actually, it was enough just to touch it because it doesn’t move. It’s fixed. Only its surface is carved in the stone. The gate, from which you now see just a part, immediately started to glide smoothly and almost without any noise until it stopped in the position it is still in. That was the moment when all of us saw, for the first time, the Great Gallery. It was a moment of intense emotion. We were shocked that it was lit just as you see it now but without actually containing any light source, at least any conventional light source that we know of.” “Later, I did more experiments, especially after we precisely marked the area where the energetic barrier acted. General Obadea came and touched with only one finger the invisible surface of the barrier; and even if nothing serious happened to him, he still had a feeling of vertigo and nausea. The Presidential Counsellor was violently thrown to the ground even though the contact between his skin and the barrier was very light. He recovered from his experience later under a doctor’s supervision. After that, no one else wished to try going through the energetic wall. The three soldiers who died probably had a simultaneous contact on a bigger surface of their body that was lethal for them. The problem is that people cannot stay in the invisible barrier for too long. This is the invisible barrier between the closed gate and the energetic wall. Those who can’t go through it can’t stay there for too long. “We tried with a few soldiers and, after we closed the gate and activated the energetic barrier, they told me that they felt like they were suffocating and it became more and more acute. We therefore had to leave the energetic barrier as well as the gate open, but as you have already seen, we placed two guards and we installed an alarm to prevent any unauthorized access to the Great Gallery. The iris identification system resets itself after five seconds which is enough to cross the entrance line into the gallery and beyond the gate’s gliding system. While walking towards the gallery Cezar recalls the first time he entered here…

Great Diplomatic Tensions

“I got back to the base as fast as I could and entered the Americans’ room where I was also received by General Obadea,” Cezar continued to tell me. “An unpredicted element occurred that ruined all plans, ours as well as Signore Massini’s. “The Romanian press leaked something?” I guessed. “It was something even worse than that. Do you remember the discovery they had made next to Baghdad? That there as well was an energetic barrier that couldn’t be breached but was identical with the semi-spherical shield that surrounded the big hall from here?” I nodded. “Well, the American counsellor on national security issues got an ultra secret fax in which he was informed that the energetic shield from Baghdad suddenly activated and started pulsing at a great frequency. The amazing information was that a hologram appeared in front of it, gradually showing Europe; then the southeast of Europe; then Romania’s territory; then the Bucegi Mountains; and finally, the location of the inner structure within the Great Gallery’s corridor and the semi-spherical energetic shield that was strongly pulsing. It was obvious that the two energetic semi-spherical shields were directly but mysteriously connected and that the activation of one of them led to the activation of the other one. Who knows, maybe there is a network of these kinds of underground structures all over the world. “The bad news was that the U.S. Presidency was informed of these events and made diplomatic contact with Romania through the secret services. In just a few minutes, the whole operation had been uncovered. The imminent arrival of a state commission from Bucharest had been announced to come and evaluate the situation.” “Did they want to take over at a political level?”. “General Obadea was called to Bucharest. It was a critical moment which put at stake even the existence of Department Zero, or at least of its independent structure. The General had to justify the eluding of the political power. Before leaving for the capital, accompanied by those from the commission, General Obadea talked with me and we both decided to reveal all the aspects, intrigues and plans of the last year, including my relation with Signore Massini. The most difficult problem was to find exactly the right people to make that crucial important report to because, otherwise, all our intentions and plans would have been revealed and the repercussions could be fatal as far as the well being of myself and the General was concerned. The same could be said for national security. Meanwhile, I was stuck at the base, all work having come to a halt. “The American team had been isolated in a tent and the tunnel’s guarding was taken over by the army’s special intervention troops. The diplomatic tension was rising because Washington pressured to have contact with the Pentagon’s generals and with the Presidential Counsellor. “Back then, no one knew what was in the big hall that was protected by the energetic shield. Any initiative or research operation had been stopped. No one was allowed into the base except for the guard patrols. The new situation was coordinated by two top generals from the Romanian army who permanently maintained contact with the highest political structure of Romania. In this entire extremely tense situation, the only one who managed to ‘sneak’ outside the base, following a very special order coming from Bucharest, was Signore Massini. I haven’t seen him since then, but believe me, I fully felt his influence in the way things unfolded afterwards. And I am referring here to the mute but very fierce fight between the Romanian and American diplomats as well as to the nature of the political decisions that were taken in connection with the operation from here. Everything happened very fast; just eight days passed since those events.” “If I am here and you, as far as I understand, managed to get inside the Projection Hall, this means that General Obadea was successful in Bucharest.” Cezar mysteriously smiled. “Mostly, the answer is affirmative. The success was mainly bringing everything to the right people’s ears, people with a great moral integrity who are also animated by a profound patriotism. “The NDSC (National Defense Supreme Council) asked for an emergency meeting. Most were shaken by what they found out. An intense wave of approval towards the General and his activities was then spontaneously created. They immediately decided to continue the research under the exclusive command of the General and me. However, the diplomatic crisis had not been resolved yet. The American military were allowed to leave the country the following day; but the team of researchers and specialists, as well as all logistics and devices, were kept here. We then thought that things were settled, and I was almost glad they had happened the way they did. That way I did not need to pretend or give in, more or less, to the venerable member of the Masonic elite. Unfortunately, their force of influence and the pressure they exercised through diplomatic channels was huge.” We had reached the end of the hall where it turned left suddenly, this time for four meters only. The sight in front of our eyes was truly grandiose. The gigantic arch the energy shield formed was a splendid radiant blue, continuously crossed by intense bright white flashes. There was no more than seven or eight meters from the end of the hall to the energy shield. The arch created by the energy shield was included in the hemispherical cavity, but I noticed the area behind was common to the rock wall. I estimated the level distance between the shield’s arch and the room’s ceiling was about ten meters. The magical light produced by the energy shield was being reflected in wonderful sparks and shades on the rocky walls of the mountain. The beauty and the grandeur of that picture seemed extraneous and my heart startled with emotion and joy. “How did you manage to get inside?” I asked Cezar, affected by the intensity of the feeling that the image gave me. “It is much simpler than you would expect. The ones who planned the whole assembly probably considered the first energy shield to be a real ‘touch stone’ for the possible entrants, estimating it was enough for the whole structure’s security. I have to admit they were right. Nothing could pass the first energy shield unless it was a superior and profoundly beneficial consciousness. Even in case of an atomic combustion, the assembly was very well protected by the mountain. Maybe that was the reason the Big Gallery started suddenly, deep inside the mountain. I cannot say though how they technically created it. “The same day I entered the Projection Room you see in front of your eyes. I was alone as I found out the terrible mystery that had remained hidden for fifty thousand years. You can hardly imagine the feelings I had in those moments. There are some aspects I cannot tell you though.” “You mentioned this number of years before,” I interrupted Cezar. “How can you tell that this is the right period of time since all of this has been here?” “It was the result of further scientific examination of some data ‘they’ offered that you will also see after we enter the room. All of the events I described to you have occurred since last week. Many of them happened very quickly and the changes of situations were dramatic sometimes. I shall tell you everything here before we enter the room as you will be thrilled at what you see.” We stopped at the line of demarcation between the Big Gallery and the gigantic hall inside the mountain that held the hemispherical energy shield. Fascinated, I was listening to Cezar while I was watching the exotic sparkles on the blue surface of the hemisphere. “After the decision to continue the research under Department Zero’s management, I entered the Projection Room several times and catalogued everything, working together with our team of specialists. “The next day, however, the first contradictory signals appeared from the political powers. The orders that followed one after the other, revoking each other, were either strong or evasive and showed the existence of a big tension. I suspected that there was the drama of a real battle. I had already sent over a secure phone line the results of our discovery in the Projection Room. Apparently, that was the spark that lit the ‘bomb.’ “General Obadea told me two days ago, after he came back from Bucharest, that the members of The Supreme Council for Protecting the Country were in a continuous meeting and keeping in touch with us. After talking out the issue beforehand, they decided to make this tremendous discovery from Romania’s mountains known all over the world. General Obadea was part of The Supreme Council for Protecting the Country’s structure and his word counted a lot in favor of the declaration that Romania was to make to the whole world. He told me there were some members of The Supreme Council for Protecting the Country that were strongly against it, but they were in the minority. The emotions got so high that, at one point, those people stood up and left the room. The President’s advisors were continually coming and going, transferring information from the External Diplomatic Relations Office to The Supreme Council for Protecting the Country meeting. “When the American diplomats were informed that Romania would make an international announcement of crucial importance for the whole world, everything turned to chaos. The General told me that he had never seen such a rush and panic among diplomats. Nobody knew the cause but everybody suspected something very serious and important was happening. At one point, the Romanian president was called to have a direct phone conversation with the White House. That was a very special and top secret discussion. He did not come back for a long time after that, but he informed everyone that a top American diplomatic delegation was already on its way to Bucharest. “The information spread very fast. All the transactions and deals between the Romanian state and international financial organizations were blocked in a couple of hours. The declaration of a state of emergency in the mountain area was expected any moment. The Ministry of Defense gave an order of general alert for the officers. There were moments of great panic and even terror among those involved in this operation as no one knew the real cause creating the current tension. “The discussions between the American officials and the Romanian officials took place without an interpreter. They were so violent that they were many moments of crisis when the diplomats yelled at each other as loudly as they could, uttering multiple threats with measures of retaliation. The good part was that the other states of the world had not found out about that problem yet.” “What did they want to declare?” I asked curiously. “Mainly, it would have contained the most important data of the discovery made in the Bucegi Mountains, giving evidence to the whole world such as pictures and other essentials elements in order to clarify different aspects connected to this structure from inside the mountain. The greatest scientists would have been invited to study and search and all the resources would have been mobilized to solve the numerous enigmas we were confronted with. But the most important aspect would have been the discoveries regarding the extreme ancient past of humankind and the real history that was almost entirely fabricated. Furthermore, there were other very delicate elements that I can only reveal to you partially.” “But, where did they know all that from?” I asked. “You will see immediately. Have a little bit more patience. The Americans reacted violently as the declaration would have shattered their planetary influence in a second. Even more, it could have thrown into chaos the economy of their country, maybe even the economy of the whole world. Actually, that was the main reason they invoked strong-arm tactics. They wanted to avoid the panic and disturbance of all the people on Earth. However, they did not suspect that the possible social anguish and disturbed condition might have appeared as a direct result of the lies and manipulations the ruling classes, especially the Masonic organizations, have been maintaining all this time. “Through a very special diplomatic channel, a personal Papal approach was received, advising towards great temperance before making this fundamental step for humankind. The Vatican had already been informed by the Americans as it was considered by the latter a possible ally in blocking the revelations. Strangely, although revealing these aspects to the whole world would have reduced considerably the Vatican’s power and its influence upon Christian believers, the Pope did not take a firm position against it, but he urged instead for an efficient balancing of pros and cons before presenting the declaration. He even communicated he would put at the Romanian State’s disposal certain ancient documents from the Secret Archives of the Papal administration that are very important for Romania and support the proofs of the discovery in the mountains. “Finally, after two hours of discussion and consultation, a final collaboration agreement was reached, with precise terms that balanced the interests of both countries. The Pope promised to make certain documents available to the Romanian state from the ancient papal secret archives, which are of great importance for Romania and also evidence supporting the discovery in the mountains. After 24 hours of talks, a final agreement occurred between the Romania, The Vatican and USA and they chose to cooperate under precise terms which included the USA fast-tracking Romania into NATO. The Romanian state was to postpone the disclosure for now.

The Projection Room

Cezar told me to step forward. The Big Gallery ended suddenly in a gigantic room inside of the mountain. It was about 30 meters high and approximately 100 meters long. The Projection Room, which was practically enclosed by the energy shield, had smaller dimensions than those of the mountain room. Its height was about 20 meters, maybe even more. “The energy shield’s role is to divide the room, like a wall, from the rest of the cavity in the mountain and also to protect from exterior bad influences,” said Cezar, making me return from my thoughts. “It has only one way of unconditioned access, like a door, right in front of you.” I saw a display of three huge tunnel entrances: one right in front and the other two symmetrically on each side. They were vaguely lit by a green light. From that distance, I could not clearly notice the details although I saw other devices were around each of the three tunnels. Still, I noticed each of the tunnels was guarded by two soldiers like at the entrance in the Big Gallery. Puzzled, I turned towards Cezar. “Did you install security systems here, too? Why? Where do these tunnels go?” “This is the area to which you do not have access. It is strictly forbidden through the secret protocol signed between the Romanian state and the United States. I can give you some general information about this, but certain things should remain secret, at least for some time from now. Let’s start from here,” Cezar said, pointing somewhere at my right. I turned and saw a line of huge T-shaped tables made of stone and lined up against the wall, following its curve. None of these tables were shorter than two meters high.

Transversal Section of the Mountain Room

Different signs of an unknown writing that looked like ancient arrow-headed characters were cut three dimensionally into the thickness of the table top. There was only one such line of signs on each table’s width. The writing was complicated, but it also contained general symbols like triangles and circles. Although the signs were not painted, they would still be noticeable due to a slight luminous radiation, differently colored for each table. There were five tables on each side of the room. On some of them I could see different objects of unknown use. They looked like technical tools for scientific use. Several white translucent wires descended from many of them, gathering in rectangular boxes situated outside the table and on the ground. The boxes were made of a shiny silver metal that could not be scratched. I tried to move one of them but it was too well anchored in the ground. The delicate cables were extremely flexible and light, and inside you could see small bright impulses that would “slide” along their whole length. Two of the tables were empty, covered by a thin layer of orange dust. Cezar told me they drew samples from it that had been sent for preliminary analysis to the lab inside the base, but they had not received any results. But the real surprise was the distinct element that made the research team give the name “Projection Room” to that huge mountain room. When I passed by a table, a holographic projection, presenting aspects from a certain scientific domain, was simultaneously activated on its surface. The three dimensionally colored images were perfect and very big, almost two and a half meters high. Because the tables were tall, I could not see where the source of the hologram projections was. I found out from Cezar that the rectangular surface of the smooth stone tables had a tight opening in the middle that was several centimeters long and parallel to the longest side of the table. The holographic projections appeared from there. “The technology used was great,” said Cezar. “The projections appear by themselves, but at the same time, they are interactive and depend on the one who watches them and touches the surface of the table.” I went to a table that had some three-legged steps brought by the base teams, and I went up a couple of steps until my body was above the table. It was almost five meters long and one and a half meters wide. It was covered by a film made of a glass-like material which was not transparent but dark. I could see my head and my body reflecting as in a mirror on the surface of that shiny, dark and blue smoky film. The film was split into several big squares marked by straight horizontal and vertical lines that formed a kind of a frame. The rays that formed the hologram went out the central slot in a perfectly coherent beam. Apparently, its domain was biology as images of plants and animals scrolled in front of my eyes, some of them being totally unknown to me. I slightly touched one of the squares which was the biggest, and the hologram began presenting the anatomical structure of the human body. Actually, I soon realized it was my body because of a certain mark I had on my arm. Although I was not moving, I saw the holographic images of certain areas of my body, spinning continuously and being presented from different angles. If I lifted the finger off that square, the images of plants and animals would reappear. If I moved the finger inside the square, the image would read the inside of my body, thus offering the projection of my internal organs according to my finger’s position on the surface of the square. I noticed that moving the finger in a certain way magnified the examined area. My amazement was boundless as I zoomed into extremely tiny dimensions, passing over individual cells, their nucleus and reaching the molecular area. I thought I was dreaming but I really saw a molecule that was part of my own liver and was shown in a huge dimension. In a few moments, I had gone way beyond even the most dared dreams of the modern scientists. The image presented a kind of cloud of energy that changed its color continuously, probably because of energetic changes that took place in real time; but in its different points I noticed a kind of condensation, linked by a kind of bridge that vibrated continuously. I thought that maybe those were the molecular chains. When I zoomed into the nuclear area, the image caught one of the atoms but it became unstable and blocked. I then saw what I thought to be an atom as a vague energy mist with a very small bright center/heart. Amazed, I touched other squares. Each time I touched one, the square lit in orange and signs of the unknown writing appeared inside of it. Fascinated, I went over several squares, watching the incredible projections of life on other celestial bodies. I noticed that if I simultaneously touched two surfaces of two different squares, the holographic image would render a very complex scientific analysis, presenting the DNA molecules of those beings and the compatible possibilities between them. The images were accompanied by sideways vertical lines of that strange writing which were probably observations, comments or indications regarding the analysis made. These were dynamic and presented in a series as the possible phases of mixing the two life forms. In the end, the most probable mutant form appeared as a combination of genetic data. I went down the stairs shaking. My mind refused to think coherently. Strange thoughts appeared in my mind, like I was being set up or everything was a dream. Realizing what was happening to me, Cezar gradually clammed down on my paranoid tendencies that had been triggered by the very strong shock I had felt as a result of the advanced technology I had accessed in such a very short period of time. After a couple of minutes, I recovered. “You can spend years here without getting bored!” I exclaimed. “I almost cannot believe they reached such an advanced technological level. Who were they? You must know.” When Cezar answered, he was very serious. “No matter how weird it would seem to you, we have had no clue up to this moment. It is as if they wanted to leave us this invaluable treasure but did not want us to know who they were. The only aspect we can suspect is that they were probably very tall. We cannot otherwise explain the gigantic dimensions of some objects in here. You can be proud though that you have been the first to thoroughly investigate the ‘biology’ table for the last fifty thousand years. “I was impressed by the crossing method. It is interesting as our researchers have not found the method of simultaneously touching two squares yet. It is also true that we had to do a lot of things in a very short period of time. In the end, there have been five or six days since we got into this room and only three days of actual studying.” We went further. On each side of the room, half way, there were five huge tables situated seven meters away from the energy shield. I passed over each quickly as Cezar told me my presence there was limited. Besides, the fact that I was there was the result of a really special request of General Obadea that even Cezar could not have made.” There were five Romanians and three Americans in the Projection Room. The three giant tunnels from behind the room were each guarded by a pair of soldiers while two officers secured the over all surveillance of the room. “The instruction is that they do not touch or move anything when they are alone,” Cezar explained to me. “All right, but what are they protecting here? Better said, from whom?” I asked. “This is protocol. In addition, as I told you, there are some elements I cannot tell you but they are linked to these secure measures.” I continued my rapid investigations over each table. There were projections from physics, cosmology, astronomy, architecture, technology, religion, and a domain representing the characteristics of several races of intelligent beings that did not look entirely human. I quickly understood the information was so vast that many groups of researchers needed several years to study it continuously without fear of finishing it. Everything seemed to be a great library of the universe, brilliantly synthesized by an enigmatic civilization that was extremely advanced technically and spiritually. I then went towards the center of the room where a two and a half meter high kind of platform stood. There were five steps to ease the access to its surface. The whole building was made of the same material that could be found in the big gallery. I climbed up the stairs together with Cezar and we reached a device that looked like a shielded circular cabin that was made of a transparent material. It was three and a half meters high and one and a half meters wide. Actually, it was half of a cylinder with several complicated installations inside. A kind of platform bulged out from its wall a third of the way up from the base and some metal wires with sensors at the end were placed higher. “We have come to the conclusion that this represents a mental emission installation,” said Cezar. “A possible thought amplifier or true ‘mind machine.’ It is clearly structured according to the dimensions of its builders. The metal sensors you see higher up would fit perfectly on the head of a three and a half meter high man that sits down on the platform. Unfortunately, I have not had the possibility of understanding how it works yet. Certain adaptations must be made, but several American transportation vehicles will arrive soon that carry the latest technology and teams of specialists who can begin to systematically research the whole place.” “Do you know the purpose they used this for?” I asked with great interest. “I think it was very important since it is in the middle of the room.” “It is true, but we cannot know its true use yet. It is likely that the person who connected to these sensors inside of the cylinder was capable of controlling great mental energies and conducting them correspondingly, but it is impossible for me to be sure of the target of those energies for now.” We got off the platform and went further on, leaving the stage behind. At about fifteen meters away on the same central line, I saw what could be called a control panel. It was not very big but was square with a side of about one meter and was sustained by one central leg coming out of the floor. I could not see very well what was on top of it as it was pretty high. Like all the other objects in the room, it was a little bit above my head. Utilizing another three-legged stairway, I went up a couple of steps. I was amazed by the way things had been put together. It was very complicated, leaving the impression of a projection network of computer plaques. What we call buttons were represented by differently colored geometrical symbols. I noticed mostly triangles, squares and spirals. Two parallel slots were situated in the middle of the panel. Coming out of the slots were two twenty centimeter long metallic levers that could be compared to two handles. They were both in the down position at the base of the slots and it was clear they could slide up and down. What really caught my eye was a big square placed on the right side of the board towards the bottom corner. A red “button,” represented by a circle and much bigger than the rest of the signs on the board, was placed in the middle. With a diameter of about ten centimeters, the so-called button was surrounded by a series of complicated signs that seemed to be part of the same unknown writing. It was the only area on the board that contained such a sign. Cezar, who was watching me from downstairs, asked me to avoid touching anything on the board, especially the red “button,” but he did suggest passing the palm of my hand over the square containing the circle. I did what he asked me right away and a huge holographic image appeared in front of me. It was about two meters away from the board and represented the Earth viewed from about twenty-five kilometers away in the atmosphere. I was touched when I recognized the Carpathian mountain chain and its specific curve, but I was surprised to notice a flow of huge quantities of water towards plains and fields until, eventually, the ground became clear. Then, the projection of the silver square with the big red button on it overlapped the holographic image. The button blinked alternatively while the signals on the side changed fast with varying colors. I saw how big streams of water, like giant rivers, appeared from everywhere inside of the territory that now includes the entirety of Romania, a big part of Hungary and the Ukraine, flowing towards the mountains and the Transylvania Platform. The image then zoomed in and I saw how, in a brief period of time, the whole of Romania became practically a new sea from which you could only see some mountain tops or small pieces of land as islands. In that moment, the projection of the red button square settled on the image of the hologram without blinking. Immediately after that, the projection of the two central slots with handles from the board appeared on the left, the handles sliding down slowly. I was simultaneously watching how waters started to back out from the territory of our country. Strangely, they went south towards one point only and that I located somewhere in the Retezat Mountain, most probably in the Godeanu Mountains area. The whole quantity of water drained into the ground there and Romania’s territory looked dry again with the geological formations we know today. Still, in the curving area of the Carpathians and at a certain distance from them towards the east, in the territory known today as Vrancea, I noticed a dark area of about thirty kilometers but could not understand what it represented. In addition, the Danube Delta did not exist anymore and also, instead of the Black Sea, a huge platform laid towards the Middle East. In that moment, the holographic image disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Astonished, I looked at Cezar. “They even left us an ‘instruction booklet,’ didn’t they?” he said laughing. “The procedure is similar for all the other buttons and commands on the board, but I particularly wanted you to see what could happen when the red button was touched. Apparently, however, there is a security system. The research team has identified a series of three complicated steps that need to be completed on the control desk so that the pressing of the red button produces the flood and the disaster you briefly watched. The way ‘they’ teach us is very practical, easy and intuitive. We suspect these devices maintain, in a way that is totally unknown to us so far, the essential energetic balance of the tectonic area of Romania. You have just seen the disaster that can happen if this equilibrium is affected.” Astounded, I nodded. We then went further and towards the end of the room. There, I saw some tall metallic devices placed on the sides of the room behind the T-shaped tables. They looked like antennas as there were different metallic branches with complicated shapes emerging laterally from them. Cezar told me that nobody was aware of the use of those giant devices. We reached a very big square that was bordered by the floor material and was about ten meters away from the control desk. The side of the square measured three meters and its almost smooth surface was golden yellow. In the middle, there was a small dome of about fifteen centimeters high with a slot on top. A vessel like an ancient amphora, about half a meter high, was in front of the dome. “The content of the amphora represents one of the strong points of the discovery.” Cezar explained. “Personally, I think this is what the venerable Massini wanted so much for him and the Masonic elite.” The amphora had neither patterns nor inscriptions. It was made of a special reddish metal and did not have handles. The elegant lid did not allow the contents to be seen. Cezar lifted it and then, bending forward, I could see a very fine white glowing dust inside. Curiously, the interior walls were discretely lit by a blue light that emphasized the almost magical flashes of the white dust. “A sample of it was analyzed,” explained Cezar. “The American researchers were puzzled to discover that it represented an unknown crystalline structure of monatomic gold. This is a derivative of gold which is bright white and the atoms are placed in a two-dimensional network as opposed to common gold which is yellow and has atoms placed in a three-dimensional network. The monatomic gold dust is very difficult to obtain, especially in a very high purity, as is described in some ancient texts and the few genuine alchemy references from the Middle East. Practically speaking, modern science has not been able to obtain the extraordinarily pure monatomic gold dust. Even so, incredible therapeutic effects, especially regarding regenerative capacity, have been noticed on living tissues. That is why there are still a few sources of information concerning the technology for obtaining the monatomic gold. An American scientist told me that NASA was very interested in that and huge sums of money had been invested into researching it.” I had never heard about monatomic gold up to that moment and its use was not very clear to me. “But why are some persons so interested in this dust?” I asked Cezar. “Did you tell Signore Massini about the existence of the gold dust?” “The venerable one knew about it before entering here. I do not know how and from where the Masonic elite had such sources of information, but they surely heard about it before this discovery. I myself wondered why Signore Massini was so interested in getting it. I talked with both our scientists and the American ones who seemed to know something about it.”

The Interior Plan of the Projection Room

“They told me that, in its pure form, it strongly stimulated certain energetic flows and exchanges at the cellular level and particularly at the neuronal one. In other words, it produces a much accelerated rejuvenation process. They said that, theoretically, one could live in the same physical body for thousands of years if one consumed a well determined quantity of that dust periodically. It is mind-blowing and almost unbelievable for the condition and mentality of the present individual, but this explains many enigmatical aspects in humankind’s history, aspects about the incredible longevity of some important figures; and it also clarifies the hidden intentions of the Masonic elite.” Surprisingly, my tongue failed me. I was sticking fast and waiting for further explanations from Cezar. “Modern technology does not allow us to obtain the purity of the monatomic gold dust which is needed to start the general energetic process of rejuvenating the body. Furthermore, the lab results of the sample have shown that the gold atoms lay in a flat network but are also combined with the atoms of another element which is unknown on Earth. This complicates the situation even more as we cannot know what other characteristics the dust has besides the ones mentioned in the ancient texts that the researchers totally ignore.” Cezar told me to step on the surface of the square and in front of the little dome over its middle. “If you think something can further impress you, this will be one of the greatest surprises you can have in this room,” he joked. I then witnessed a huge hologram with moving elements projected from the slot of the dome. I quickly understood these projections were main aspects of the extremely ancient past of humanity. Although it was a brief rendition of our ancient past, it included information concerning the hidden origin of Mankind. I clearly realized the mistake of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Its fundamental error was not the enforced idea but the ignorance. Precise elements happened on Earth so long ago, elements that I saw rendered in an exceptionally intelligent and profoundly intuitive synthesis. My legs sank under me with emotion and I kneeled as I watched the true images of the most important events in Man’s history, including its real origin which creates so many disputes to this day. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to write in this book certain essential aspects of our planet’s past that I had watched in a compact version. These events were rendered exactly the way they happened tens and hundreds of thousands of years before. This was the condition Cezar asked me to keep in order to respect the terms of the top secret mutual agreement between Romania and the United States. I honestly confess that, according to my judgment, ninety percent of what is officially known today on the history of humankind is fake and fabricated. It is truly unbelievable that what is considered to have really happened is mostly a lie. On the other hand, the myths and legends that fill the story books, considered by most people to be a product of bubbly imagination, are almost true in many respects. This strange “inversion” has caused many problems and disputes between people throughout time. The majority of archaeologists’ and researchers’ ideas and suppositions are wrong even though various proofs are sometimes so obvious that they should change their misled opinions. Some of their “fantasies,” such as the hilarious theory of the dinosaurs’ disappearance 65 million years ago or considering that the old continents of Atlantis and Lemuria are a myth, are now completely shattered because I saw very clearly, then and there, how things really happened! But for many researchers, it is probably more comfortable to soundly “sleep” instead of accepting the challenge of the unknown and admitting their limits. From time to time, the holographic projection held the image of the event when an important moment in time was reached. In the background, the map of the sky could be seen and the positions of the main stars and constellations of that time were marked. Cezar explained that the stars proved to be a very simple method of historical determination. All that the savants needed to do was then overlap the positions of those stars on their actual ones and thus ascertain the periods of time when those events actually happened. The problem was that the time period covered by the holograms was huge: several hundreds of thousands of years. The Earth’s precession cycle of 25,920 years brings the constellations, in their relative position to our planet, to the same spot at periods of time that are a multiple of 26,000 years each. The key was to follow the holographic projection from beginning to end and then calculate how many “platonic years” (of approximately 26,000 years each) are thus marked out. For example, we could draw the conclusion that the construction in the Bucegi Mountains was built about 50-55,000 years ago because the image of the Great Gallery and of the main room was projected, with all the objects inside as we found them, having on the background the position of the constellations towards the Earth. After that, the image appeared one more time, as a guide, representing the passing of two precession periods of the equinoxes. The “lessons” were easy and yet extremely upsetting due to their content. I saw the truth about the Egyptian civilization and the way the big Egyptian structures were built, truth that is totally different from the stupidities claimed today by Egyptologists. I saw what really happened during the Big Flood as well as the germs of the human civilization that followed it and how they later populated Europe, Asia and Africa. I have not been allowed to disclose these aspects yet as they imply realities much too shocking for the mentality, ideas and knowledge of the contemporary man. At first, I thought that the holographic projection would show only the past of humankind, starting from its origins until the moment that the construction in Bucegi was made. I then saw the projections presenting the main historical aspects of the evolution of different races on our planet up to the Fifth Century A.D. That meant either that the giants who built the whole structure inside the mountain were good masters of accessing the time cliches or — and this situation looks more probable due to the huge period of time covered by the holographic projection — they mysteriously “updated” the source of holographic information. Apparently, the last such update took place around 500 A.D. No one knew, however, the reason why the historical information stopped at that time. I saw, in a dramatic course of images, the life of Jesus and His crucifixion, denied by some even nowadays. I have to say that a lot of amazing things happened then, things that are much more astonishing than what the Gospels present. The projections also revealed many of the persons who attended the crucifixion of Jesus on the hill, people who were not from that time but who came there from other historical periods. Those human beings, who had the same clothes as the Jewish present there, had totally different features and that was the reason why they were hiding their face under the flow of the clothes. Polo Philipp Plein The hologram also sequentially presented the lives and spiritual missions of certain exceptional persons who truly proved to possess amazing divine gifts. These persons were from the ancient past. I thus saw the deeds of great spiritual reformers from 18-20,000 years ago that we know nothing of. Back then, the social system and the distribution of people on the whole planet was totally different to what we know today. Archaeologists, anthropologists and historians should strongly reconsider their ideas and conceptions about those times. There were so many elements that I witnessed, and they were presented in such a compact manner that I surely would require hundreds of pages to give an approximate description. Still, the holographic projection lasted an hour and a half only. The two officers who were protecting the room and the six soldiers who were standing at the entrances of the tunnels were all astonished as they watched the images, even if it was not the first time they had watched them. After the hologram disappeared, I remained still, staring. Later, Cezar told me it was time to go back to the base as my access time to the Projection Room had reached its limit. I looked straight ahead. The giant and almost scary entrances of the three enigmatic tunnels in the mountain wall were the only areas left to explore beyond the square I was still standing on. They were about twenty meters away. In front of each of them, at about six or eight meters away, other control desks could be seen. They were similar to the one placed in the middle of the hall but smaller than that. I asked Cezar what was the extraordinary mystery behind these three tunnels. He explained that he could not reveal too much concerning this aspect. What he did tell me was that what they found out about the giant mountain tunnels was due to some holographic projections from each tunnels’ control desk. The only aspect he could reveal was that the three tunnels were heading towards three different areas on Earth for thousands of kilometers. The left one connected to Egypt in a secret place under the sand. This was next to Cairo on the Giza Plateau and was located between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. It has not been discovered yet. The right one connected to a similar structure inside of a mountain placed on the Tibetan Plateau. This one was smaller though and not so complex. Secondary ramifications of the latter tunnel led towards an area under Buzau, close to the Carpathians’ curve, and then towards a subterranean assembly in Iraq that is close to Baghdad. The latter also had a secondary ramification that led to the Gobi Plateau in Mongolia.

According to what Cezar told me, the third tunnel, the one placed in the middle of the Projection Room, represents a worldwide secret that the U.S. wanted to keep strictly for itself. At that moment, neither Cezar nor General Obadea knew any new elements of the Romanian-American discussion. It was, however, obvious that the “exchange” was advantageous for both sides. Knowing the Masons’ terrible political influence and Signore Massini’s relations with the political structures of the two countries, we could suspect that there would be a gradual attempt to “take over” the control of the base by factors that were exterior to the interests of our government. Cezar told me that there are very important persons in our political and administrative system who, quite fortunately, know about the abominable practices of the Masons and are strongly opposed to their influence, especially with regards to taking over the great discovery in the Bucegi Mountains. He then told me that the central tunnel leads towards the interior and even beyond the crust of the Earth but would not give further details. Cezar noticed that the holographic images corresponding to the giant corridor from inside the mountain were almost unbelievable but, at the same time, they offered a possible answer to the origin of the structure we were in and of those who built it. Before leaving the room, Cezar told me that very secret and intense preparations for certain expeditions were on their way: first, through the tunnel towards Egypt, then towards Tibet and finally, the big expedition inside of the Earth via the middle tunnel. As a direct result of the bilateral Romanian-American discussions, it was decided to form a team of the best sixteen men, six Americans and ten Romanians. The leadership was assigned to Cezar who was thus advanced to the rank of colonel. He explained that the rank was important, especially in regard to the team’s psychological context. The departure would be at the end of September 2003 as the preparations for the expedition were complex. Cezar did not tell me anything about what was in those tunnels, but their structure was different from that of the Great Gallery. He did not tell me anything about the way they would move through the tunnels, taking into consideration the fact that thousands of kilometers were to be traversed. Finally and unfortunately, he did not give me any details about the holographic images that corresponded to every destination target. Even so, I still consider that the elements presented here can lead us to think deep and to prepare for the times to come. I have purposefully and obviously omitted certain specific data that can lead to identifying the mountain area where the big discovery was made. A year after my visit to that place, I still vividly recall the overwhelming impressions I had during those several hours when I was in that surreal environment created by the secret construction inside the Bucegi Mountains. Time’s ancient mystery and the wisdom of those who managed to control it hang over that place, patiently waiting for tens of millenniums to the moment when we will find out the truth…


You have just read a rather amazing tale that ends abruptly for the reader. It begs the reader to ask many more questions, and this is exactly how the original Romanian edition of the book, entitled The Enemy Within, ended. It resulted in a rash of communications to the publisher from retired Romanian officials who validated different parts of the story which they knew to be true. Despite the remarkable nature of the findings, this story has remained largely unnoticed, particularly in America save for those with the highest of security clearances. If the above does not convince you that there is considerable veracity to the story, I invite you to do your own study and analysis of the diplomatic relations between the United States and Romania. You will discover that the two countries have become political allies where they were not before. Not only has Romania become a member nation of NATO during this period, but their country was chosen as the site for a major NATO summit in recent times. None of this is a coincidence. Romania is now center stage in the most mysterious of ways. To the average citizen of Earth, however, it goes unnoticed. When the original version of this book was published in Romania, the publisher was besieged with hundreds of phone calls and emails asking for details about Radu. Some were retired members of the secret service who had been highly placed and confirmed some of the events. Newspapers also published articles related to such. The details of these are covered in Radu’s second book.

The Tunnel Under the Giza Sphinx

This party reaches the end of the tunnel without incident and an occult chamber is discovered. It is accurately described in minute detail and includes the following: an immense library full of tables which is the obvious product of extraterrestrial technology and contains a “history” of our own galaxy and the universe; an antigravity gliding device; and a virtual replica of the enormous machine found in the Projection Hall that is adapted for human use. Cezar describes the latter as a time travel machine that allows the consciousness of the subject to be projected in an ever existing time dimension and gives full details of the true nature of time and of the akashic records. He also speaks of his time travel experiences. Towards the end of Volume III, the author describes his attempts to make use of the time machine. After two consecutive failures, he obtains a quick projection into a secret tunnel of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. Radu suddenly realizes that the scientific community does not have a clue about it when he is confronted with the vision of the real masters of the pyramids from long forgotten times. Radu understands exactly what I mean with regard to the “comic book sphere” which he terms as “transference from the mystical to the mundane.” This is a challenge to anyone who penetrates the loftier spheres of existence. Cezar is an obvious help to him in this regard, and he has emphasized to me that he has only included a very small part of the discussions he has had with Cezar as well as other people. We are talking about the tip of an iceberg. As Radu wrote to me, “Fate gave me the extraordinary chance to be integrated in a complexity of events and amazing discoveries, and this created an almost incredible resonance for the ordinary man.” Besides the exploration of the tunnel to Egypt, he has also travelled through the second tunnel and towards the center of the Earth. He returned from this latest venture in October 2008 and said that it was an incontestable success. There were new discoveries which he said would be hard for me (or others) to imagine. This might be included in a possible fifth volume. The incontestable success he referred to in this endeavor includes what he called a “diplomatic” connection with the beings from the center of the Earth. Cezar, he said, will be leaving Department Zero and going to this newly discovered locale to serve as an “ambassador.” This saddens Radu greatly as he will no longer have his mentor with him. There have also been significant changes in Department Zero. In 2009, a local television “Antena 1” briefly presented these events. After the show they’ve received an anonymous phone threat. This is the call translated (available at this time on youtube):


The reporter from Antena 1 answers the phone: Reporter: Hello, good day! Anonymous caller: We’re sending you a warning: be very careful! Stop talking about the Bucegi (Mountains)! R: Who are you? A: This information must remain at the level of some structures and must not be made public! You’ve entered a dangerous game! You are young, you have families…there are enough subjects in this country to speak about! R: Mister, who are you? A: Don’t wish to know us…to be yourself interviewed by us! That’s all I’ve had to say!  


A confirmation of the giants in Romania can be found in a newspaper called “The Newspaper”: “The team at the newspaper is accompanied by researcher Vasile Rudan, who noted that the” stories “of people from the village Bozioru about giants who lived on those lands have concrete evidence: a cemetery with skeletons of giants. It was discovered by chance over 20 years ago, when it was decided in a village called Scaieni to plant apple trees. Digging on a hill, the villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring about 2.40 meters, even more. Dragoi Ilie, one of those who worked in the apple orchard then takes us to the spot. By the height where trees were planted, down to the steep slope on a street choked with mud. Once they arrived, Mister Ilie shows us around the orchard: “Everywhere are the tombs of the giants. We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human head, as big as a pumpkin. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. We were all amazed. Digging further and we found some bones of the feet, as big as the wine stakes. The dead one must have been very big.”

My personal visit to Romania.

On March 11th 2013 I spent 3 days in Romania and up in the Bucegi Mountains. Unfortunately for me the Sphinx and Babele were not possible to get to but I was able to personally verify a few things…

  • Not only could I feel a strong energy there I also had a physical reaction to it; I was getting static shocks off of many things whenever I was close to the mountain.
  • When I drove past the half way mark the silence was deafening but there was a strange sound up there which I cannot explain.
  • If I closed your eyes up there or close to there I could observe strange shapes as if I was watching the energy move in front of me. Very strange!
  • On my return the infections I had in both ears were gone and a pain in my upper arm (which I had for a number of months) very quickly started to heal.
  • I was (and at the time of writing still am) very, very tired all the time.

Tunnel to the Sphinx, Egypt

In similar fashion to Romania, the SIRA ground penetrating radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids. There is a duality in many things and the Sphinx is no exception. People tend to think the Sphinx is only looking to the stars but if you follow the eyes on Earth you will find that the Sphinx is also looking directly to Mount Kailash. The sphinx is an important guardian to these tunnels and there is not one but TWO Sphinx connected to this. A doorway radiating energy with 3 tunnels by the Giza Sphinx, portrayed on an ancient parchment in Egypt The tunnel was not accessible at first from the underground chambers in the great pyramid but the energy was known about and accessed via the pyramid. I don’t know if this video is true or not but it could be worth posting..


The film “Promethus” vs Bucegi

It is incredible how much the film Promethus and the secrets of Bucegi have in common and yet unless you know about this information you only see the film. They like to hide things in plain sight, to reveal truths in small stages. They do this so when you come across something real the public can say “you just saw that in the film”. This information is starting to slowly come out but it was found BEFORE the film.

What are these similarities:

  • Tunnels in film and Bucegi? Tick
  • Sphinx above the tunnels in the film and also above the tunnels in Bucegi? Tick
  • Sphinx’s almost an exact match in looks? Tick
  • Giant seats and tables in film and Bucegi? Tick
  • Projection room in film and at Bucegi? Tick
  • Film is about DNA and Bucegi talks about DNA? Tick

There is a huge correlation between the film and these tunnels. The Great Flood, talked about in nearly all religions and ancient texts, say similar things. This event was not a natural event, of this I am sure.

Evidence of armies guarding the entrance

One of the things mentioned in the book is joint armies around the World guarding the entrance to the tunnel.

Helicopter crash in Romania.

In July 2010 a military helicopter, carrying “Israeli” soldiers crashed in the Bucegi mountains killing all 6 soldiers. The websites I came across mentioning this story ALL said the bodies were missing and were not found with the helicopter. Once I started discussing it the stories changed to “all bodies found at scene”. The stories had changed between first finding them and then going back to them. Thankfully I could still find one news source that I hadn’t talked about which still showed what I first read. This is now the ONLY source that hasn’t changed.Click here for the CNN news report and then compare it to others you find. In case it gets removed here is a PDF screenshot. Jerusalem (CNN) — Israel has identified six military personnel who are missing after an Israeli helicopter crashed in Romania Monday during a joint military exercise. According to Israel Defense Forces, the Israelis included: Lt. Col. Avner Goldman, Lt. Col. Daniel Shipenbauer, Maj. Yahel Keshet, Maj. Lior Shai, Lt. Nir Lakrif and Sgt. 1st Class Oren Cohen. IDF said the aircraft was carrying four pilots, two mechanics and a member of the Romanian Air Force. The Israeli CH-53 helicopter went down about 3:20 p.m. (8:20 a.m. ET) Monday, the Romanian Defense ministry said in a statement. Search-and-rescue operations began immediately, using a Romanian medical helicopter and two Israeli helicopters, the statement said. The wreckage was found a few hours later in the Fundata-Zarnesti area, near Brasov in central Romania, the defense ministry said. The crash site was in a remote area at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters (about 6,560 feet) in the mountains, according to the ministry. One wonders two important questions about this: 1. Why were ISRAELI solders in a helicopter in Romania? 2. How can they find the helicopter but not find the bodies with it? As I have already said when I first found this EVERY news story said the bodies were missing but it is only after this started to be leaked that the cover-up began. Also remember that in 2009 the US Government spent $100 Million on a new military base in Romania.

Mount Kailash, Tibet

Mount Kailash is close to 2 lakes (Manasarovar and Rakshastal) which represents the Sun and a half Moon (highly significant!).

It is a very religious pyramid-looking mountain to a number of religions but less than a thousand go there each year. It is one of only a handful of mountains in the World you cannot legally climb it and it is very difficult to get too. There is a certain secret society that hold this place as one of vital importance. It is rumored that when the ice finally melts it will reveal THE eye. This place alone is worth a LOT of research! The WWII German expedition to Tibet uncovered something so huge that Hitler took it VERY seriously! Tibet holds MANY secrets and is probably worthy of a page as long as this one. I would urge you all to research as much as you can because there are many secrets hidden from the western world! Gods are meant to reside inside it and both Hindus and Buddhists regard Mount Kailash and the lakes as sacred… and for very good reasons!

This is where it gets incredible! A UN special report was made for Mount Kailash!

Un special report 640.

On this report they wrote this poem (No, I’m not kidding!)… There Lies a World Hidden, Mysterious, unknown, and forbidden. Where dwell entities with technologies beyond our comprehension, And knowledge kept hidden from us, in this other dimension. Will the truth ever be revealed? Earthly forces of power and greed forever sealed, Forbidden knowledge for warfare to wield. When humankind understands, To use the knowledge acquired from these strange lands. For the benefit of humankind, Then entrance into their world we will find. In case they remove it here is a PDF screenshot. I believe I know of some of the secrets for this area but I am sure there are more…

An earlier, 20th century account of tunnel protection

Prof. Ernst Muldashev Ph.D. was born in 1948 was a Bashkortostan Doctor and Tibet Explorer. He was a professor and Director of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center.

In his lifetime he had published over 300 scientific papers and held 52 patents. He wrote “Das Dritte Auge” (subsequently banned) about Samadhi caves on mount Kailash. He accompanied the Chinese army in trying to enter the cave but the soldiers were overcome with painful headaches and some died of a heart attack the further in they went. This EXACTLY MIRRORS what happened to the soldiers in Romania when they tried to get access inside the tunnel. He writes… “In literature there are plenty of temperature indications that the Shambhala is in Tibet, the Himalayas and the surrounding area. Where is Agartha? Possibly in the area of the Egyptian pyramids. Consequently, the existence of two underground countries, the Shambhala and Agartha, are each part of the gene pool of humanity and civilization. Information provided by the Thule Society (Eckhart and Haushofer), shows there is a higher civilization, coming from the Gobi, from the Himalaya and divided into two branches, the Shambhala and Agartha. The former being the center of power, protected by unknown forces and energy. One can assume that these places are the technogenic civilization and gene pool of humanity). It seems that not only are there underground centers in Tibet and the Himalayas but these tunnels are widespread all over the entire globe”. He believes that some of our darkest moments in ancient history were related to energy and discovering the greatest of all sins; what happens in the afterlife. He talks a lot about genes (DNA as we have now discovered). The important part of the Romanian story is the DNA manipulation. He says this which mirrors the discovery… “Shambhala protects life on Earth: The advanced underground tunnels guard the gene pool of humanity. We will know that we are not alone in the world, that we are descendants of other beings, that to have good thoughts and a pure heart will mean we will progress and flourish”.

Prof. Constantin Badger

Source: http://dimline.blogspot.co.uk [ In Romanian ] Worldwide there are a network of tunnels that seem to interconnect with each other. From this rule not compromising or Romania. According to the statements of Professor Constantin Badger, Romania is crossed by an extensive network of artificial tunnels.

He said: “There is a network of tunnels physical, real, in all Romania. I have mapped by spot measurements, only some of these underground channels of communication, which is 4-5 km deep underground.” Hoping that this teacher was not going crazy with his statements are aware that Romania is connected to a vast system of tunnels. Tunnels that cross almost every historic area. Underground entrances were found in almost all cities of the country. Cities like Iasi, Cluj, Bucharest, Constanta and Timisoara are full of tunnels that transit from side to side. Tunnels virtually out of cities and continues to rural areas. Authorities also known tunnels and claim to have been made in order to store wine or population haven in case of fire or generalized invasion.

The German “Tibet expedition”

Wilhelm Filchner was a German explorer born in 1877. Adolf Hitler awarded him the German National Prize for Art and Science as an acknowledgement of his achievements in exploration. It was AFTER he reported his incredible discoveries in Tibet about the secret tunnel to Wilhem II that he was then tasked with organizing an expedition to Antarctica.

What they discovered at Mount Kailash in Tibet lead to everything that happened in Antarctica. [Note: Wilhelm II, German Emperor; King of Prussia, said the following towards the end of his life… “The English ruling classes were “Freemasons thoroughly infected by Juda”. Wilhelm asserted that the “British people must be liberated from Antichrist Juda. We must drive Juda out of England just as he has been chased out of the Continent.” He believed the Freemasons and Jews had caused the two world wars, aiming at a world Jewish empire with British and American gold, but that “Juda’s plan has been smashed to pieces and they themselves swept out of the European Continent!” Continental Europe was now, Wilhelm wrote, “consolidating and closing itself off from British influences after the elimination of the British and the Jews!” The end result would be a “U.S. of Europe!”In a letter to his sister Princess Margaret in 1940, Wilhelm wrote: “The hand of God is creating a new world & working miracles… We are becoming the U.S. of Europe under German leadership, a united European Continent.” He added: “The Jews [are] being thrust out of their nefarious positions in all countries, whom they have driven to hostility for centuries“.

Miguel Serrano – 1917 – 2009

Miguel Serrano (born September 10, 1917; died February 28, 2009) is a retired Chilean diplomat, explorer and author of poetry, books on spiritual questing and esoteric Hitlerism. Serrano’s extraordinarily forceful and anti-modernist neo-Gnostic philosophy elucidates the otherworldly origin of the Hyperborean-descended Aryans, image-bearers of the godhead, and a global conspiracy against them by an evil inferior god, the Demiurge, worshipped by the Jews, lord of planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks and all base materiality. He synthesizes the Indian-Vedic and Norse-Germanic traditions, both of which he regards as of ancient Aryan-Hyperborean provenance. Serrano is especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes and follows Savitri Devi in recognizing Adolf Hitler as an avatar who battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga. Miguel maintains that Hitler did not die in Germany but travelled to Antarctica along with the 120 submarines and crew (those 120 submarines did indeed exist and have never been found). In 1947 Miguel Serrano headed to Antarctica and then in 1953 he travelled to Mount Kailash to, in his words… “find the entrance to Mount Kailash”. Serrano accompanied the Chilean Army and Navy on their expedition to Antarctica in 1947-48 as a journalist, obscurely prompted by popular speculations as to Hitler’s survival in Antarctica. To Serrano, India and the Tibetan mountains seemed a source of secret, forgotten truth. Serrano immersed himself in its spiritual heritage. He sought out the secret Siddha order of his Chilean master in the Himalayas, the journey of which he describes in his poetic book: The Serpent of Paradise. According to the book although Mount Kailas (where it had its seat) was inaccessible in China|Chinese-administered Tibet, Serrano claims he had discovered the “inner” aspect of Mount Kailas. He met many leading Indian personalities through his official position and personal charm, becoming close friends with Nehru, Indira Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama of Tibet. He explains there has been a vast historical conspiracy to conceal the origins of evolved humankind. There were extragalactic beings who founded the First Hyperborea, Serrano states, and the last documents relating to them were destroyed along with the Alexandrian Library.

Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the famous psychic and occultist, who founded the secretive Theosophical Society during Hitlers rule, claimed to have had contact through psychic means with the Brotherhood of Mahatmas (a group of ethereal beings who purported to run the world from their Tibetan headquarters), and that, among other amazing things, they had revealed the true emergence of life on the earth. Without going into the subject too deeply, she was told that there are seven “Root Races” of beings destined to occupy the earth, and that we present-day humans are the Fifth such Race. After us, there are still two more yet to come. Apparently, the Sixth will evolve out of us and go back to occupy Lemuria, then the Seventh and final Root Race will leave this planet altogether and start over again upon another planet. To complicate matters even further, each Root Race is said to be composed of seven Sub-Races – the descendants of a Sub-Race of the Fourth Race (who were fully- human Atlanteans) are alleged to be the Australian Aborigines, the Papuans & the Hottentots!

Saint-Yves d’Alveydre

Another French mystic investigator, Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, in 1886 revealed in his book, “Mission of India”, that Agartha is a hidden land beneath the surface of the earth, ruled over by a black sovereign Pontiff, called the Brahmatma. He goes on to say that the realm was shifted underground around 3,200 BC, at the beginning of the Kali Yuga (or Golden Age) and that Agartha has known technology such as artificial lighting, mechanized transport, and even air-travel, far in advance of our own modern technology, for millennia! Periodically, Agartha sends emissaries to the upper world, about which it keeps astonishingly well informed. Agartha also has huge libraries which enshrine the whole wisdom of the ages. Many great secrets lie there, regarding many esoteric and spiritual subjects, including amazing skills and abilities long-forgotten by those who dwell on the surface. NB: Joscelyn Godwin’s absorbing book: “Arktos – The Polar Myth”. His book bears a great resemblance to Bulwer-Lytton’s book “The Coming Race”, which also tells of an underground world of high-tech beings possessed of that mysterious “Vril” force, so keenly sought by the Nazis in World War II, and who will one day emerge from their subterranean realm to take over the surface! Saint-Yves insists that such a day really is coming, and that we will be totally defenseless against these super-beings, who will become the true world-rulers. Nor is he the only one to insist that this is true! Many other authors, mystics and investigators have attempted to solve this whole mystery, with varying degrees of success or failure. However, most generally agree that Agharta and Shambhala seem to be closely connected, either as being one and the same place, or as two totally opposed realms, one of light and goodness the other of darkness and evil.

The German SS “Ahnenerbe” Project to Tibet

It should come as no surprise that some of those stirred to action by the Shambhala myth were members of the Nazi party—in particular, those working under Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler in a branch of the SS called the Ahnenerbe, which served as the organization’s “Ancestral Heritage” office. The Ahnenerbe was Himmler’s pet project, established to trace the heritage of the “master race” back to its origins. It was to this end that, in 1938, five SS officers were sent on an expedition to Tibet. The main players in the SS expedition were Ernst Schäfer, a famous explorer and zoologist who served as the expedition’s leader, and Bruno Berger, who served as the team’s anthropologist. Unlike many in the Ahnenerbe, Schäfer was a respected scientist, and it remains unclear whether his allegiance to the SS was ideological or, as he later claimed, merely opportunistic. Despite scant evidence that the Nazis journeyed to Tibet in search of Shambhala itself, the “German Tibet Expedition” was preceded by two Tibetan expeditions led by a man who most certainly was: Nicholas Roerich, once a world-famous painter and renowned mystic who lent his name to a major international treaty, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times, and played a behind-the-scenes role in the Roosevelt administration. Roerich rose to fame at the beginning of the twentieth century in his native Russia where, in addition to his painting practice, he designed sets and costumes for the theater, most notably for the Ballets Russes’s staging of Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps. He was also involved in Moscow’s flourishing occult movement, which orbited around HPB’s Theosophical teachings. It was through his involvement in the construction of a Theosophical-Buddhist Temple in Moscow in 1909 that he met Agvan Dorjiev, a major player in Russian-Tibetan relations and tutor to the thirteenth Dalai Lama. Dorjiev’s fascination with the location of Shambhala would inspire Roerich’s epic quest. By the time Roerich moved to New York City in 1920, he had developed a complex system of beliefs surrounding Shambhala, which he concluded was located in the Himalayas. For Roerich, Shambhala was linked not only to the myth of the Holy Grail but literally connected to the Altay Mountains in Central Asia via a series of underground tunnels that joined it to Belovod’e, the “Land of White Waters” from Siberian mythology. Roerich referred to his project of bringing about the eschatological prophecies laid down in the Kalachakra Tantra as the “Great Plan.” He believed that it was his calling to found a pan-Buddhist state, which would unite areas of Russia, Mongolia, and China with Tibet, and whose creation would finally summon the armies of Shambhala from their mountain stronghold. Nicholas Roerich had powerful and influential friends and two of them—Louis L. Horch, a successful Wall Street currency broker, and Henry A. Wallace, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s secretary of agriculture and, later, his vice president—would respectively fund Roerich’s two lengthy expeditions in the Far East. The exact details of what occurred on these expeditions remain somewhat cloudy, as Roerich, ever secretive about his geopolitical scheming, preferred to maintain in public the persona of an artist, scholar, and guru. However, his actions were public enough to garner the attention of at least a half-dozen governments that were convinced that he was a covert political operative.


I don’t know the location for this one but do know that in 2003 the shield protecting it activated and sent the Americans into a spin because it activated at the same time they activated the one in Romania. Saddam had already spent over one hundred million dollars on excavations and reconstructing ancient Babylon. Saddam believed he was in the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzer and he knew about the three wise men coming back through a gateway but with an extra 4th person coming through with them. Saddam had a lot of ancient artifacts from above ground but hadn’t at that time found the tunnel below. This was in 2003, shortly before the invasion. Among the Mongolian tribes of Inner Mongolia,” wrote the British explorer T. Wilkins, “there are traditions about tunnels and subterranean worlds which sound as fantastic as anything in modern novels. One legend—if it be that—says that the tunnels lead to a subterranean world of Antediluvian descent somewhere in a recess of Afghanistan, or in the region of the Hindu Kush. It is Shangri-la where science and the arts, never threatened by world wars, develop peacefully, among a race of vast knowledge. It is even given a name: Agharti. —

“The Two Pillars and their importance to our history

The two pillars play an important part in our history and the story of the wise men and a 4th person coming through after them were recorded much earlier still. To a certain secret society this part of our history is extremely important to their rituals. Here are a selection of tablets etc from the Sumerian, Assyrian and Akkadian periods…

Admiral Byrd diary Connection:

I have a conflict over this one. On one hand his diary contains information that can be connected to. His life after the incident and his quotes make me feel he was telling the truth. The problem for me is the later attack on his fleet. I can’t find any testimonies for it. This either didn’t happen to downplay his diary, didn’t happen or it did and so far they’ve covered it up well. His quotes during and after are still very interesting… There is newspaper cutting from the 5 March 1947 edition of “El Mercurio” of Santiago Chile. This interview, as far as I know, is the only interview given on board Mount Olympus. Here are some of the quotes: QUOTE: “The Expedition completed its Mission in less than two months and left the region after having made major geographical discoveries” QUOTE: “The Admiral stated that in his opinion the Expedition had established a precedent without parallel as regards the rapidity with which the geographical discoveries were made.” Here one asks, “Without parallel in comparison to what?“. Was there some kind of timetable to make “the geographical discoveries“? QUOTE: “As regards the recently terminated Expedition, Admiral Byrd said that the most important result of the observations and discoveries made was the bearing which these had on the security of the United States.” The Admiral then went on to say: QUOTE: “I am in a position perhaps better than any other person to realize the significance of how to use the scientific knowledge in these explorations because I can make comparisons. Twenty years ago I made my first Antarctic Expedition.” If his diary is true then it very much connects to this page. Here are some excerpts…

Admiral Byrd’s diary excerpts…

1000 Hours- We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth! 1005 Hours- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed – it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to base camp. 1030 Hours- Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact base camp. Radio is not functioning! 1130 Hours- Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond!! My GOD!!! Off our port and starboard wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. Bragas de Calvin Klein It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond!!!! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!

1135 Hours- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: ‘Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands.’ I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless. 1140 Hours- Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt! 1145 Hours- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply. “From this point I write all the following events here from memory. It defies the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened. The radioman and I are taken from the aircraft and we are received in a most cordial manner. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with no wheels! It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. It appears to be right out of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a Buck Rogers setting!! We are given some type of warm beverage which tasted like nothing I have ever savored before. It is delicious. After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing hosts come to our quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. I have no choice but to comply. I leave my radioman behind and we walk a short distance and enter into what seems to be an elevator. We descend downward for some moments, the machine stops, and the door lifts silently upward! We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. Tangas Calvin Klein Baratos One of my hosts speaks. “Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master…” I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my surroundings. What greeted my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice! My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality, “I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral.” I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following. “We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral.” Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! “Yes,” the Master replies with a smile, “you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here.” “Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads”, to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. That is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on. You see, we have never interfered before in your race’s wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral.” I interrupted, “But what does this have to do with me, Sir?” The Master’s eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, “Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it…” I nodded, and the Master continued… “In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each hour.. do you say I am mistaken?” “No” I answer, “it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.” “Yes, my son,” replied the Master, “the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race”. “Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife…and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this message…” With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. I stood for a moment as in a dream…but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for some strange reason I bowed slightly, either out of respect or humility, I do not know which. Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful hosts who had brought me here were again at my side. “This way, Admiral” motioned one. I turned once more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face. “Farewell, my son” he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended. Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master’s chamber and once again entered into the elevator. The door slid silently downward and we were at once going upward. One of my hosts spoke again, “We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled timetable and you must return with his message to your race.” I said nothing. All of this was almost beyond belief, and once again my thoughts were interrupted as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my radioman. He had an anxious expression on his face. As I approached, I said, “It is all right, Howie, it is all right.” The two beings motioned us toward the awaiting conveyance, we boarded, and soon arrived back at the aircraft. The engines were idling and we boarded immediately. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. After the cargo door was closed the aircraft was immediately lifted by that unseen force until we reached an altitude of 2700 feet. Two of the aircraft were alongside for some distance guiding us on our return way. I must state here, the airspeed indicator registered no reading, yet we were moving along at a very rapid rate. 215 Hours- A radio message comes through. “We are leaving you now, Admiral, your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!” We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment. We quickly recovered her control. We do not speak for some time, each man has his thoughts… 220 Hours- We are again over vast areas of ice and snow, and approximately 27 minutes from base camp. We radio them, they respond. We report all conditions normal…normal. Base camp expresses relief at our re-established contact. 300 Hours- We land smoothly at base camp. I have a mission….

End of dairy – His final notes…

March 11, 1947. I have just attended a staff meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a medical team. It was an ordeal!!!! I am placed under strict control via the national security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANIT! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a military man and I must obey orders. FINAL ENTRY: These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind…I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall. This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again….and those who are of darkness shall fall in it’s Light… FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREATT UNKNOWN Admiral Richard E. Byrd United States Navy 24 December 1956

Other Notes:

Churchward set off to Burma, armed with introductory letters from the Indian priests, in the fond hope of finding more of the tablets. Sadly, he was rebuffed by the Buddhist priests there, who told him to go back to India and “Ask those thieves who stole them to show them to you!”. Indian religious texts hold many truths about our real history. ++++++ The SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids. Arrangements, made with President Sadat of Egypt, resulted in three decades of top secret excavations to penetrate the system. At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP, due to be released at the end of the century. As of yet, it has still not been released The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis, thousands of years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau. While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx, the legendary “City Of The Gods”, lays sprawled beneath. Complete with hydraulic underground waterways, the film shows massive chambers, the proportions of our largest cathedrals, with enormous statues, the size of the Valley of the Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers, risking their lives with lights and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond. Already, remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found.

The Rooms under the Giza Sphinx

This tunnel has no connection with the old Egyptian civilization nor with the pyramids or the Sphinx. It It is extremely old, more than 30,000 years older than the Egyptian civilization but was constructed later than the chambers in Bucegi. As they arrived at the entrance to the chamber Cezar touched a triangle and the gate silently started to slide towards the left. In front of them was a room twice the size of the holographic projection room in Bucegi. The chambers inside the room under the Sphinx. The holographic images from the projection room in Romania were only an overview of the history and earth and man. This tunnel and chamber are not directly connected to the tunnels under the Sphinx but a tunnel had started to be dug towards it but then suddenly changes direction. There was an agreement with the Egyptian Government, a private intervention, which determined the collaboration of Egyptian officials. Everything took place in such secrecy that not even the custodian of the Cairo Museum was given access to enter the tunnel. What they found at the bottom of the tunnel proved beyond doubt was that this tunnel going down towards the chamber was not made by the giants. They were different “Yes, they’re different; both from us and from this mysterious civilization whose representatives seemed to be giants. Those who had access to the pyramid and dug the tunnel are of reptilian type. We found the skeleton of one of them in the tunnel”. There was silence in the room. “The implications are much more complex. There was obviously, for some reason, a battle in the tunnel at a certain moment. One of these beings involved was killed and left there. The tunnel was sealed and its entrance hidden in a very complicated way in the structure of the pyramid. The lab dating shows, with a relatively small margin of error, the period between 8500-9000 B.B.” Universal Archive In one room, a very large room, there were shelves stack with row upon row of some type of metal tablets. Pragmatically speaking, they are very valuable information depositories containing information from different times of the history of our planet as well as the universe itself. “Okay, but how can you read the information they contain?” I asked Lieutenant Nicoara. “We didn’t understand how it was possible either. Logically there should have been a device that “reads” the encrypted information, but we didn’t discover anything until, by mistake, one of the members of the expedition pressed vertically on one of the metal tablets. Then, at a level of the ground in front of the tablet, a hologram was suddenly projected. The hologram was quite high and displayed a corner of space. It was dynamic and showed a temporal process of rotation of a star cloud. I don’t know how they accomplished this. It was as if they filmed for a very long time through a very slow process and then played back the image at high speed. We all stayed and watched it for about two hours but the hologram didn’t seem to be close to an end. The Americans needed more than one year to release the information from a single tablet. We could spend hundreds, maybe thousands of years watching.” I was then taken into a different chamber which revealed a two meter high crystal. Perfectly carved, its tip shaped like a pyramid with several faces. The crystal was so pure I could almost see through it to the stone wall behind it. After I recovered from my astonishment I looked with questioning eyes at Cezar who was looking at me and smiled. “I left this discovery for the end on purpose. You should know that I didn’t know about the crystal either. It was only after I connected it to the other machine that a unique space-time distortion was activated.” “It’s a device that can project you in time, into the future or the past. It is your consciousness that is projected, not your body, your body stays here. You can’t act or personally integrate with that time period”. I swallowed hard. Nervous, I finally asked the question that had been on my mind for a long time but which I lacked the courage to ask, even if I had enough proof to give myself an answer. “Tell me, those who built all this… did they come from outer space?” For a few moments both were silent. Everything seemed frozen in time. Cezar then answered clearly, looking straight into my eyes “I can tell you that they are a very advanced civilization who wanted to help mankind very much. Anyway, during those immemorial times, the populations of our planet were very different from the ones of our days and the geological structure of the planet was also very different. Back then, the problem was addressed in a completely different manner.” “Did they come from an unknown solar system? Are they the ones who collaborate with modern Government?” “No, not even by far. The difference between them and the extraterrestrial civilizations with which the Americans have concluded a kind of agreement is about the same as the difference between homo sapiens and homo erectus. What’s even more troubling is that they’re not from our galaxy but from a galaxy which is very far away.” “Wait a minute,” I said in a hurry. “How do you know all this? I knew that they left no proof of their origin or aspect.” “It’s true; but meanwhile, we’ve discovered this device.” said Cezar, showing me the pedestal on which a semi-transparent cylinder was placed. I was astonished and couldn’t understand anything. “Okay but… I know it’s a replica of the great cylinder in the projection chamber.” “It’s true. Two years ago we didn’t know the purpose of the huge cylinder in the projection chamber. But this one was built for our height. Let’s call it a time travel machine”. “I’ll tell you about some of the time projections I accomplished with the help of this device which is based on a very advanced technology.”

The Jesus years

“I saw him speaking to the crowd, he usually preferred to stay in front of people and to see everybody, especially when there were many people present. The impression was overwhelming, I’ve never seen anything similar. What the Bible relates is only a pale image of the way he manifested. As far as I know, his attitude was never described nor was the phenomenal radiation he spread over people. As a person, Jesus wasn’t tall. I don’t think he was higher than 1.70 meters and this is why, many times, he wasn’t visible in the crowd. Like all modest people, he wore a very long shirt down to his ankles, made of a rather rough cloth. It was open up to the chest and sometimes it was tied around the waist with a girdle of the same material. The sleeves were very large and a bit above the wrists. Underneath he sometimes wore another shirt which was thinner and white. His dark brown hair fell over his shoulders and he wore a beard. I also noticed that he didn’t look like the churches representations of Christ. His body wasn’t very vigorous but rather thin. His nose was wider towards the nostrils. You could immediately notice the high forehead and the well shaped eyebrows. But, most impressive were his eyes. I can say that they were the extraordinary magnet of his being for anyone who came closer to talk to him. He spoke rarely but in a very condensed fashion that was full of substance. Between others, I witnessed the parable of the sower. Actually, Jesus spoke more about it and even in two stages. Do you want me to tell you by what circumstances he was inspired to tell this parable?” I quickly nodded. “A women who I suppose was a noble, had come to him. She complained that one of her sons, taking advantage of his status at the Royal court, did many evil deeds and the poor woman suffered because of this almost all of the time. Only her daughter helped her and stayed beside her, but she wasn’t a believer. The woman couldn’t understand where she went wrong because she regally visited the temple, brought sacrifices and prayed for her sons, but they led very disordered lives. I saw Jesus look at that woman silently for a very long time. Then he asked her if she had come with any of her sons or at least with her daughter. The woman had come alone without telling anyone. Then, Jesus started to give her advice, telling her that her prayers were more valuable than the violent fights she had almost daily in her family and that it was better to stop them. The woman looked at him troubled because she hasn’t mentioned anything about this and then started to cry. Understanding that the person in front of her was much more than she had imagined. Afterwards, she made a sign and a servant came and brought a sack of flour and a sack with food, as a gift from her. I believe that was the moment of divine inspiration which triggered in Jesus the impulse to tell the parable of the sower. First, I saw him looking at the sack of flour and then, judging by the way he looked, he got ready to talk. I understood that he already knew the course of the story. He started telling the parable, but soon a group of Roman solders on horseback came. I realized that Jesus knew their leader. They withdrew from the crowd to talk and I saw that the Roman showed Jesus some papers with a seal. Because it was already dusk, the people started to spread and didn’t wait for Jesus to return and continue the parable. Only long afterwards, I think two or three weeks later and in a completely different place, when only those close to him and a few other persons were present, was he reminded of that parable which he had begun and was asked to continue. Jesus said that he knew very well what he wanted to say, and it was not for the many but for the few. He added that the fact that people has scattered without waiting for him to return and continue the story. This has deprived them of its hidden but precious content. In a way, he underlined that what happened then was just like what he was about to say in his parable. Nobody spoke in those moments and his presence, standing like that, was so majestic and dignified that I saw that everyone present had bowed their heads, looking at the ground. I noticed this extraordinary effect several times when Jesus spoke to the people and especially during his memorable preaching on the stairs of the huge temple after this so called entrance into Jerusalem. Actually, things were more complicated back then. His entrance to the town took place over four days because many events happened which are not described in the Bible. Some of these aspects are too delicate to talk about. What I’m trying to tell you is that, at a certain time, favorable circumstances were created and a group of people asked Jesus to talk about what happens after death. In those moments, Jesus was descending the steps of the temple. He was accompanied by two young women and four of his main disciples. I saw him stop and turn a bit to the right where several persons stood. Then a few bizarre things happened. This section of events is not described nor remembered in any text. It seems that a strange ‘forgetting’ of time has covered those who were there. I saw Jesus suddenly look tot he right towards a small group of people. Out of that group a strange man came out. It was a man who seemed to have blond hair and a very negligent aspect. He looked very emotional and unsure of himself, always looking to his sides. Jesus made a few steps towards him a few words which also left me astonished, He told the man that ‘he hadn’t chosen the right time to do what he wanted to do’ and that ‘those that sent him would understand’. He then added something amazing by telling him to return immediately where he came from because there was a malfunction and he was in great danger. The man looked Jesus in the eyes for a few moments; then suddenly seem to soften and had convulsions. In a low voice they exchanged a few words that I couldn’t hear. Immediately afterwards, Jesus withdrew among the people and then two things happened simultaneously which I still can’t explain. A short, threatening and very powerful roar was heard all over the settlement; and almost immediately many people started gathering in front of the temple at the base of the stairs, asking insistently for Jesus to talk to them. T Shirt Versace Pas Cher I asked Cezar “You didn’t finish telling me about Jesus speaking to his disciples on the hill.” “You’re right but I wanted to give you an overview of the situation first as well as some concrete facts. There is too much to tell you which is why I’ll only specify some aspects. Shortly after all this was discovered the Americans decided that the Vatican should be contacted and should see the reports only containing to the life of Jesus. We assumed that the Vatican might fully ignore this information because there was no concrete evidence, only some written reports. The Americans decided to admit this to two or three cardinals as witnesses to this device seeing as the Pope already knew about the initial discovery in Romania. Our surprise was the Vatican answered quickly through a special courier that they had known about these aspects for many years. They even offered the Americans a summary of Jesus’ life as a means of verification of the reports. Some representatives of the Vatican were sent for discussions. On their return the General confessed that he saw the Vatican documents and it verifies what we have uncovered. Czar carried on where he left off. “What I didn’t tell you about the for first gathering on the hill was that there were also three women beside Christ and I knew exactly who one of these women were. I know this is going to be a very controversial subject and I’m sure that the Vatican records and this knowledge would cause huge problems and damage to the Christian church. Things were presented in a wrong way, consciously, from the very beginning and most written evidence has been destroyed even though some evidence has been discovered recently. The historical truth is completely different, at least from this point of view. Unfortunately, this is a fundamental direction which, once changed, couldn’t be changed again without causing great damage to the Christian church. I’m referring to a certain essential truth of the life of Jesus which few know and fewer can prove. That event happened shortly after the crucifixion of Christ. For example, he was not helped by anyone to carry the wooden log on his back up to the hill where many people were crucified. There was an attempt to do so, a woman and a man at the base of the hill, but they were brutally sent away. Furthermore in the beginning there weren’t many people on the way to his crucifixion. It’s true that they tried to kill Christ and here the intervention of the Roman solders was commendable. The madness of the crowd however, truly started only after one of the solders was almost killed by a rock that struck him in the head. In a few minutes there was a frenzy. There was a lot of dust and then Christ fell to his knees, head down, brought down by the weight of the log he was carrying. Several solders on horseback arrived and reestablished order to a certain degree. Those who stood on both sides of the road were throwing stones and many other objects, both at Jesus and at the solders. Many men were beaten and wounded. Only after the actual crucifixion did things start to settle down slightly. As far as I know, there is no account, not even an approximate one, about the events that followed his death on the cross. In general, texts have only described facts and characters – many of whom do not coincide exactly with the ones mentioned in the Gospels – but not other very important phenomena that took place in that short interval. I must admit that the phenomena that happened in those moments were truly frightening and would shake the conceptions and knowledge of our current society. Those who witnessed it could put no words into explaining what they were witnessing. It was dusk, shortly after Jesus was removed from the cross. I saw very dark clouds gathering very quickly in the sky and concentrate above the hill, descending very low and only a few dozen meters above peoples heads. I also saw lightening and threatening storms that were higher than the others. I then saw the signs of a terrible earthquake and I understood why those human beings were running with no apparent purpose, being caught in panic. Some crossed collapsed on the ground together with the crucified men. On the opposite side, a massive landslide occurred which practically tore the small hill from a third of its base, making it look like a straight wall. In the darkness caused by the earthquake, slowly coming out of the violent clouds, two giant discs appeared in the sky. Their edges were marked by some intermittent signalling lights which were orange and blue in color. Those lights seemed to go around those giant discs. A few seconds afterwards, over the hill and above the nearby town, huge cones of intense light were projected at certain intervals and lit everything underneath them up to the smallest detail. One of the discs remained above the hill while the other headed slowly for the town. At first I saw how the men remained paralyzed, looking up at the two apparitions. Then they started screaming; and judging by the looks on their faces and the fact that they were covering their ears with their hands, the two discs were emitting terrible sounds that coincided with the projection of the giant cones of light. I recovered quickly from the memories which had flooded my mind and asked Cezar, very interested, to tell me what was that ultra secret element in Jesus’s life that wasn’t presented by the Christian church. “I’ve witnessed the official meeting of what could, at that time, mean the management of the emerging Christian church. Out of everything that happened at that council, which lasted for several days, it’s only worth telling you that the competition between those who voted for the restrictive view of women and even for blaming them and those who wanted to keep traditions was quite tight. As usual, it was a process of manipulation. I saw almost in detail the important years of Jesus’s spiritual mission, and I can tell you that he never preached about women in the manner that the Christian church does today – on the contrary.” I noticed that Cezar was very serious and at the same time very determined. “When I first saw Jesus among His disciples on that hill, one of the three women was near Him. She had a special personality and glow. She was the youngest and most beautiful of them. I intuitively knew that she was the one called Mary Magdalene in the Gospels. And at the same time, I’ve realized that among the subtle threads of causal links, there was a very powerful connection between her and Christ. I’ve also perceived the fact that some of the disciples were not completely in agreement with that relationship because they somehow felt left aside. Only two of them didn’t share that opinion which undoubtedly came from a vain perception of reality. From other projections or akashic ‘rewinds,’ I’ve had the chance to find out that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were together almost all the time. Only when Christ spoke to the crowds or to people in private were they not together. But, in the evening, I often saw them withdraw alone, just the two of them. Usually, she was the first to receive the initiation from Him and I was amazed to see that both the disciples and many of His followers practiced certain methods of purification and preservation of body health, especially on river shores where they had water at their disposal. I often saw Mary Magdalene guiding the people in these simple methods and many came to her to ask for her help when Jesus was busy with others. I know these are radical aspects which seriously contradict what the Christian church maintains, but nevertheless, they must be supported bravely because they represent the pure historical truth.” Even if I was astonished with what Cezar told me, I was at the same time happy that the truth had not led to rejection in my mind. On the contrary, I felt a sort of a release and inner freedom at the thought that man’s soul is thus made whole again. On the other hand, I was aware that, nowadays, this truth has only a slight chance to be accepted and understood accordingly. The ditches of threats, punishments and damnation have been dug too deeply in people’s minds during this current period of time. Nevertheless, the personal choice is essential, and therefore it is fundamental for the truth to be known entirely. Correct judgement, spiritual common sense and pure faith are, in my opinion, virtues that can help modern man a lot in making pertinent choices so as not to be stopped by the difficult obstacles of fanaticism or conceptual thick-headedness. “When I was projected near that group, Jesus slowly raised His eyes towards me, looking up,” Cezar continued. “Of course, it was just my consciousness, but He felt my subtle presence and reacted accordingly. Even though He continued to speak to the others, I heard His voice in my mind at the same time clearly telling me it was very good that I was there and that my future investigations would create a complex chain of successive causalities that would greatly help those who would have the power to understand. Even for me, that was an extraordinary experience. The only moment I couldn’t grasp in my time projections during that period was that of the ‘Transfiguration.’ It was the same kind of time blocking which I have spoken about before but couldn’t overcome.” Cezar suddenly fell silent. I felt that, even though there was still much to be told, he preferred not to tell me any more at this time. I knew that a certain step by step approach was always necessary in order to make possible the correct assimilation of the elements of the story. Besides, the moment of our departure was close and we had not slept. We were tired, but I still wanted very much to try for myself the sensation of time travel and connect to the mysterious installation. I saw Cezar smiling slightly. “I told you I was going to propose this very special experience to you. In your current condition, however, it’s possible that you won’t accomplish it. Let’s see — it’s only up to you,” he added, pointing me to sit down on the platform of the cylinder.

Underground City of Aliens Under Los Angeles

Source for this: http://www.metatech.org Below are two extracts from the LA Times of 29 January 1934 (from the days before we had so much censorship of news) in the first of which reporter Jean Bosquet details the incredible story of G. Warren Shufelt, a mining engineer, who had been told of the underground city and its treasures by a wise old Indian, had consequently located it via ‘radio X-ray’ and was currently sinking shafts into the ground to reach it. Scroll down to see the article with maps. The second extract explains the whereabouts of the putative underground city on the map, and provides the legends for a few photos showing Shufelt hard at work. LA Times, 29 Jan 1934 By Jean Bosquet Busy Los Angeles, although little realizing it in the hustle and bustle of modern existence, stands above a lost city of catacombs filled with incalculable treasure and imperishable records of a race of humans further advanced intellectually and scientifically than even the highest type of present day peoples, in the belief of G. Bañadores Calvin Klein Hombre Warren Shufelt, geophysical engineer now engaged in an attempt to wrest from the lost city deep in the earth below Fort Moore Hill the secrets of the Lizard People of legendary fame in the medicine lodges of the American Indian. So firmly does Shufelt and a little staff of assistants believe that a maze of catacombs and priceless golden tablets are to be found beneath downtown Los Angeles that the engineer and his aides have already driven a shaft 250 feet into the ground, the mouth of the shaft being on the old Banning property on North Hill street overlooking Sunset Boulevard, Spring street and North Broadway. LEGEND SUPPLIES CLEW Shufelt learned of the legend of the Lizard People after his radio X-ray had led him hither and yon, over an area extending from the Public Library on West Fifth street to the Southwest Museum, on Museum Drive, at the foot of Mt. Washington. “I knew I was over a pattern of tunnels,” the engineer explained yesterday, “and I had mapped out the course of the tunnels, the position of large rooms scattered along the tunnel route, as well as the position of deposits of gold, but I couldn’t understand the meaning of it.” FIRE DESTROYS ALL According to the legend as imparted to Shufelt by Macklin, the radio X-ray has revealed the location of one of three lost cities on the Pacific Coast, the local one having been dug by the Lizzard People after the “great catastrophe” which occurred about 5000 years ago. This legendary catastrophe was in the form of a huge tongue of fire which “came out of the Southwest, destroying all life in its path,” the path being “several hundred miles wide.” The city underground was dug as a means of escaping future fires. The lost city, dug with powerful chemicals by the Lizard People instead of pick and shovel, was drained into the ocean, where its tunnels began, according to the legend. The tide passing daily in and out of the lower tunnel portals and forcing air into the upper tunnels, provided ventilation and “cleansed and sanitized the lower tunnels,” the legend states. Large rooms in the domes of the hills above the city of labyrinths housed 1000 families “in the manner of tall buildings” and imperishable food supplies of the herb variety were stored in the catacombs to provide sustenance for the lizard folk for great lengths of time as the next fire swept over the earth. CITY LAID OUT LIKE LIZARD The Lizard People, the legend has it, regarded the lizard as the symbol of long life. Their city is laid out like a lizard, according to the legend, its tail to the southwest, far below Fifth and Hope streets, its head to the northeast, at Lookout and Marda streets. The city’s key room is situated directly under South Broadway, near Second street, according to Shufelt and the legend. This key room is the directory to all parts of the city and to all record tablets, the legend states. All records were kept on gold tablets, four feet long and fourteen inches wide. On these tablets of gold, gold having been the symbol of life to the legendary Lizard People, will be found the recorded history of the Mayans on on one particular tablet,the southwest corner of which will be missing, is to be found the “record of the origin of the human race. TABLETS PHOTOGRAPHED Shufelt stated he has taken “X-ray pictures” of thirty-seven such tablets, three of which have their southwest corners cut off. “My radio X-ray pictures of tunnels and rooms, which are sub-surface voids, and of gold pictures with perfect corners, sides and ends, are scientific proof of their existence,” Shufelt said. “However, the legendary story must remain speculative until unearthed by excavation.” The Lizard Peoplem according to Macklin, were of a much higher type intellectually than modern human beings. The intellectual accomplishments of their 9-year-old children were the equal of those of present day college graduates, he said. So greatly advanced scientifically were these people that, in addition to perfecting a chemical solution by which they bored underground without removing earth and rock, they also developed a cement far stronger and better than any in use in modern times with which they lined their tunnels and rooms. HILLS ENCLOSE CITY Macklin said legendary advice to American Indians was to seek the lost city in an area within a chain of hills forming “the frog of a horse’s hoof.” The contour of hills surrounding this region forms such a design, substantiating Shufelt’s findings, he said. Shufelt’s radio device consists chiefly of a cylindrical glass case inside of which a plummet attached to a copper wire held by the engineer sways continually, pointing, he asserts, toward minerals or tunnels below the surface of the ground, and then revolves when over the mineral or swings in prolongation of the tunnel when above the excavation. He has used the instrument extensively in mining fields, he said. DID STRANGE PEOPLE LIVE UNDER SITE OF LOS ANGELES 5000 YEARS AGO? An amazing labyrinth of underground passages and caverns hundreds of feet below the surface of Fort Moore Hill is revealed in maps – all rights to which have been reserved – prepared by G. Warren Shufelt, local mining engineer, who explains his topographical endeavors as being based on results obtained from a radio X-ray perfected by him. In this elaborate system of tunnels and rooms, according to a legend furnished Shufelt by an Indian authority, a tribe of human beings called the Lizard People, lived, 5000 years ago. The network of tunnels formed what Indians call the lost Lizard City, according to Shufelt and the legend. Gold tablets on which are written the origin of the human race and other priceless documents are to be found in the tunnels, according to the legend. Shufelt declares his radio X-ray has located the gold. The engineer has dug a shaft 250 feet deep on North Hill street, overlooking North Broadway, Sunset and Spring streets, and intends to dig to 1000 feet in an effort to strike the lost city. Upper right-hand corner inset is Times Staff Artist Ewing’s conception of the Lizard People at work. Lower left, upper inset shows Shufelt and crew at top of shaft, baling water out of their deep excavation. Lower left inset shows Shufelt operating his radio X-ray device.

My Thoughts

What I have shown here is just a taste of the research I have found but to discuss the others would mean opening up a huge can of worms. There were more, greater things revealed in the other books relating to this information. Things that most people will not be able to digest or believe but would make absolute sense if any deep research into our past and history were undertaken. There are reasons why the history we are taught is so condensed and very good reasons why the Sumerians especially are never spoken about. +++++ I would like to offer a train of thought… In the last one hundred years the vocabulary of all languages has grown rapidly. We have had to create many new words as the World progresses. When the Bible was written the vocabulary was much smaller than it is now. There were not the words to describe what they were witnessing because those words, and the understanding of the words, did not exist. To really understand what the words mean you have to think using the words they had then and not the words we have now. The paintings had to be conveyed in a way that people of that time period would understand. The most striking thing for me is other religious books all talk of similar things but use the words of that language, of that time, to try to describe what they are seeing. The similarities between these texts are remarkable. People of this age try to interpret the words of old differently to the real meaning. A trumpet and flying chariot, as examples, are not literal but an interpretation of objects using the only words they had for it back then. Back then there we no words for airplane, UFO, helicopter etc to explain a vehicle flying in the air so they could use the only word they knew at that time to explain what they were seeing; a flying chariot.


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