More About the Wave – Cosmic Awareness: Wave X

Cosmic Awareness: Wave X

“WAVE X” Cosmic Awareness, Sept. 20, 2015 Archives/20150920M.pdf That which is coming is that which has long been underway. That this Awareness will not go into great detail, but It will highlight some very relevant points It will start by highlighting that event that has been underway for several months that many are aware of, that which is called “Wave X”. That “Wave X” represents and holds within it the energy of higher consciousness, of that which this Awareness would call Divine Consciousness. It is approaching this planet, Planet Earth, Gaia, for the purpose of shifting consciousness, of breaking the strangle-hold that has been on the planet for so long by a select few, extraterrestrial ones and those that serve them. That the ones in power know this, and that there have been attempts to divert this “Wave,” notably the firing up of the Cern Hadron Collider, which was meant to send a beam x split this “Wave”, divert this “wave”. This attempt failed. Therefore, those in power are faced with having to take another course of action. That course of action is to rather create the New World Order, that which has been striven for and driven for and towards for so long. That there will be an attempt in this week coming, through the auspices of the organization known as the United Nations to present an agenda that is allegedly for the benefit of humanity. This agenda will be known by a title such as “Agenda 2030”. That the Pope will also be arriving to address the UN Council in this time period. Indeed, his will be an address that is meant to fire up humanity so that they come together to assist and help those who are underprivileged, the impoverished, the poor, those who have the greatest needs. He will of course be seen as the Great Spiritual Leader who is trying to spark human responsibility towards this. That this will occur on the 23rd of September, and that this will be followed a few days later on the 25th with this agenda of action that will be presented to the member countries of the United States and the world in the United States, at the UN Council, to create a plan of action. Calzoncillos Boxer Baratos Needless to say, this plan of action, this agenda is already drawn up, and while it may seem to be a document of great significance, highlighting the need to come together to help those who have the greatest need and to help the environment and the sustainability of the environment, its true purpose is something completely different. It is the public declaration finally and at last of the true purpose of the New World Order. That the many who have so long worked diligently to bring the planet and to bring humanity to this point, must finally declare this publicly, and it will be so. This is the true intent and purpose of this new “Agenda 2030”. That this is all within this week coming. This is so that the minds and the attention, and the beliefs of humanity can be misdirected. If they could not divert the “Wave” that would hit and cause many to awaken, then it is at least their hope, their intent and their plan to capture the minds and divert them, misdirect them, as is the usual way of things, as they have always done. That the energies of this week will be quite extreme and for many who are sensitive to energy, that they may find this a challenging week, especially on the 27th of September when this Wave of Divine Consciousness engulfs the world, the planet itself. That this week is a week to be reflective, to listen deeply to those who present the plan of New World Order, One World Governance, One World Government. That this is a week unlike any week ever, and that the potency and power can be used for good or ill, depending on how one looks at things, how one acts or reacts, what one believes in. This Awareness would ask all to be aware at this time that this extraordinary event is indeed coming, is indeed almost here. That those in power, in their desperation, will try many things to misdirect attention and focus so that they, those who might be affected will not look upward, will not look inward, but rather will follow the calling of those who have so long misled and deceived. Bikini Calvin Klein That it is a time for choice: to choose the highest and the most positive, or to believe the liars and deceivers and to be misled down a garden path. That this week coming is a week of greatest importance for all. Thank you Awareness. Well it seems to me that the One World Government is another hierarchical system, just like all of the other Babylonian systems that have been in place on this planet for many thousands of years. So far their track record has not been very good as far as the majority of the population is concerned. This will not be any different and people need to realize that. This is correct, people do need to wake up to this hierarchical structure, this Babylonian way of staying in power. Slip Calvin Klein Baratos It is a system designed for an elite few. That what has been used traditionally to describe this system is that of the pyramid. That the ones at the top are the ones that have the most power and privilege, they have acted always to ensure that the elites at the top, the Powers That Be that control, remain in control, and continue to have the benefit of their position. This is the Babylonian model, and that it has been remarketed many times over since those early times in Sumer, in Sumaria, when in the Mesopotamian region, those extraterrestrial beings came to this planet and established themselves as “gods”. That these ones are still behind this, are still at the top of the structure of the pyramid, and have continually since that time remarketed themselves over and over again into their roles of prestige and power and privilege. There was a that time when they did this openly. That they calzoncillos boxer baratos were the “gods” and they were to be honored, and they created class structures at the top: the elites, at the bottom: the lower ones, the ones that were unimportant to the ones at the top, for they did not see them as relevant, but they did see them as slaves, to be used for their own purpose. That this has continued to be the case and one can go through history and see always the elite classes, the ones in power, at the top and how they have been held in their positions of privilege by the ones upon whom they have used. They have ridden upon the backs of those below them, and this continues to be so. That this is a Reptilian/Orion/Anunnaki extraterrestrial model, for those are the ones that are at the top. They are still at the top, and they are still trying to retain this hierarchical order. The base of the pyramid, the great unwashed, if you will, from their point of view, is to be used. It is the power upon which they ride and if it were not for the base they could not be sustained. Bañadores Calvin Klein Hombre That when there is talk of sustainable resources, remember that these ones are also referring to the humans at the bottom, upon which they ride and are supported by. But if the base were to collapse, if the corner for example of a pyramid is removed, would not the whole pyramid be disrupted, would the whole pyramid not come down? That is what is about to occur: that base to this structure of power and deservedness that has so long been in place, is about to be removed, and these ones at the top are desperate that this does not occur, for if this were to occur, they would come down, their structure would collapse. Thank you Awareness. We’ve heard about how the Wave is going to affect humanity, but we also know that our Mother, Gaia Sophia herself, is also using this Wave in order to make her correction. Would you like to comment on that? That this Awareness will simply say that this is so. That the Earth is a sentient being, that the Earth is conscious and that she too, for it is a feminine energy that is the consciousness of Mother Earth, Gaia-Sophia, Sophia-Gaia, that she is as well ready for a shift in consciousness, to move forward in her own evolutionary process. That as she evolves, those on the planet who are in alignment with her will also evolve. Those who are not in alignment, those who have abused Mother Earth for so long, will go another direction. That this becomes complicated, for this becomes an issue in a matter of timelines, and following certain timelines. But that the timeline of Mother Earth that would take her to her Ascension in consciousness, into her expanded consciousness, is of a nature that those who are themselves seeking to expand their consciousness, their awareness, will also move with her. And what sort of actions would she be taking? From physical actions, geological, geophysical actions. That the types of actions that could occur are those that are already happening, such as earthquakes. This Awareness reminds all that most recently within the last week that there was a major earthquake off the coast of Chile and that there is seen that there are other geological events that could well happen as she shifts, as she moves. Weather events, not necessarily those that are artificially induced, such as the HAARP and Tesla technological attack upon the United States, upon the West Coast which has created a shield that has diverted the jet stream northwards, thus perverting the normal flows that would have brought, and would bring moisture. That these are artificial, these are manmade, if you will. But it is seen that as Mother Earth shifts and moves, there can be more extreme weather events, volcanic eruptions and other natural events that will occur because of the movement of Mother Earth, the shifting of the geomagnetic lines of force as well. These are but a few events. But rather than focusing on such events, to understand that if one is in alignment with the spiritual consciousness of both Mother Earth as well as Divine Source, that one will not necessarily be devastated or destroyed, even if one is in such an event. Thank you Awareness. There are many questions that I could ask but right now is not the right time. So I just thank you for what you have told us today and no doubt we will be hearing more news as the days go past. Thank you for this session. That this Awareness would end by simply saying the week ahead will be unlike any that has yet been. Many will never even understand or recognize this while it is happening, but many will certainly be affected and feel something is different. This something is the arrival of that spiritual consciousness that has ratcheted everything up to the next notch. Know this and work with this, and know also that this is part of that which is the Divine Plan, and that it is time to bring down the pyramid. It is time to dethrone those pretenders who have so long manipulated and controlled humanity. It is time for humanity to really and truly start its long journey back to its own former glory, its own true state of being, that it is the time and the time is now.
