The Wave Is Coming

Philipp Plein Pas Cher class=”gmail_default”>Hi Everyone,
All of a sudden, just like a sunami wave coming through, there is a tremendous amount of information being revealed from many different sources. We are definitely moving out of the resting period and into the energy period as the Masters keep saying “everything is an energy and a rest”. For awhile there, it seemed like everything was at a standstill and little or nothing was calzoncillos boxer baratos happening but not anymore. And it only appears that the truth revolution  is going to continue gathering momentum leading into what so many are saying about this September and the Galactic wave of consciousness that is going to slam into us full force. Or it very well could be more of a gentle nudge. We will just have to wait and see how it all develops. But one thing is for sure, we are in for one hell of a ride and I for one am more than ready to ride this wave. How about you? 
In our last group meeting, someone asked about Project Blue Beam so I am sending the link to an excellent article on that subject. I am also including an article called “The Great Awakening”. And finally am including the latest from Drake as summarized by BP on her  Starship Earth blog site. If you are interested, there is also a new update from Cobra this week on his site that you can look for as well as the latest update from Corey Goode on his site (although I already sent this one to you all). Remember, it is time for all of us to  have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Looking forward to seeing many of you all this week as the energies continue to rise and the finish line appears to be in site. The Ascended Masters and all the company of Heaven are bursting with joy at what is coming for us all. See you Sunday and please RSVP now if you are attending either in person or by phone. Thank you so much.

