“The Guardians Have Now Arrived, En Masse” – Guardians and One Who Serves

Greetings Everyone, Great group with lots of energy. In fact, our newest member, Sheila, being as of yet not acclimated to these high energies, was not able to remain for the entire time due to feeling ill. As the OWS said later this should help to prove how real these energies are and how we have all been acclimating to these energies over time. We also had a new member join via phone from England. Welcome Michelle to our group. As things continue to heat up and we draw closer and closer to “The Event”, we need to be mindful of not only being ready to watch the show but also to participate at what ever level we can. If you are planning to attend our next PFC Sunday group and have not yet RSVP’d, please do so as soon as you can. I am including both this Sunday’s channeling transcription as well as our last wed transcription of our joint call with Hollow Earth Network minus the question/answer portion which you can find the audio of at either our Ancient Awakenings website or HEN site. Enjoy and Be in joy and get ready for the show! Love and light, James – awakenings”> Believing Is Seeing!   “The Guardians Have Now Arrived, En Masse” – Guardians and One Who Serves The “Guardians”, “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell   (Note: these messages were given during our Wednesday Ancient Awakenings joint call with Hollow Earth Network over Blog Talk Radio in Phoenix, AZ on August 17, 2016) Note also, that the question/answer portion was not transcribed and you can listen to the audio files at either or The “Guardians” Hello everyone! This is not “Sananda”. We have asked if he wouldn’t mind stepping aside for this particular moment.   I am a “Guardian” and I am not just one “Guardian”, I am all the “Guardians” together. You could say that I am the Collective Consciousness of the “Guardians”. I have come in time, in this special time, to bring you news, to bring you understanding.   I first came to James, in his sleep, two nights ago. In his dream state. I spoke to him about what is to come. He does not remember much of that but I am here now to speak to what is to come and about what has transpired in the past.   We have all been with all of you. You have been with us in many different times and places. Most of you know that you do not herald from this planet but from systems far, far away.   And now, in this moment, changes are coming fast and what you might call furious. There are so many things that are happening now behind the scenes. But it was not always this way. A long, long, long time ago far beyond what your consciousness point can understand, we were. We existed.   We traveled from system to system to bring new understanding, new consciousness wherever there would be a consciousness leap. We were there. Many times we have done exactly that. We have moved and traveled and been in so many places. Here we are now, back with you again. We were here with this planet long ago. We have returned. Just as those in Agartha have been waiting, we are here now. We are here to bring in the New Age, the “New Dispensation”. To assist you and guide you.   But the “Guardians” only come a few moments before a major shift occurs. A few of us have been here a while speaking through various sources. But the majority of us have not been here. Now we are.   And times are rapidly changing. As you know, as “Sananda” has said, nothing can be stopped at this point. All has been arranged. All has been orchestrated. Everything is going exactly according to plan. Maybe not your plan but to the greater plan, the Divine Plan. Because it is a Divine Plan, because it is of the “Creator Source “it cannot be wrong. It cannot be altered. It is certainly not in error in any way. It is all that it is meant to be and then, much more.   This greater plan has been in the works for a long time. It is only now, when all of the various things are happening, all the changes are beginning to materialize in front of you, it is only now that much is about to shift.   You have heard many times about the “Event” and the smaller events leading to the larger one. That is true. You are about to have announcement. I am not here to make that announcement but you will have an announcement very soon. It will come from the leadership of this country but it will be an announcement that will reverberate across the entire planet.   Many of you might begin to guess what that announcement might be. You might be right but you maybe also not be so correct. Everything is dependent on the change that came before it. One change leads to the next and the next. This is what you have heard as the domino effect. This is certainly so.   We are here now to herald in this New Age. It is time for the trumpets to blow. Many have already done so. We are ready. We have been ready for some time. We have been watching and waiting for the opportune moment to begin to announce ourselves.   You have so much to look forward to, each and every one of you. So much more than you can yet possibly imagine yet it is certainly within your grasp. It is not being withheld from you. Please understand this. No one is holding this back. It is your Collective Consciousness that is driving all of this. Your Collective Consciousness is what has brought us to you. Now that we are here we can work more directly with that Collective Consciousness. By design the Collective consciousness of the “Guardians” will be working more directly with the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. Together we will bring all that you have been waiting for, all that you have been hoping for, all that has been seemingly beyond your reach. It is there now.   Simply reach out and know that the changes are right in front of you. All you need to do is come together as a Collective, more and more. First within yourself. Then with those who surround you and those they come in contact with and so on. Spread the Light in this way. That is already happening. The Light is spreading. The darkness is dissipating. Wherever there is Light, there can be no more darkness.   So rest easy, our Brothers and Sisters of the Light. Rest easy knowing that you are going to be going through a monumental shift in consciousness. I am not saying it is tomorrow or the day after or the next week but it is very, very soon.   I leave you with the peace and love that is in the totality of consciousness that you all are, knowing that peace is just around the corner. May you abide in peace and love, always. “One Who Serves” Greetings. I am here to continue the show, you might say, for certainly it is a show. We like to put on a show whenever we can because it is important for you to have laughter. It is important for to have a break from those situations that cause you great disconcertion. That creates these ill feelings you have. It is important to laugh. It is important to feel joy and to have joy. It is important to be yourself at all times because it is yourself that is bringing all of these changes.   Yourself. It is not the world or those of us outside of your realm. It is all of us. It is everyone together, all at once. All for one and one for all. That is certainly important here. We are all for you. Just as you are all for us.   We know this mighty sound somewhat different to you. I am not the normal “One Who Serves” who comes through here. I am another one. We find that we have only come through this particular channel once. As these changes continue on and you move closer to the “Event” you are going to have a marvelous experience beyond your wildest imaginations. ​​   All of us in “One Who Serves”, all of us want to be of assistance. Call on us whenever you need us. We will be there. In many cases we are already there and you did not even know it. It is time now. It is time to reach out to your Higher Selves. Reach out to all you know to request assistance in all of those areas you require assistance.   You are not in this alone, people. Please understand this. You are not in this alone. You are in this as a Collective. You are here to assist your brothers and your sisters just as they are here to assist you. All of us are here to do this together.   OK? So let’s do this together. Let’s have a grand time! Or as the other “One Who Serves” says, let’s celebrate! Shante, Peace Be with you. Be the ONE!   Channeled by James McConnell Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated “You, The Lightworkers, Are The Vanguard” – Ashira and One Who Serves   “Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco “One Who Serves” by James McConnell   (Note: these messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on August 21, 2016)   “Ashira” We are pleased to be here sharing with you this day.   This has been an opportunity to assist you in getting better every day. You are sharing with those who are families, friends and with those who you do not know yet. Many of you feel that there is a shortness of time.   There are so many things that are happening so quickly now. We know that it is frustrating for you to see that everything is still unfolding. Things are coming to pass, as we have said.   Take care of yourself. See as changes are called forth from you. See as the changes emerge from your particular life. You are the vanguard. The Lightworkers are the ones making the way forward for the rest of the world.   I give you my love and peace. Namaste. “One Who Serves” Greetings to you. “One Who Serves” here to assist you in any way we can.   One way we can assist you is in understanding here. You experienced something here today, those of you in this room. The energies here. You see how they can affect you. You see how they are real. The one who reacted to this was not familiar with them. “Sananda” has been saying, you here and most on the phone have been acclimated to these energies. We have been working with you diligently to bring you along to be able to have these “downloads” as you tend to call them.   We are assisting you in bringing you more and more and more to who you really are and to moving up in vibration, moving up into higher frequencies. As you move up in frequency you tend to have more experiences, you tend to have more glimpses past the veil. All of these things.   But you are feeling these energies and you experience these. But one who is new to this has not had the chance to acclimate to these energies and you can see what occurs as one cannot handle the energies. So they are real which is what we are trying to say in a very roundabout way here. They are real energies. If you doubted that, please do not doubt it. They are very much real. Chaussures Adidas Yeezy 330 Boost   You have created an energy vortex here when you have created this Pillar of Light. It is very strong indeed. It is a beacon out from this particular home you are in now, to all different realms, all different dimensions to be aware of what is happening here, to this group and to your many experiences. Many are called to this group by this beacon here.   As we have told you before, this is only the beginning. There will be many more who will be called to this Beacon of Light that goes out to the cosmos here. A little bit of hint here, it also goes to those of the Galactic nature, to those ships. It’s almost like a lighthouse beckoning to the ships out in the sea, in this case, the sea is the Galaxy.   You will understand this more and more as we move along here. With this entire program we will work directly with you here.   Do you have questions? “Ashira” is standing by too. Question: Is there anything from God, Infinite Intelligence that I should be aware of as I start on this journey to see my family? “One Who Serves” If you are asking God, Infinite Intelligence than simply ask yourself. Seriously. There is no more guidance or understanding or knowing than you have deeply within yourself already. Now we understand that it is often difficult to access that information or knowledge. That is where you find yourself.   But you really do have access to this and you have known that you have access to this. What you have gotten about saying, not good bye but farewell, there is a difference here. As you say farewell to your loved ones, it is not that you won’t see them again but you are moving on. There is a continuance in your expression.   As you move on, we are not speaking of the death process here, we are speaking of moving on as becoming unattached to all of those around you. This is for all now, all for this, you must become unattached to everything and everyone around you. That is not to mean not to be loving to your loved ones. It does not mean that. It does not mean to give up on your loved ones or never see them again. It simply means not to have an attachment to anyone or anything. You, within yourself, are God within yourself. You have no need for anything or anyone else. “Ashira” Enjoy yourself. You will be in the moment at each place and time and you will know what to say. OK? Question: What advice would you have for someone who wants to start up a new Prepare for Change group? “One Who Serves” First thing we can tell you is something you are already in the process of doing, start it. Once you start Alexander Mcqueen Pas Cher it, there is a saying, “Build it and they will come!” It is from a movie and if you go through the various activities you must do, put the word out any way you can and they will come.   That is what this is all about. Reach out to your fellow Lightworkers and Light Sharers and Light Bearers and share with them the program that has been started. Not by this group but by long, long ago. With those of you who came here, who volunteered to come here. To be a part of this expression here on the Earth. To assist others in awakening at this particular time. Simply have the intention and go through the motions to create this experience. As you do this then they will be drawn to you. “Ashira” Do you have any more questions around that information? I believe the information “OWS” gave you was wonderful. Question: Can you tell me if I can be helped by “eco-village” spiritual communities?   You will see more of these spring up around the planet as these changes go forward. Damanhur is a group of good people who are doing good work. If that is what you are interested in doing, it is very different from setting up a weekly meeting.   There are many of those kinds of set-ups in Great Britain too. Do your research. Visit a number of different locations. Start your meetings and see where you are led. Your Higher Self is in charge here. Know that. Know that you are not without guidance.   Tune in. Do the research you need to do. Everything will unfold for you. OK? Question: Do you have any guidance for us on how to handle friends, family and others who are being triggered into emotional outbursts by this energy? “One Who Serves” Become unattached. Do not let yourself become involved with their reactive nature, things of this nature. This is going to increase people. This is going to increase greatly as the energies continue to build. And as “Sananda” has said many times now, are not acclimated to these energies. They are going to go through some of what you have gone through earlier in your Ascension Process here.   So it is important that they be allowed to go through what they must because they are going through their own Ascension Process as it must work for them. Do not be concerned about them. Just be there for them. Assist them if they ask for it. Then let it go. Go with the flow here. “Ashira” We always say, give people what they need in spoonfuls. Friends, neighbors, strangers will come to you. It is not the time to overload them. Give them what they need in a simple form and they will come back to you with a greater open heart as they move through each of their trials. It is indeed, what everyone upon the Earth is going through.   Question: I had a dream of many snakes. “They were long and thin and my daughter, who is deceased, was in the dream. She kept picking one up and showing me the head and saying that they were safe snakes. Could you help interpret the dream? “Ashira” Are you fond of snakes? I love snakes.   It is very important for us to understand how you feel about things to understand your perspective in the dream. If you are someone who does not mind being around snakes and your daughter who has passed is there to show you that these are safe snakes. Snakes are representative of spirituality and wisdom.   This dream is letting you know that you are expanding and having more opportunities for growth in these areas. As this dream occurred and you found yourself jumping to avoid stepping on them you are being sho0wn that it is safe to move forward on your spiritual quest. “One Who Serves” We are going to share that it is happening to more and more people and that is, snakes meaning the Kundalini Energy rising. This is happened within you, you who is asking this question. As you know you have had what many would call a miraculous healing here. It is not miraculous; it is simply science that has occurred here. Yeezy Boost 750 France Your Kundalini Energy rose at that particular time and created the perfect time for the healing process here. You have had this and it continues because of your belief system. You believe it and then you will see it. You see?   So, everything is going according to plan for you. There are many things you have not shared in the various groups but you have a very strong connection, as you know. This is all we can say on this at this time. Everything is happening as it needs to and everything is being orchestrated here. Question:I had something happen recently that I used to have in the 1970’s. I sleep on my stomach and I tried to roll over. I felt that if I could roll to my back I would feel better but I could not move. “One Who Serves” As we would find it this is a letting go process. A letting go of various things that have occurred to you in the past. It is a connection to a time ling ago. You had those experiences and then you moved away from this particular ideal.   And now it has come back to look at this again. Not so much from a conscious level but from a but from a sublevel conscious here. This is what is occurring as we can see. It is not something to be concerned about. When you have this experience just let it be what it is. There are no dark energies that we can see. Just let it be.   If you feel comfortable turning over on your back, then do so. Let it be what it is. Question: I had a stack of papers on my counter and when I got up this morning, I saw a feather next to that. Who might that be from? “Ashira” We are going to send you back home. This one is reaching out to you but we are not going to say a lot about this one. This is one who means something to you and by leaving this particular sign you felt deeply of this one. Question: I attended a Heart Math meeting this week and felt deeply that this might be a good path for me to follow for the future. Is that a good idea? “Ashira” You are so Divinely led. You are so Divinely led by your Higher Self who is very clear in its messages to you.   We will say that the leaders you experienced had a wonderful way with this information. And you have a wonderful background with corporate America. You know how to get in front of people and to share with them.   We know that everyone is coming toward the end of this journey and looking for what they are to do. They are looking to the future and are saying, what do I spy for my future?   Take a close look at this. How many businesses would you need to contact? How many presentations will you give? It is not just a matter of matter of moving forward. This is an opportunity that you may decide is a good fit for you. First of all, do your homework as well. It is not going to be handed to you on a silver platter. “One Who Serves” We reiterate to just go with it. Allow for the process to take hold as you move forward with this or anything. This goes for all here. You are all coming to the point where it is not going to be the same old, same old. Those various jobs that you do not like anymore, you are going to be moving away from them. Even jobs that you do like, you are going to be moving away from them as well.   There are going to be many new opportunities as you move along and there are also going to be opportunities to sit back and relax and not have to do that which you do not want to anymore. All of this is coming.   When replicators are introduced, what need do you have to go shopping anymore? What need do you have for trucks delivering products to stores anymore? What need will you have to go to courtrooms and things of this nature?   None of this is going to be important anymore. Everything is going to be shifting through a transition, yes, but it is going to be a shift, nevertheless. Allow the process to continue. Go about your daily business as you need to but know that all of this is sifting and your consciousness, as it continues shifting, will be going to different avenues, other areas you will want to explore. OK?   We release channel.   Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One. “Ashira” I have already said what I came to say. Much love and peace. Namaste.   Channeled by James McConnell and Dr.
