Calzoncillos Calvin Klein España

by Patricia Cota-Robles
May 21, 2015
On Sunday, May 24, 2015, over two billion Christians around the World will celebrate Pentecost. This was an event involving the twelve Disciples, which took place in the “Upper Room,” 50 days after Jesus’ Resurrection. During that event, the Disciples each received a Baptism by Sacred Fire from the Holy Spirit. That Divine Intervention elevated the Disciples into an awakened state of Christ Consciousness and secured the archetype and the template that would insure the return of our Mother God, the Divine Feminine.
After our fall from Grace, we closed our Heart Chakras so that we would not feel the pain we were creating through the misuse of our free will and our creative faculties of thought and feeling. That fateful decision blocked the flow of our Mother God’s Divine Love and catapulted us into a distorted patriarchal consciousness. That fragmented and fear-based consciousness erroneously convinced us that even though we were Sons and Daughters of God, we had a single parent and that parent was a masculine Father God. Well, what child is ever born without a Mother and a Father? “As above, so below.”
Because of our distorted patriarchal perceptions, for aeons of time we have mistakenly thought of the Holy Spirit as a masculine aspect of our Father God. We understood that the Holy Spirit is the Love Nature of God and the Holy Comforter, but we forgot that the Holy Spirit is actually the Divine Feminine, our Mother God. Now all of that has changed. During the past several decades, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, our Mother God has returned to her full Divine Potential within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity. Now it is time for us to take the next step in this Healing process.
On Pentecost Sunday 2015, through the collective consciousness of more than two billion Christians, and millions of other Awakened Sons and Daughters of God, a Chalice of Light, a Holy Grail, will be formed that will cradle the entire Planet Earth and ALL her Life. On that sacred and Holy Day, the Holy Spirit, our Mother God, will bless every particle and wave of Life on Earth, and all of the spaces in-between the particles and waves of Life, in the most intensified frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love Humanity can withstand. This will be accomplished through a Baptism by Sacred Fire that will be ushered into the physical plane of Earth on Celestial Tones that have been nurturing and Healing Humanity and the Earth for the past four years, since Pentecost Sunday 2011. This Gift of Music from the Spheres of Light is known as Musical Rapture.
I would like to share with you how this Gift of Music came about, so that you will appreciate the miracle of this Gift within the deepest recesses of your Heart. We have been longing for the time when Heaven and Earth would come together to assist us in our endeavors to transform ourselves and this Planet. This is that moment.
2010 ended with an incredible influx of Light. On December 21, 2010, we experienced the Solstice and a very powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The synchronicity of these two events occurring at the same time had happened only one other time in the past 2,000 years.
That Lunar Eclipse took place within two degrees of the Galactic Center which opened a mighty portal of Light from the Core of Creation into the Center of the Earth. The Light of God that poured through that portal initiated incomparable pivotal changes for all Life evolving on this Planet.
Once the portal was opened, the Light of God built in momentum until the New Moon Solar Eclipse which took place on January 4, 2011. During that monumental influx of Light, Lightworkers around the world joined hearts with the Company of Heaven and cocreated a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. The powerful Light that bathed the Planet during that two week period catapulted every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth further up the Spiral of Evolution. That paved the way for a God Victorious 2011, which was the final year of preparation before the Birth of the New Earth that was destined to take place in 2012.
On December 29, 2010, in the midst of that incredibly powerful influx of Light my precious son, Joao, unexpectedly left the physical plane of Earth. Within a 24-hour period, he passed away due to complications from a deadly strain of pneumonia that he did not even realize he had. Joao was 42 years old. He left behind his wife and three beautiful sons. Immediately after his transition, Joao shared with his Father and me that his time on Earth was complete. He said that he was able to move directly into the Light and that he is now working with Archangel Michael and the Legions of Healing. He said that he would soon be able to “Gift” Humanity in ways that would enhance our service to the Light, ways that he could not accomplish from the physical plane.
Joao soon began communicating with a wonderful French musician named Frederic Delarue. Joao asked Frederic if he would accept the responsibility of receiving a musical transmission that would be a legacy for his family and Humanity. Frederic agreed to Joao’s request without knowing any of the specifics about the music. After Frederic returned from Joao’s Celebration of Life ceremony, Joao began to reveal to Frederic just what this music would be, a Healing Gift for Humanity.
When Frederic Delarue was 12 years old he had a near death experience after which he realized he was given an amazing gift of music. When Frederic was 13 years old the Angelic Music of the Spheres began flowing through his hands as he played people’s soul songs. He just quieted himself, moved his own consciousness aside, and the music of the person’s soul flowed through his hands.
For the next few months after Joao’s transition, Frederic said that Joao would come to him and tell him some things about the music and how it was to be distributed. Then, just before Easter, Frederic awoke with a powerful heart prompting to go to France immediately, so he made arrangements and flew to France. During the month of May while he was in France, he went to Rennes-le-Chateau on several occasions. Rennes-le-Chateau is a sacred focus of Mary Magdalene, who is at this time working with Mother Mary and all of the Feminine Aspects of our Father-Mother God to bring to the consciousness of the World the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God, or as we have often referred to this Aspect of Deity, the Holy Spirit. Frederic said that when he sat in the church and contemplated the Presence of Mary Magdalene, he had a miraculous experience that transformed his life. He returned home a different person. He knew that his experience with Mary Magdalene was a necessary factor in preparing him to receive Joao’s gift of healing music for Humanity.
During the month of May, while this initiation was occurring for Frederic in France, Mother Mary was assisting every one of us in a miraculous way. Over 40 years ago Mother Mary told us that prior to Humanity’s embodiment this time she had made a covenant with every man, woman, and child on Earth. She said that in the not too distant future, when Humanity was open and receptive to the influx of Divine Love from our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, she would draw us into her Temple of the Immaculate Heart and assist our I AM Presence to expand the Threefold Flame in our heart to its original size. She said that this would greatly enhance our ability to receive and assimilate the frequencies of Divine Love from our Mother God and the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Perfection.
The Threefold Flame in our heart originally enveloped our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. It was the perfect balance of our Father God’s Blue Flame of Power, our Mother God’s Pink Flame of Divine Love, and the Son and Daughter of God’s Yellow-gold Flame of Wisdom. It was the true reflection of the Holy Trinity. When we fell from Grace we closed our hearts so we would not feel so much pain. This blocked the portal through which our Mother God’s Love entered the World. This caused our Threefold Flame to become imbalanced, which caused us to lose the awareness of our Mother God. Our Threefold Flame eventually shrunk to what we now refer to as the “spark of Divinity” in our hearts. Well, now that we have cocreated a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love everything has changed!
After Frederic returned from France, he said Joao seemed to feel that there was now an urgency to make this music available to the World. On June 12, 2011, Pentecost Sunday, Joao told Frederic, “Today is the day.” Frederic prepared his equipment and turned everything on so that he would be ready. When the time was right, Mary Magdalene expanded her luminous Presence and held Frederic and Joao in the embrace of her radiant Light as Joao played Musical Rapture through Frederic’s magical hands.
Joao said this music is encoded with frequencies of Healing that Humanity has not been able to reach until now. This is being made possible because of the expansion of Humanity’s Threefold Flame, the return of our Mother God, and her monumental influx of Transfiguring Divine Love.Musical Rapture is a Gift from the Heavenly Realms and must never be bought or sold.
The following is a quote that Joao requested we include with the music:
A Healing Gift for Humanity
Celestial Music from Joao Cota-Robles
through Frederic Delarue
“The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell. As the music soothes and comforts the cells, the body’s natural ability to heal itself is enhanced. 
“This sacred music is compatible and works in harmony with every healing modality or medical treatment a person may choose to experience. The music resonates with an additional blessing for everyone who is dealing with any form of cancer.
“This music is a gift from On High and it is never to be bought or sold. Please share this information with everyone you feel would benefit from this sacred gift of Celestial Music.”    
Joao Cota-Robles
Joao said the Company of Heaven is going to help anyone who wants the music to have access to it through his or her own computer or through the computer of someone they know. He said all is in Divine Order; all Frederic and I need to do is make the music available through the highest possible resolution for anyone who wants to experience it.
On Pentecost, May 24, 2015, the Celestial Tones of Musical Rapture will greatly assist Humanity and ALL Life on Earth to assimilate the Sacred Fire Baptism we will receive on the Breath of the Holy Spirit, our Mother God.
We have produced a beautiful 10-minute YouTube video of Musical Rapture, so you can hear what it sounds like. This YouTube video is an easy way for you to let the members of your family and Calzoncillos Calvin Klein Baratos friends who you feel may be interested in this Healing Gift for Humanity know about the music. 
(If this link does not work, please copy it and paste it into your browser.)
The complete 62-minute MP3 download of Musical Rapture is available on our website for FREE: 
(If this link does not work, please copy it and paste it into your browser.)
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981, Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2015 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.