Archangel Michael (Channeled by Michael Love)
July 27, 2015
Dear ones,
Your world yeezy pas cher is about Philipp Plein Pas Cher to change in a profound way over the next two months as a powerful wave of gamma light coming from the Galactic Core, (The Pleroma) impacts Earth and its beings!
It’s important to note that we are already well inside this cosmic gamma blast referred to as WAVE-X and many of you have been feeling this energetic increase that will continue in intensity everyday until September 28th, 2015.
This great point in humanity’s evolution is know as “THE EVENT HORIZON”.
September 28th, 2015 is when this Super-Wave peaks and is the highest energetic frequency ever measured in the cosmos in modern history.
Will anyone actually ascend on this date? Yes! Any light being who is already vibrating close to the 5D frequency of 21 Hertz will pierce through the protective 5D barrier know as “The Great Void” and will be able to experience a sustained perception of the New Earth at this great moment in our history.
Many beings do not realize that this new perceived reality, the new Earth will still be inside a hologram-matrix, however it will be a greatly improved one over the old control grid we have known for over 300,000 years.
The new Earth is still a perceived hologram because being inside a hologram is the only way a soul can be physical and experience the 5 senses.
The physical part of all this is still vibrating in the 3rd dimension, but think of the 5th dimensional level as being overlayed on top of 3D. The only way to not exist in a holographic matrix no matter how controlling or heavenly it may be is to become non-physical.
You have incarnated here over and over for the purpose of evolving back to your higher nature, but the real reason you keep coming here and will stay here is because you love being physical and experiencing the 5 senses. If only you had a better environment to do this, everything would be perfect! That is what is about to happen!
At the same moment you are experiencing your 3D senses in a 5D light matrix you will be able to move into your light body (The Merkaba) and be able to navigate in the higher realms with no limitations.
“Behold, I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth”.  These two things are not the same. The New Earth includes 3D, 4D and 5D and the New Heaven is dimensions 6 through 12 that you can only traverse in the light body.
It’s like this, you are not leaving 3D! Instead you will continue to exist in 3D, 4D and 5D in the same time-space (now here) and you will be fully aware of your experience in each dimension.
We are currently experiencing a steady bell curve in gamma light frequency increase as we move into the most intense part of the photon belt so see if you can be aware of its effects on the body, mind and emotions over the next two months!
This intense gamma energy is coming in due to multiple celestial events all occuring at the same time allowing an incredible amount of cosmic light-data to flow into this system!
This is no bad thing and certainly nothing to fear as these new data frequencies bombard the earth and its beings!
There will be a level of chaos as this new photon data enters the matrix and is integrated, but its after effect will be the gradual transformation of the old control matrix hologram into the new crystaline grid matrix and is what we have worked towards for so long and want to see happen.
It is proven that gamma light can instantaneously evolve the DNA of any species into its higher form. You are literally evolving quickly now into the highest version of you!
Some are preaching doom and gloom about all this and there are others who are totally oblivious to what is truly happening.
There are many First-Wavers who blazed the ascension trail for the last 40-60 years who are not oblivious at all to this and are rejoicing because they know what is transpiring.
We say ride this super photon wave with everything you’ve got! See this as the beginning of true freedom for Humanity. Rejoice we say!
Be impeccable in every area of your life as we move ahead in each now moment as your ions begin spin faster and faster!
It’s important to let go of everything that has not served your soul to this point and open fully to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Most of you are already feeling the steady increase of frequency in the body. Many of you have noticed being shifted around to new locations, loss of relationships and material things. In some ways you may feel totally out of place, alone and even lost.
We assure you all that is happening is as it should be, and is a clearing of the old energies that you have held onto so strongly. These lower frequencies have to be transmuted so this divine wave of light and love can flow through the body and ground into the core of Gaia. It is impossible to take the lower frequecies of repressed emotional trauma and errant DNA programming (limited belief systems) into the higher dimensions! These old trapped trauma energies must be released from the body so the light data can flow completely through you and be grounded correctly. This completes the divine circuitry that makes you the super being you truly are.
The highest level twin flames on the Earth play a major role in “THE EVENT HORIZON”.
A great multitude of illuminated twin flame keyholders shall lead the way and open the cosmic gates with the intense power of their combined love and brings forth this higher vibrational perception called “The New Earth and New Heaven.”
We as the angels in human bodies came to hold space in our own bodies for this great light for all humanity and to herald this great message! Know that many Star Races are now here for the final curtain call in this great cosmic story you have played an important role in.
Great beings from many worlds are here on the edge of their seat to see how you are doing and to see what you will do next. They are applauding you!
We say that after the first-wave twin flame keyholders go through the 5D veil, they will begin their real work as male/female teams in the greatest service to others, helping the rest of Humanity cross the great Rainbow Bridge.
We close in saying it’s important that you take good care of yourself during this great time so that you can be the best you can be for all!
The highest teaching in all universes is this:
Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and this is the secret to entering The Kingdom of Heaven.We ask you who the identity of this great God is?
Love yourself with all your heart, mind and soul! There is no other work to do than this!
Thank you great ones for coming to Earth on this great purposeful mission.
Well done good and faithful ones, enter in. This is your hour to shine.
You are the light of this world, as a great master once said. Shine bright for all to see.
This is all very real dear friends, it’s already happening and will happen exactly as it has been spoken. It is beautiful and wonderful and there is nothing to fear. No harm shall come to any of you.
Your world will now be set free forevermore! The level of suffering and chaos on this planet cannot be sustained even past another few months! Something has to give at once and it truly already has as billions of Light Beings (YOU) continue to transmit in this Evolutionary Wave of Super Consciousness to transform ourselves and the outward perception of this place into the paradise it was meant to be!
The data contained in this message flows from source energy through this vessel.
I am the great Archangel Michael, The Guardian Angel of Love and Protection who speaks these words to you.
God-speed to all great beings of light!
Archangel Michael