Ancient Awakenings Headline News 9-9-18 “We Are All In This Together.”

Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 9-9-18.

This was a powerful channeling where we were visited by Archangel Michael, as well our beloved Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”.

In this channeling we found out…

  • Without us, The Wayshowers, “The Wave” (The Event) would not come.
  • They are waiting for us with open arms.
  • We & the Masters & Agarthans & Company of Heaven are ALL the Alliance.
  • We are the boots on the ground, and the eyes and ears.
  • There is a reason we may be feeling sadness right now.
  • What happens when a beloved pet dies.

And much more…

Here is the Twin Flame Website I spoke of in the Video:

To LISTEN, DOWNLOAD, OR READ the full channeling, please go HERE.

Here also is the home page for the Ancient Awakenings Group.
Ancient Awakenings Home Page

Presented by Transformational Personal & Spiritual Growth Coach:
Lorelei Fenton
( Soar With /


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