Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 12-31-19
This was our very Special New Year’s Channeling where, just once per year, we are given predictions for the upcoming year by the group of Ascended Masters known collectively as “One Who Serves”.
Predictions are almost never given in our channelings because predictions are always probabilities and possibilities and they are always changeable based on our ever-changing consciousness on Planet Earth.
So New Year’s Eve is indeed very special for our Ancient Awakenings Group. And we are always cautioned to take all predictions everywhere with the proverbial “Grain of Salt.”
In this special channeling it was predicted that…
. 2019 will be a VERY special year.
. We WILL have those arrests we have been waiting for.
. We WILL have changes in the political structure.
. We WILL have more and more sightings.
And much more…
Here also is the home page for the Ancient Awakenings Group.
Ancient Awakenings Home Page
Presented by Transformational Speaker
Lorelei Fenton
Soar With (Transformational Personal Growth)