24.10.13 – Find The Vibrational Match to Yourselves (Archangel Michael)

hear channeling


. Learn to listen, not just to trust others outside yourself.

. Chem trails have shifted significantly, due to lack of funding, activity has been curtailed.   

. HAARP and directed energy weapons used to create this catasthrophic weather, was allowed, on order to create awareness.

. North Carolina patriots and White Hat Aliance are fighting FEMA dark forces.

. The king-pimp, Godfather of human trafficking and 41 of his associatea was finally captur3d after a 30 year man-hunt.

. Disneyworld was flooded in order to flood / clean the trafficking underground tunnels.  Facecook immeditely suppressed any postings on this news.

. When there is mo light shined on darkness, then there is nonawareness of the darkness – FEMA, Zionists invation and genocide of Palestine, HAARP, Vaccinations, etc, etc.

. The evil that plagues this mation amd the evil that has infiltrated the ranks of the media industry, are coming down.

. Lithium and Quartz deposits are the reason for the storms over North Carolina, to get the residents out of the area, for Cabal corporation to exploit these areas.

. Trust the plan, continue to be who you are, continue to shine the light …


Sunday Call 10/13/2024 (AA Michael, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell

 find the vibrational match to yourselves

 AA Michael  and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self

These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on October13, 2024. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there

Archangel Michael

 I am Archangel Michael and I come to be with you at this time, in these times of vibrational frequency, everything now my friends is about frequency, vibration and consciousness.  Everything is moving in that direction and you are finding yourselves moving in that direction, in the sense that you are finding the match.   You spoke about that in your discussion earlier; and it was not by happenstance,  not by coincidence, that this came about, that this topic was broached here.  Because it is all about that as you continue to move forward in your ascension process, is all about finding that vibrational match to yourselves as you are being drawn more into nature, or you are being drawn, attracted to other people  of like mind, like soul, like body.  All of this, the match that you are all looking for, because you are drawn to that, it is calling you, the vibrational frequency match is calling you and allow that call to happen, allow yourself to be attracted to whatever it is, it can be people, it can be nature, it can also be materialistic things as well, if there are those things that you are desiring in your life.

Those things that are calling to you, whatever they might be and allow it to be, allow yourself to be a match to those, to those, whatever it is. But certainly to people, you will find more and more that you are attracted to those of like mind and repelled by those that are not of a like mind. and that is okay.  It is okay to find your way in a different path, you are on a different path from many others, even those of, some of your family, your friends, your acquaintances.  You are on your own path. They are on their path and allow that process to be, do not try to control it, just let it be what it is and you will find if you do that, you will be attracted to higher vibrational frequency matches whatever that might be, whatever that will bring to you in your life. It will bring you whatever it is that you are needing, the universe shall provide for you. However you are matching to that universe.  That is where you are all headed, so allow that process.   Allow the diverging, I have mentioned this before, other sources have been mentioning this more and more now, the diverging timelines are indeed happening.

And you are finding that all of the old timelines, the old three-dimensional illusion is being brought out into the light, the shadows of that illusion are being brought into the light. The truth, the truth indeed shall set you free. That is what that means. It will indeed set you free as you allow the process to continue. Do not be concerned about what it is that you see with your physical eyes.

That is an illusion, always know that as you see that third dimensional illusion; the matrix if you will, and you do not any more become encumbered by it, being held by it, being mired in this sludge that is there.  Allow for yourself to be drawn out of that more and more. And as you do that you will find that your life will take on a different direction, a different path if you will.

But always, you will be following the path that you were meant to follow, the path that is leading you out of that third dimensional illusion up into the fourth dimension and beyond into the fifth and even higher than that.

So as always allow the process, trust the plan because it is working out exactly as it needs to, the universe is indeed providing exactly as you need to, so even though you look at those things that are happening in that third dimensional illusion in the matrix, you realize that it is indeed an illusion.

I am archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to realize the illusion is fading more and more, and in place of that, is the new higher reality of your own creation.


Greetings to you One Who Serves (OWS) here, Shoshana is here with us and we are ready to assist you in whatever way that we can in answering your questions and, and being the guides that you are all meeting here at this time.

For we have come, we as the ascended ones and Shoshana, and all of those that are guiding in this process for you the group, but also those that resonate that are beyond this group that resonate to these words and resonate to what we are bringing forth here in terms of a, a level of training, a training for those of you that are in the Western culture here, not the eastern culture but the Western culture and being able to assist you and take you forward more and more and more that is what we are here to do.

That is what we are here to be of service to all of you, just as when the time comes and indeed it shall come where you will be given the opportunity to do such as we are doing here, but not so much in a channeling type of situation but in terms of being of service and being of assistance to those that are  moving a little bit behind you, we will say at this point.

So just be who you are.  That is what you need to continue to, to be aware of.   Be who you are, do not try to be anything more or less than who you are, just BE and you will find that you will BE and are on the road to ascension here.

We are ready for your questions if you have them.


Yes, I have a question beloved one.

For a while now, I felt very connected to the angels, almost like their family and I, I’ve known especially the names of the archangels of the chakras for some time and I kind of connect with them as I’m activating my shocks daily and, and then I began to mixed in the twin flames cause I figured that anything that the one is involved in the other must be involved in too. Cause there are as one. So, I began that and, and also kind of, you know, mixing them in there and getting to know them and whatnot. I became a little confused at one point because archangel Rafael feels very close to me in some ways and I thought  his twin was Gaia but then I, someone said no, she had another twin; and I’m talking about online or whatever, and then I thought, well maybe it’s Sofia, because Gaia comes from Sophia, o I believe it splits off from her, and then I thought maybe that’s not right because somebody said she had a different, then another one said, Mary. Okay, I understand Mary, I think thought is an aspect of, of probably one of those two. So I’m trying to figure out who is the twin of Rafael, is it one of those three or am I on the wrong track completely.


My dear sister are you familiar with the terminology – “analysis is paralysis”?


Yes, but I do want to know what to call this one, when I connect to this one.


All whatever you want that matters, not. Do not be so concerned about who is who and what is what and all of this, just allow it to be, just allow for the message to come through. We say this many, many times, in many different ways, the message not the messenger. They do not care what you call them, you can call them anything you want, just don’t call them; what is you’re saying – “late for dinner”, as we guess here, but do not be concerned about this. You are, when you are concerned. It’s so much about analyzing everything then you are missing the message that is coming to you. Okay, so Shoshana, do you have something to add here?


We do not.


Very good. We apologize that we will, will not answer your question directly for it does not need  an answer at this point, you have the answer.  Thank you.


So we just ask you this then, because you’ve often said that if we hit on something as we remember it and we’re hitting on it and we are able to come up with the answer ourselves, then you could confirm, so can you confirm that it’s any one of those three. Is that possible?


Again, we hesitate to do this for you. For you must trust in yourselves. If you trust in what we’re saying or anyone else is saying, then you are missing the message, you are missing the boat; as you’re saying goes, just, just allow it to be. Again it does not matter who it is. What their name is, what you call them.  They will answer to whatever you wish to call them.


Well, we wish to share.


Very good, yes.


May we share with you sister?


Yes please.


Dear sister, we are so curious why, why you have asked this?  What is the basis of your question?


Because I feel like it’s family and I feel like if I’m pinpointing and I’m saying, okay, I’m at, I’m calling Rafael and whoever, you know, I just feel like it’s family. I feel like I should, I should know their name and like you know, Shoshana’s name, I know my higher-self’s name, but I don’t know this one’s name. So hum, I just feel like it’s not like, it’s just like I have intuit this, and so I feel like, okay, am I on the right track in intuiting this and using this, otherwise, it doesn’t feel right to call her for instance, Mary, that doesn’t feel right, feel somewhat right to call her Gaia or So.., Sophia. So I just want to, I just want to you, know ….


So, is there a point of so, is this a, a desire to be polite?


Get it right. I mean, you know, it’s like, I don’t want to be calling somebody by the wrong name, you know.


Soooo, as one who serves has given, they, they really are not concerned about what you call them because honestly in the world that they live in, in the higher vibrational environment that they live in,  they, they are called by a vibration, they live and are bound by a vibration you see, so their name is a vibration.  We give them names because that is what we do in the third dimension.  So they’re, they have a vibration name.  So the other thing that we will give you is that, the great Rafael can whisper the name in your ear, if you choose.  So, we would say to ask.  We would say to engage him to ask him the being that is the archangel Rafael, to reveal his twin flame to you and we might tell you that he may not, and then he may, and it is all based on for these beings in – the need to know.  It is based on what

connection you must make to complete your journey, to complete your path to complete your mission,  what connections you must make, so ask the great one, we call them Rafi here, but ask Rafi.


Okay, can, can I say something else then? Because I just realized it in what you’re saying. So one of the reasons that got me on this track is because I go to this beautiful place called Three Sisters and I volunteer to do gardening there and then you know I’ve been felt very connected to Rafael even to having his pictures coming screen out, out of me when I’ve seen them in, in person and like they just like jump off the, off the canvas. So, then I saw, like there’s all this artistic expression going on and it’s all aligned with nature and I got, oh, my god, to me this looks like that hum, Rafael; and it’s a loving thing, it’s an intertwining. It just, it feels like a twin flame thing, this feels to me like Rafael and Gaia are twin flames and this big expression is, this gorgeous expression is that, and that’s what got me on that.


So, so, messages that you are given, understanding that you have within your heart, are generally the truth. So if you feel this deeply just ask for confirmation within yourself and whisper into Rafi’s ear and he will give you that confirmation.  It is actually not ours to give you, see,  OWS was skirting around the issue but it is not, it is not his to give you see, it’s not mine to give. So we would ask that you ask. Go directly to the source as you are close to this one Rafael, and he will give you the answer, and may already have.  Th challenge for each of you on this third dimensional plane is trusting your own, your own guidance …. namaste.


Okay, thank you.


I have a question, I have a question we were talking in our discussion about chemtrails and, and who was noticing chemtrails recently and I was listening to a podcast, so from a channeler saying that if there are chemtrails any longer they’re not harmful that the Galactics and source have defused them and they might even be in some, some instances positive. Could you just tell us if chemtrails are still happening, if they are sometimes harmful, or if they’re positive, or if they’re neutral, or what’s happening with the chemtrails.


We are finding that what you are calling chemtrails have shifted dramatically over the time here.   In the past, they were utilized for nefarious purposes but in many ways; because of money or lack of which, has been curtailed, also those that are opposing this have also helped to curtail this full operation.

So, what is occurring now if you’re seeing, is the clearing of this skies, even though may be one here or there you are experiencing, it is not to be concerned about at this point, because they have  nothing behind them, at this point. Nothing that is, what you would call – the project for 2030; which was about the de-population of the planet and all of this.  This has all been curtailed so it cannot be anymore, here.

So, no, no need to be concerned, but notice the beautiful blue skies that are appearing in many different places where for the last ten years, twenty years or so has not been the case.

So Shoshana do you have anything you add?


We agree.


Very good. We are ready for next question if there is one.


And I just wanna add that, now I can pray and hope that the same situation happens with the HAARP and the directed energy that is causing so much chaos on the planet …


It is all, yes, it is already in the works as you say here.


We will add here, may we add their sister?


Yes, sister.


The HAARP and the directed energy weapons that are, that have been used to create this fiasco of weather, is very purposeful, and yes people will die, people will move on, there are events occurring but it is needed you see, it is needed for your country to rise up.  And to raise-up, you see, without these dire things happening, people will, will stay asleep. They will not notice what is going on. So, even though it seems so unjust and so catastrophic in, in many of your minds, what has occurred was required …. Namaste.


Yes, it’s all part of the greater plan.


Yes, thank you so, so much and I’m hearing that the warriors and the people in North Carolina and the Appalachians are fighting now against FEMA and, and getting them off their property. So, it’s a beautiful thing.


Is, not only those that are fighting back, as you’re saying, it is also those of the White Hat Alliance that have strongly come into the picture there, and are working together with those of the ones that are rising up.


Thank you.


Would there be other questions here?


I have a quick quote one, follow-up question to that?




Along those lines, we’ve always said, right, this is, the way this chess game is going, is basically a mirror, that the dark side makes a move, we have a counter moving piece and what you just said; not necessarily a popular idea, that maybe sometimes The White Hats, I don’t know about why these things happened but these things are required, for like you said – the plan to playout. 

One thing I did want to confirm is point of the real positives that I heard, especially in and around the Ashville, North Carolina area, besides I heard that was a fairly wicket town because it was a Wicken community and there was a lot of bad folks there. So, to me that seems intentional, I’ve also noticed Disney World got flooded, and wondering if that is related to flooding the tunnels. And the one thing I heard that and I’m not sure anybody has heard as well is that they actually caught the number one human trafficker in the world during this operation in the, in the Ashville area. And I just wanted to know if you can confirm that or if there are other big positive wins that we got out of this seaming disaster.


We can confirm the part about the tunnels and all of this that are being cleaned out, as you would say here, by the waters by the weather that is happening there it is, in point, a counter point, as you were saying here again the, chess game one side does their move and the other side does their move.   But the side of the White Hat Alliance is far ahead of the other side.  That is all we can say at this point, it is happening exactly as it needs to, in the time frame that it needs to occurs. So, just allow it to be. 

Notice again the illusion that is being brought out, to all to begin to see that indeed it is an illusion.More will become aware of that as days, and weeks, and even months go by.


Yeah, I see the massive exposure and it’s doing quite the job awakening people. So that’s great.


Yes, Shoshana do you have anything to add here?


We agree and we believe that all that is happening is unfortunately a part of the plan to awaken the population, you see.   When there is no light, shining on the darkness, we are not aware of the darkness. So, what has happened here is, this major happening is shining a light on the evil of your organization, known as FEMA, as there were many who were asleep, that believe that this organization was for good, and it was all of the opposite of that. It is, it is evil, you see. So, so the, so the idea of, of the devastation that has occurred in these areas, is just minor compared to the devastation of losing your freedom, you see…..




And unfortunately, some people gave their lives, they knew they would give their lives. They planned to do this from the very beginning. So, that you could be free, you see. This is in many ways the re-enactment of the beginning of your country and your founding fathers predicted that you would once again have to fight for your freedom and that is what is happening.  So you must rejoice here and understand that the evil that plagues this country, and the evil that is, has infiltrated the bounds of your entertainment industry is coming down, it is, it is coming down so that we can praise God, that your freedom is preserved ….. namaste.


Namaste, thank you so much.


Very good. Are there any other further question we take one more that is and we need to release channel


Well, I just wanna ask, add a little something, something to that, that might be another thing that’s being exposed that I heard that the, the ones that seeded that storm, because a multitude of different storms it was, you know, went up to a category five hurricane and it also, this is, this is the first one Helen and then also it was tornadoes, it was wins storms, it was everything so, it was actually seated by

the dark forces, but they were using it because it was for, the companies of  Black Rock and Vanguard which are all Cabal-owned or run, and they wanted, hum what is it, they wanted the lithium and the quartz that are prevalent in North Carolina.


Yes, what we ask though, what is your question here?


My question is, is that, was that kind of a, a way to expose those companies? Are we, are we gonna.


Indeed, indeed, that is what is occurring more, more are coming in more, more the truth is coming out for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, but we say again more and more are having those eyes to see, and ears to hear, because it is a, it is a waking-up process here and many are waking up to what has been occurring over, even thousands of years here.

Is finally coming to a conclusion. Just as Shoshana gave with the founding fathers here of this country of United States for America predicted that this would occur at a time, and they placed the second amendment, that is being able to defend yourselves, to bear arms that was put into place for this very reason.

You are seeing that playing out here, right in front of your eyes.


We wish share!   We wish to add here dear sister, may we add?


Sure, sure. Yes.


So, what is happening here in your country, is not so much exposing these companies, because we will

tell you that the vast majority of your population does not even know the name. They don’t even know who these companies are or what they stand for, what the minor, what the small contingent of patriots that are fighting this war on your behalf, they are stopping them from accessing more assets.  So these companies that of amassed wealth, by stealing well, are now being stopped from doing that which will in-turn diminish their power and make them irrelevant. 

So that is what is occurring, when we think about exposure, we will just tell you that most do not even know their name … namaste.


Very good, we need to release channel.  Shoshana, do you have parting message here?


Well we, we, once again we’ll reiterate as we have said as many as OWS has said and many before this,  have said To trust the plan.  it is difficult when there’s devastation, when there is chaos, when there’s fear, when things are happening that seems so unjust, it is difficult to trust but we will tell you as OWS has given that all is going according to plan.

So, trust it…… namaste.


Very good, we simply say, continue to be who you are, be the shining light that you came here to be.

Shanti, peace be with you, be the ONE!

Channeled by James McConnell 



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

If you would like to join Ancient Awakenings and participate in our Sunday calls, please go to our Meetup website (www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings) and join there

Author: Yoda