Tag: Channeling
Ancient Awakenings Headline News 11-4-18, “Know Your Power”
Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 11-4-18. This was a quite poignant channeling where we were visited by Commander Aramda, who is the Commander of the Galactic Ship the Amalia. After that we heard from our dear brother & Ascended Master One Who Serves, who answered our specific questions. In this channeling we found out… Our expedition was successful “Beyond Words.”
What occurred is beyond explanation & its enormity is beyond our 3D comprehension. Sit back and “Savor the Flavor” Acknowledge your power! “Where we go one, we go all.” Global warming is a fallacy. And much more…
Ancient Awakenings Headline News 10-28-18 “Visualize, Imagine, Create”
Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 10-28-18. This was a quite poignant channeling where we were visited by St. Germaine, The keeper of the transmutational Violet Flame. After that we heard from our dear brother & Ascended Master One Who Serves, who answered our specific questions. In this channeling we found out… Create what you want. When we participate in the 3D Illusion of fear, we create MORE of it. Calming the Collective Consciousness will calm even the earthquakes & volcanoes. The recent mail-bombs were a false flag. Figures in dreams are always aspects of ourselves, or parts of our personality. And much more…
Ancient Awakenings Headline News 9-30-18 "In 5D There Will Be No More ‘Storms’ "
s the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 9-30-18.
This was a powerful channeling where we were visited by Master Aramda, Commander of the Galactic Ship the Amalia. After that we heard from our dear brother & Ascended Master One Who Serves, who answered our specific questions. In this channeling we found out… We know and have known Aramda in times gone by. We are preparing for the change from one paradigm to another. There must be utter destruction of the illusion. What’s up with the sealed indictments.
The difference between the Spirit versus the Soul. How Creation began.
And much more…
Ancient Awakenings Headline News 9-16-18 “There’s No Holding Back the Flood”
Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 9-16-18.
This was a powerful channeling where we were visited by Master St. Germaine, as well our beloved Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”.
In this channeling we found out… We can look for Confirmation of the Ascension from within, not from outside of ourselves. The temp is rising & the pot is about to boil over. We ain’t seen nothing yet! Why they closed the FBI Sun Observatory Facility. There are all kinds of physical appearances out there with the Galactics.
And much more…
Ancient Awakenings HEADLINE NEWS 9-2-18 “Intend, Believe, Trust”
Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 9-2-18, which is also our Blog Talk Radio Show “Prepare for Change”. This was a poignant radio show & channeling featuring Lord Sananda as well our beloved Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”. In this channeling we found out… What’s up with the NSA & CIA Satellites. Why we may come “full-circle” in September.The storm clouds are gathering now! What “Ask & It Shall Be GIven” means. The Dark Forces cannot stop this. How to have telepathic contact with the Ascended Masters and Archangels. What effect Jared Rand’s & the other mass meditations have. And much more…
Ancient Awakenings Headline News, 8-26-18 “The Storm is Approaching”
Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling from 8-26-18.
This was a poignant channeling on featuring Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Yeshua, as well as our Dear Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”.
In this channeling we found out… How the Law of Attraction works. What our daily purpose is. Where & how the Truth will come. How we can speed up the Ascension. Hold your calm. The storm really approaches. And much more…
Ancient Awakenings Headline News 8-19-18, “Use Your Discernment.”
Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling from 8-16-18. This was a poignant channeling on featuring Archangel Michael as well as our Dear Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”. In this channeling we found out… Now is the time to use our discernment. Now is the time to Trust. More about the Councils of 12. The Earth is the 33rd world to be a member of the Galactic Federation. We are each VERY SIGNIFICANT.
Ancient Awakenings Headline News Day 1, Aug Advance, 8-9-18 “Are You Flying Yet?”
This was an exiting channeling straight from DAY 1 of our 2018 August Advance. It featured our Dear Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”, the one we entitle “The Funny One”. In this channeling we found out… The things we are seeing & experiencing are very real. The skies are gonna open up for us. YOU have the power of a STAR! & much more.
Ancient Awakenings Headline News 7-29-18 “Stopping bullets like NEO”
Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 7-29-18. This was an exciting channeling featuring Commander Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleet, as well our beloved Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”. In this channeling we found out… We ARE one and have always been ONE with everything. We are creating the future of our planet with every thought we have. We too can all stop bullets, like NEO. What ‘Being in the Now’ really means. We are no longer having dreams. We are having experiences. And much more…
Ancient Awakenings Headline NEWS 7-22-18 “Fasten Your Seatbelt, Dorothy”
This was an exciting channeling featuring our beloved Ascended Brother St. Germaine, as well our Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”. In this channeling we found out… The calm before the storm is lifting. We will soon be in the actual STORM. “Fasten Your Seatbelt Dorothy, Kansas is about to go bye bye.” Children come here knowing they ARE the universe. How to dissolve past-life contracts. A life was saved on the call today. And much more. Included also are the following resources for the raising of our vibrations- Solfeggio Frequencies, “The Ascension of Earth” Video Series, Don Slepian Music, St Germaine’s DNA Activation, & Jared Rand’s Daily Global Meditation.