“Partial Disclosure Is NOT Going To Be Allowed”! – Sananda and Saint Germain

  “Partial Disclosure Is NOT Going To Be Allowed”! – Sananda and Saint Germain   “Sananda” and “St. Germaine” channeled by James McConnell   (Note: these messages were giving during Ancient Awakenings new joint Wednesday call with Hollow Earth Network on March 16, 2016)   “Sananda” This is Sananda. It is wonderful to be with all of you again, in this way. I want you to know that where you are listening to this call from wherever you are, there are many of us who are also listening to this call on our ship. This is a trans-migrational phone call, if you want to look at it this way.   This is an amazing time that we are all approaching. As you know, and we have said many times, we have been waiting for these times to come. We have asked James and Susan, they think they have come up with this idea on their own but we sent the messages to them to increase the amount of calls here. For it is important that these messages reach out farther and farther and farther and more often. There is so much that is going to be happening. So much that is going to occur that this information needs to get out to as many of you as is possible. We are endeavoring to do exactly that.   There are going to be messages coming from various sources. Yes, some of those that you are accustomed to. There will be those and there will also be more coming. So, this is a start of more information coming to all of you.   Now we know that you listen and sometimes you think, is it really going to happen? I can assure you as Sananda, it is not going to happen, it is already happening! It is already in the works and nothing can stop it.   You have been hearing the term “partial disclosure”. I can tell you that partial disclosure is NOT the way this is going to run. It is not going to be allowed. There is going to be FULL-disclosure, although there is partial disclosure going on right now.   Those of the Dark Forces are trying to get the information out but still hold on to their power. This is not going to be allowed! Because power will not be allowed. Not the power you have become accustomed to in the 3D paradigm. It cannot be this way anymore.   Everything is coming to balance. Balance is the new way and balance is going to take you into your New Age.   Please know that all these changes are going to come “fast and furious”. All of these things that you have talked about. All of them are occurring and will continue to occur. The dominoes, all of them, are going to begin to fall.   You need to be a little patient a little bit longer. There is so much information coming from so many different sources now, both channeling sources and various types of Intel. T Shirt Balmain Paris We know that there is information and dis-information out there but it is all to prepare you to learn to use your discernment skills. This is important in helping you with your Ascension process. To become your own person. To help you know who you are. All of this is part of the process that has been spoken of.   So, we implore you to continue to be patient. To continue to hold the light. This is so important that you continue to hold the light inside you. Share the love. Share the light wherever you can. This is the way of the future. This is the way of NOW.   As you help share this on your way, you will help more people to awaken. More are going to awaken because of these calls. T Shirt Versace Homme More are going to develop because of what is happening. More are going to awaken because the frequencies are increasing.   There is nothing that is going to stop this. It has been foretold for eons of time. and it is in the works. The ships are waiting outside of the atmosphere. ‘Some are coming down and de-cloaking at night. Many of you are going to look up and see what you thought was a star and then you realized it was not. It is a ship and you will see these more and more often. Not quite in the daytimes yet but this also when the frequencies have reached their limits, let us say.   That is the end of my time with you. St. Germaine wishes to share a piece shortly too. All of my love and peace. “St. Germaine” Yes. Good evening. This is St. Germaine.   It is wonderful to be with you as well in these moments, these times that are changing each and every day. It is my work, you might say, to bring about all these financial changes that you have been hearing about and reading about. These financial changes are already here.   You have heard this many times and we continue to say that it has already happened at the higher levels. Please understand that even though you are not seeing this yet, it is there. And for those who “have eyes to see and ears to hear”, it is even in your 3D understanding. You will begin to get glimpses of this. But I tell you that as the frequencies rise it will become not important for you to see it with your physical eyes. You will know it as it is happening.   You will feel it deeply within you. You will know that everything is beginning to change. Once this begins to happen you will feel the changes and you will see NESARA. You will see and hear the announcement of NESARA and then that will gravitate toward GESARA.   This will happen as well as the re-valuation and the global currency re-set. All of these things, debt forgiveness., jubilee that you have not seen or heard of before. All of these things and your New Republic. I say New Republic but this has always been a Republic. It was always meant to be a Republic. It was there for those who then took it for their needs and bent it to their way but that is also not going to continue much longer.   All of these things are in change. The financial system us about to turn over. Once it does then all of the blessings you have been reading about and hearing about will be yours. The lightworkers, lightbearers, light sharers, all of these, all of you will be brought up to a balanced position where you will all be equal across the planet.   Can you imagine a world such as this? Where all are equal? It has been said that all are equal under the eyes of God but all are equal under you, you are God! You are the Divine Source within you.   Continue, as Sananda has said, to keep your patience. All things will happen as they need to. T Shirt Balmain Pas Cher Know that all is happening as it should.   I love you all. I am St. Germaine.     Channeled by James McConnell and Dr.


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