Ancient Awakenings HEADLINE NEWS 7-1-18 “Release, Let Go & Go With the Flow”

Here is the Ancient Awakenings channeling for 7-1-18, which is also our Blog Talk Radio Show “Prepare for Change”

This was a powerful radio show & channeling featuring Sanat Kumara as well our beloved Ascended Master Brother, “One Who Serves”.

In this channeling we found out…

  • .Sanat Kumara will be the “Last One To Leave” when the task is done.
  •  Sanat Kumara is preparing to go home!
  • Forget the travails and the Pain.
  •  If you die, DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT.
  • All about False Flags and AI Intelligence.
  • The best way to send the Violet Flame.

And much, much more…

To LISTEN, DOWNLOAD, OR READ the full channeling, please go HERE.

Here also is the home page for the Ancient Awakenings Group.

Presented by Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach, Lorelei Fenton
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