Arcturian Message

Arcturian Message ~ Fall Equinox 2015


Salutations of love and excitement dear Earth People!

We, your Arcturian friends, are jumping time lines to communicate with you right now. It was not always foreseen that you would receive our frequency or indeed, welcome it, in this time window. The variables were massive ~ would planet Earth succeed in bringing Her people into 5th dimensional frequency in time? Would the energies of resurgence available in your solar system succeed in activating humans to their full potential? Would enough of your populace be willing to extricate themselves from the net of disempowerment cast over your race for so long?
Depending on the answers to these questions, there was the potential for us to insert ourselves into your reality and help you make the leap. And the answers to all 3 questions posed are not black and white – there is a continuum along which the answers are placed, as your drama unfolds on the stage of your physical planet and in your beauteous galaxy. Most importantly, we must tell you quite clearly that you are on the way – that you are succeeding in extricating yourselves from the net, and that you are in the process of receiving the photonic input which is activating you into your full potential. And is this not wonderous news, worthy of trumpets and fanfare from the angelic choirs? Let us elucidate.
As a race, you are indeed moving towards fifth dimensional frequency. The fore-runners of this are already stabilised in this reality – perhaps 2 to 3 percent of your population are able to maintain this awareness as theirpredominant reality. Most of you reading this are within another 5 percent of the populace who are able to move into fifth dimensional frequency during your peak awareness moments – during orgasm, tantric practise, meditation, pranayama, moments of mergence with nature and so on. Our Star brothers and sisters from Sirius and the Pleiades teach the breathless state through this channel for this precise purpose – in order to temporarily sink you into the awareness of the ‘other’ reality – the non-physical realms of Light,sacred geometry, colour and harmony.
We are with you now not only to bring you these glad tidings, but to assist energetically through our frequency transmissions. You would call this healing – we prefer to call our offerings Light Chamber Transmissions.According to your need and our purpose, we send you different frequency grids at different times, as we are able to see into your Light Bodies and determine what is most appropriate in specific time windows. This September of 2015 on your planet is an extremely auspicious time for you. The equinox on the 23rd is the culmination of a rare series of portals opening energetically on Earth from the 5th of September onwards – the most powerful opportunity to integrate ascension codes since the December solstice of 2012.
You are given the opportunity to be stabilised at your present level of energetic upgrade – you have the potential to integrate all the activations and downloads thus far received. When this is achieved you truly are able to step into your power more completely. What will result is an experience of greater comfort and peace and empowerment. You will feel more stronger physically, more emotionally stable and more mentally clear and confident. We ask you to be very conscious of this potential over the weeks to come and to welcome it actively through stating with vigour:

▪ ‘I am ready for stabilisation & integration!

▪ I accept all upgrades and activations already available in my Light Body.

▪ I nurture my body with tender loving care to facilitate this stabilisation.

▪ I accept my power as a multi-dimensional Angel on Earth!’

With this declaration, coupled with your ongoing dedication to this process, you begin the journey. We will offer a further 2 Light Chambers for you to experience. In addition we ask you to spend more time in nature, more time in spiritual practise and more time nurturing your physical vehicle. Do not expect to attain spiritual heights without paying attention to your physical aspects dear people. How would it be possible to transmute from physicality into Light when there is density in the vessel? Avoid processed foods and stimulants such as caffeine and sugar. Eat a balance of cooked and raw fruits, vegetables, grains and pulses that are nurturing to your whole being. Balance and moderation is needed in all aspects of your lives to truly take advantage of this opportunity to come into energetic integrity.
We and all the Galactic Beings of Light are with you in this process. We radiate our frequency in loving turquoise wave bands into your reality right now. You receive this as a heart-opening, field-expanding experience. We repeat – do not seek to further activate yourselves in this time window, but rather to stabilise and integrate that which already within your Light Body. As our Pleiadian friends are fond of saying, The Time Is Now! Namaste.’

Arcturian Healing Chamber of Light ~ are you ready for an UPGRADE?

Dearest Light Tribe, this message from the Arcturian Star Councils is so welcome I am tripping the light fantastic! It appears that we really are getting somewhere, in Calvin Klein Espa�a consciousness terms. I will upload a 2nd and 3rd Chamber of Light in the coming weeks – in the meantime, do the if you have not already.
The Arcturians gift us with this healing session in order to allow our further activation – IF we are ready for an upgrade! Lie down to experience this ‘Chamber of Light’ – repairing on a cellular atomic level, repairing the electrical Light Body in order to repair your nervous system, so that your codes may be activated with more comfort in your physical body.
For the most powerful healing result, allow as much time & space to rest after the session as possible to integrate the healing, with no internet, telephone or any other electro-magnetic interference.
This was recorded live during my ‘Solstice Activation’ Retreat in Ibiza, but I was guided to make it available to you as it will assist many ~ you know who you are! The Time Is Now!
Download the soundfile here:
Love love love,
Solara an-Ra, Magic Weaver for Gaia