Creation Channeling – Part.1

Part.1 | Part.2 | Part.3 | Part.4

I am forwarding all 4 parts of the Creation Reading to you as 4 emails.  The Creation Reading is “A Study of The Origins of Man and His Prehistory as Explained Via the Unconscious Mind of Ray Standford”

This is One of Four parts.  Study each part to attempt to understand our existence in the Earth and why we are the image of God, rather than made in the image of God.  This is an exciting and great revelation for those that wish to know more and study more in regard to our origins and our entrance into our Earth.  

Part I, (as read by James McConnell) of the Creation Reading

James (00:00)
Ray Stanford, pondering the imponderable. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Now we see the streams of man’s comprehension throughout all ages and times and generations. We see these that lead back, back, back in the wheel of experience which man calls time, focusing toward that called the present in an attempt to comprehend and to understand the genesis of his existence in the world. And yet we have the word as given.

God is not mocked. Man seeks to understand himself, to know the manner in which he entered into the world, into the experience called the world that is constantly changing and always is the same. God is not mocked. Man seeks to understand himself, his entry into the world. Man does not understand that which was given. God is not mocked.

Will you come fully, should you come fully into an understanding of your existence into the world at the level of understanding at this level of comprehension in the three -dimensional phase or three -dimensional plane, God would be mocked. So it is destined that man must first come in the experience to know God, then himself. Otherwise, God is mocked.

For man is the image of God, not in the image of God. Man is the image of God. Hence, to comprehend in his conscious mind the process of entry of identity as the image of God, we would have a duplication, a mocking. God is not mocked.

Hence from the beginning we will never have and there never will be a comprehension fully of the experience of that called man’s separation from God and man’s entry into the phases of manifested experience until man first has realized God and then comes to an understanding of God’s image which here from this plane is called man. Something, however, can be grasped.

The manifested history of this called man and the earth can be discussed. Somewhat of a mental image of man’s part in this experience can be discussed. The very Genesis, however, can never be. Those who idly say God found himself one and divided himself that he might find fullness in the presence of loneliness, only

reflect the image of man into God and seek to mock God who is not mocked.

Therefore, we find the need of patience in the experiences to understand oneself. We find in this world as many who do not believe in God or man’s relationship to God because of the incompatibility of those explanations given for man’s departure from God, with even a logical deduction from man’s experience in the earth or in the mind.

Such minds, however, confuse themselves only with the limitations of their own existence. They are, however, no more deluded than those who tell of God’s loneliness and the moving out of himself. Man will come to know God and then the mystery of his varied manifestations of individualized consciousness. Man has come and entered the earth for a purpose. Contrary,

somewhat too many teachings that have been given to help the world, man did not accidentally become lost in the world.

He did not accidentally seal himself away from his Source, and he need not reject his existence here in grope and blindness for an unknown Source. No, it was the nature of man’s spiritual being to enter this experience called the earth. It was the nature of his existence that he should be identified as the created rather than as the Creator.

But where from this delusion? How can you, in your own minds, call it delusion to have had in your nature the tendency to come into the earth when you do not understand your existence? Those who talk otherwise, again, do not understand.

Part.1 | Part.2 | Part.3 | Part.4

Author: Yoda

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