Creation Channeling – Part.4

Part.1 | Part.2 | Part.3 | Part.4


 But now the forms were in need of that by which they could become more individually conscious and evolved. By thought, the race of those called protoanthropoids, the few remaining, the stronger, was purified. And then the souls that became men were lifted from their identity at the level that might be called the earth (in the minotaurian forms and such) and became lifted again into a singular form as man in the protoanthropoids. Now, because of the love that had entered, there came more a sense of awareness and identity of self. There was not as much fascination with the changes it could create in the earth, but more with the eternal sense of existing in a body, and of the many things which in a sense, but not so our minds might think of, it would be called wonderful. 

Procreation at the physical level, rather than by the mind was now experienced. And by the subtle nudging of the spiritual source within the soul of man, the evolutionary process encountered forms of mutation that otherwise would have been impossible. These mutations began with the radiation emanating from the radiant form of Venus as it had left the sun and passed the earth, but because of the unconscious spiritual urgings within man, the evolution and mutant transformation caused a faster change. 

A few of the protoanthropoid forms were not inhabited, for they were unworthy of these which might be called souls and soon spirits, and so they maintained a slower level of evolution.  But by the prodding of the spirit that became man, some of the protoanthropoids departed the way and moved upward. Here we see the why of ascent, as we would call it, that has been the concern of Darwin and others. The event in which man as a soul became a spirit, in a sense and entered as the races in differing tendencies and mutant forms in the protoanthropoids, is the point of the why in which the ancestors of man departed from the ancestors of the present anthropoids. And by mental forces they moved upward and quickly evolved as five races.
Moving through different planes of experience and races, we can quickly glimpse the process called “reincarnation.” For as a man became a spiritual being as well as a soul, he identified himself with the created. The soul also identified itself therewith. So when a bodily form had dropped off by death, being identified therewith, the soul was again attracted into an available form, thus the beginning of that which is called reincarnation or re -embodiment. Here was the opportunity for God to become individually conscious in man. First, however, movement and development along lines of awareness of the various senses was necessary.

We cannot explain from here the consciousness in that experience called “Atlantis,” or in the consciousness of other races, for you would not comprehend them. You have passed through them, but you would not identify with them fully. Man was not a man then, as you know him now, for he was not as complete as you now find yourselves. His emotions and his thoughts were different, not having partaken of his many experiences, or the awareness of sense and emotion, and all manner of experiences in the earth. 


Now we find man coming finally, finally, first into a worship of various anthropomorphic desire deities and totemic relationships. Becoming self -conscious and heralding back to his origins, he first tended to remember the changes he had made in the earth as animal forms, and thus he created a variety of diverse deities and totemic entities to worship.  And then gods representing various emotions were worshipped. For man became conscious of the emotional elements in himself as manifested in his bodily glands, and he began to find gods to worship that were symbolic of emotions. Everywhere we see these, whether in the ancient gods of the Norse people or the Romans or the Persians or the Egyptians or the Jews, whether in the vengeful god Jehovah, or in Woden, in Saturn, and ah, so many others. 

Then we see the appearance of light in the world, of one here and there becoming conscious, glimpsing somehow that man relates to a divine source.  Elsewhere, then, we see one called Akhenaten, and others elsewhere acclaiming, “There is one God and one alone.” For man had already become somewhat aware of morals, but now aware of the Source of Life that gives unto the just and unjust alike. This was but a yearning and a burning hope, a trust and a faith, an intuitive knowledge somehow of God. 

Still, however, a being, a part of man, remained as a great mantle of the earth, yet sharing a part of the sun and of other realms in space, including that called Venus. These various elements of consciousness together realized that the point of a sense of self -awareness had come where God, for once, might become aware as an individual in the earth. Thus, in the races of man, in the experience, for example, of the imprisonment of the children of Israel in Egypt and the movement out of these and the establishment of a concept of one God in Egypt, and then a moving across with even more of a concept of one God in Moses. In all these, we see the beginnings of preparation for the appearance of one, not just conscious of God, but God conscious in man, a preparation for the appearance of the Christ.

This spirit of Amelius that was in the earth, yet not of the earth, that which remained above, became alerted in the experience of one soul and one spirit that had begun to “live the life,” from one lifetime to another. That one, Amelius, descended into the earth for a moment, in a sense as an experiment, to set a pattern by mind itself.  This spirit, with the help of that force from Venus and the solar consciousness, descended through the individuality of one called Melchizedek, (king of the zodiac,) the priest, unborn of woman, undying. Melchizedek’s manifestation or appearance in the Jewish racial consciousness was an experiment to establish a line of descent (which events already, in part, had predisposed) in the pattern of man: to assure that from this race or other or ethnic group of peoples, indeed from the descent of David, would come one aware as an individual. God aware as an individual.   This was not so in Melchizedek.   It was in essence, not quite a man but an inhovering and 

indwelling of an essence and a memory instilling the pattern in a group of peoples for a line of descent.

Then, at that magnificent time when Venus, Jupiter, other planets, and the sun were so aligned, and the constellation of His entry attuned to all the astrological forces through the consciousness of Melchizedek, King of the Zodiac, that essence became a reality. The alignment was that prophesied by the sages of Persia and by others elsewhere in India and in the Orient, in China and in Egypt, that the wise men might come. They followed that great sign that emblemized the forces from which this essence, in a sense, had come. And an individual spirit (that had come into the earth in the manner described before) became the channel of God to be conscious and fully manifested as an individual.

The very potential of that consciousness, the impulse by which the very angelic realms, akin and yet unakin to the human consciousness, worked to create it, brought about that called or termed or symbolic as the “Immaculate Conception.”  Remember the point in the protoanthropoids in which man became aware of procreation in bodies. That was the entry from the doorway called the Leydig, (the water, the man,) to the gonad (in the Taurian, the Minotaurian,) and finally into forms where it was necessary to procreate by means of the physical. But in the Christ consciousness, one, (Jesus,) became the way and also the door, as he said. 

And thus was the door of the water center unlocked. In the very consciousness, before entry, even in the one called Mary, the mother of Jesus, (for in a sense they were as one), there was the unlocking of that in which man must procreate in the normal way; and spontaneously, by thought, with the very essence of that in which man entered the earth by creative thought, (originally unconscious of itself, but now conscious) we see the occurrence of the immaculate conception. For that which man did before he was man, (a sense of soul -mind and only in essence a creation and matter,) now became an objective thing. Man had become conscious of himself, and God about to become fully conscious in the earth. 

And thus, in this beginning, we have the hopes that all men and all minds and all souls not strive to be conscious of God but to be channels of God, that God might be manifested as an individual in each of us.

Part.1 | Part.2 | Part.3 | Part.4

Author: Yoda

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