ZAP Update – August 30, 2015

ZAP Update – August 30, 2015

——– Original Message ——– From: 2goforth To: 2goforth Subject: Fwd: Sweet Dreams Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 19:54:02 -0400Greetings and Salutation: POOF SAID; The opening and closing of calvin klein ropa interior the affairs of the those who are seeking to bring about change not just for your part of the world but the entire world is hampered by the continual upheavals that are occurring and the fragility of the entire cyber financial world. That fragility isn’t thought about that much but everything that is electronic has its Achilles heel. A sun spot, a solar flare, a hacker’s attack, broken connections, hacked information from sidereal affairs —these and much more are forces to be reckoned with. You seem to think all of this can be chalked up to excuses. Not at all! What good does it do any one of you for the work to be overseen with much sensitivity to this point and then let it all slip into oblivion due to some oversight. There are currency wars and there are information wars afoot, all over the place. Back up; think about the ramifications and again, notice that your investment has not been that great; the investment in you is far more than you in the PPP. You are the deciding factor on whether this works or not; and the time delays have been necessary on your side of this great bargain as well. You keep reading “next week” or “next month” or whatever you read; do you think we like that any better than you?? No. Not at all. But the truth is what it is and the continual chess game as it truly is, that game that is being played is for the benefit of humanity, NOT JUST for the 1% or even 30% but for the good of those who will have the maturity required to manage resources. It is unfortunate that the lack of patience has taken its toll on the many, though it is understandable; that is quite obvious. Hang tight….P… ZAP SAYS; HI ALL THIS MESSAGE TODAY IS A MESSAGE OF HOPE AND JOY. TOO LONG HAVE WE ALL SUFFERED UNDER THE SHACKLES OF THE DIRTBAGS THAT WOULD ENSLAVE AND RAPE, AND FORCES BOTH TERRESTRIAL AND NOT HAVE BEEN BUSY CREATING THE CIRCUMSTANCE FOR CHANGE – WE ALL UNDERSTAND THIS AT SOME LEVEL. THE CULMINATION OF THESE EFFORTS HAS RESULTED IN THE MOST CURRENT LANDSCAPE OF HAVING THE DEBRIS CLEANED UP. BY STATING THE WORD DEBRIS (AS PER NANCY’S MESSAGE BELOW FROM THE LAD), IT FOLLOWS THAT THE CHANGES HAVE BEEN EFFECTED, AND THE LAST REMNANTS OF THE CRAP WE HAVE SUFFERED ARE BEING TAKEN AWAY SO WE MAY TRULY BREATHE AND DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO FIX OUR PLANET. OUR BELOVED LAD SAID IT WELL ON FRIDAY ( HYPERLINK “Wakeup%20Call/MWmesages/August2015/StGermain08-28-15.htm” Wakeup%20Call/MWmesages/August2015/StGermain08-28-15.htm) I would like to give you one example now. It is in the interest of some well-known ones who are in the process of exposing some of the ways that have been used in manipulation. They are broadcasting to the people how they can step forth and allow the power that they have to be the energy that keeps the truths coming forth to the masses. These messages and pieces of news will spread across the globe and those who see them and cannot deny the truth of what they say, will also realize that these same pieces of news represent many of the other unexplained incidences that have taken place for many years. Comprar Boxer Calvin Klein Baratos It will open them up to how to interpret many of the news items that have been told. Also they will see many of the pieces of information that have seemed to be of value, and now are seen to be of value in only one way, and that is that they represent the evidence of the manipulation that is no longer being done. They will know that it cannot be done because the ones who did it for so long are no longer in power. THIS IS IN KEEPING WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE SEEN AND BEEN APPRISED OF. MANY MORE ARRESTS ARE SCHEDULED, AND THESE WILL TAKE OUT THE LAST OF THE VEGETABLES. THE FLYING PURPLE PIGS ARE BUSY SCOOTING HERE AND THERE AND ROOTING OUT THESE VESTIGES OF VIRULENT VIPERS. VERILY I SAY…AH, I AM NOT GOING TO DO A V TIRADE BUT IT IS TEMPTING. TO KEEP FOCUS AND CONTINUING, MANY MANY YEARS AGO WHEN I WAS IN CHINA, I WAS ASSAULTED BY HUNDREDS OF FAKE ELDERS PROFFERING FAKE BANK DOCS, MOSTLY HSBC, AND ENTICING PEOPLE TO HAND OVER MONEY TO GET IN ON THE ACTION WHEN THEY UNLOCKED THE MASTER ACCOUNTS THAT HAS STUPID ZEROS IN THEM. MANY PEOPLE FELL FOR THESE SCHEMES AND MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS WERE LOST. ALL WERE HURT. I AM PROUD TO SAY THAT I HAD A HAND IN THE FIRST TAKEDOWNS OF THESE FAKES AND THE BANKERS IN HSBC THAT WERE IN CAHOOTS WITH THESE SO CALLED ELDERS. CHINA NATIONAL SECURITY TOOK GREAT DELIGHT WITH YOUNG SNUFFLES IN ARRESTING THESE IDIOTS. THAT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE BANK CLEANUPS BACK THEN. THESE CAMPAIGNS HAVE BEEN STEADY OVER THE YEARS AS EVIDENCED BY THE MONUMENTAL CHANGES IN THE EXECUTIVE OF THE HSBC AND OTHER BANKS. ONCE IT WAS STARTED, IT SNOWBALLED. I CAN TALK A BIT ABOUT THIS NOW AS IT NO LONGER HAS ANY MEANING IN TERMS OF SAFETY AND SECURITY. THE BANKERS IN CHARGE NOW HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY SELECTED BY THE CHINESE FAMILY IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER ROYALS TO ENSURE THAT FUNDS WILL NOT BE STOLEN WHEN THEY START PAYING FOR DINAR AND HISTORIC ASSETS. IMAGINE THE DEVASTATION IF THIS WAS NOT DONE. I HAVE TALKED ABOUT THE CHINA FAMILY FOR A LONG TIME NOW, EVEN BEFORE THE TERM “DRAGON FAMILY” WAS EVEN A SPARK IN BLOGGER’S EYES. I HAVE GIVEN A GLIMPSE INTO WHO THEY ARE AND HOW THEY WORK, AT TIMES CROSSING THE LINE JUST A TEENY BIT, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO COMPROMISE THEM. I AM PART OF THEM AND WOULD NEVER DO THAT. SECRETS ARE SECRETS, BUT WITH THE ADVENT OF A FULL SCALE WORKUP ON THE SO CALLED DRAGON FAMILY, I WOULD REFER YOU TO MY EARLIER WRITINGS WHERE I EXPLAIN QUITE A BIT. THIS WILL SERVE YOU WELL WHEN YOU HEAR ABOUT A RED DRAGON, OR A WHITE ONE, OR A POLKA DOT ONE. THEY USED TO EXIST, AND STILL DO IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING BUT IN THE END THERE IS ONLY ONE DRAGON LEFT AND SOME DRAGON LORDS. THE GOLDEN DRAGON IS IT. THE SOCIETIES THAT NAME THEMSELVES AFTER COLOR DRAGONS ARE VALIDLY EXISTING OF COURSE, AND SERVE A PURPOSE IN THE FRAMEWORK. WITNESS THE WHITE DRAGON SOCIETY FOR EXAMPLE, OR THE GREEN, OR THE BLACK. THEY ALL HOLD TO THE BOTTOM LINE OF THE DIVINE PLAN, AND BLESS THEM FOR WORKING FOR HUMANITY. THIS IS A GOOD THING. THE FIVE COUNTRIES, THE FIVE ORGANIZATIONS, AND THE FIVE FAMILIES ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE OVERALL WORKING SCHEMA, AND THESE ARE THE OPERATIVES OF THE PLAN. THAT’S ABOUT AS MUCH AS I CAN SAFELY SAY HERE. THE WORKING RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE BOYS AND GIRLS AND OTHERS UPSTAIRS IS STRONG AND WAS SECRET FOR A VERY LONG TIME. IT STILL IS TO A LARGE EXTENT, BUT FORTUNATELY, I AM NOT LETTING THAT CAT OUT OF THE BAG, JUST CONFIRMING IT. TIME WILL UNVEIL THESE RELATIONSHIPS AND HOW THEY HAVE WORKED FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR HUMANITY. THAT WILL BE A REVELATION FOR MANY, AND A QUIET SATISFACTION TO A FEW. OVER THE LAST COUPLE OF YEARS, I HAVE STATED OR ALLUDED TO SPECIFIC ITEMS AND ELEMENTS THAT ARE WORKING FOR HUMANITY. OTHERS HAVE TRIED TO EXPOUND ON THE SPECIFICS AND MICRO ELEMENTS OF THE WHOLE, AND HAVE MISSED THE MARK FOR THE MOST PART. THE PUZZLE PIECES ARE BEING DROPPED INTO PLACE ALL OVER THE MAP NOW FOR THOSE THAT CAN DISCERN THEM. AS TIME GOES ON, THEY WILL BE REVEALED IN GREATER AND GREATER DETAIL AND THAT IS WHERE THE FAMOUS STATEMENT BY BUSHY BOY OF “IF THEY ONLY KNEW WHAT WE DID THEY WOULD STRING US UP FROM THE NEAREST LIGHT POLE” WILL BE FULL OF MEANING. AS THE LAD SAID As it all sets into place in the coming days you will begin to see how much has been being organized to shed light on the amount of lies that have been showered over the people. This is just now being broadcast in pieces across the world and it will be seen as pieces of the puzzle being set into place as each of the pieces come to the front and are settled into the lives of all of you beautiful people who are seeing that there is indeed a place for freedom and truth in this world for now and evermore. THE LAD ENDED HIS DISCOURSE WITH My dear ones, I have shared with you today what is going to be a powerful flow of opening you to the truths that you have either felt to be coming or have seen as a surprise, yet believable. It is part of what you have given me and others the freedom to bring forth, for your souls see that it is time for you to come forth in your power and be the strength of your ability to become a leader of the process in your own lives of the freedom and truth that you are destined for. Have a wonderful and joyful rest of the day, on into forever. My heart is with you all! I HAVE LONG AWAITED THESE TIMES MYSELF, AND KEEPING SILENT THE SECRETS I HOLD WAS/IS NOT EASY. BUT SEEING THE END DAYS OF THE STINKY CABBAGE HEADS IS SUCH A THRILL, I HAD TO SPEAK TO IT A BIT NOW THAT SOME SIGNALS WERE GIVEN. HERE IS A THOUGHT TO PONDER: EACH DAY I MARVEL AT WHAT WE TRULY ARE, AND WHAT WE CAN DO. LOOK AT YOUR DISHWASHER FOR EXAMPLE. WHAT A MARVELOUS PIECE OF INNOVATION. WE DID THAT. HUMANS. LOOK AT A CAR OR A PLANE OR AN ORDINARY DESK. WE DID THAT. WE THOUGHT OF IT, AND BUILT IT. WHAT WONDROUS THINGS WE CAN DO. IT IS MIRACULOUS ALMOST. AND JUST THINK OF THE THINGS WE WILL DO….WE ARE TRULY AMAZING WE ARE. THERE IS NO QUESTION. WE TAKE THESE WONDERS FOR GRANTED SINCE WE SEE THEM, USE THEM, AND DISCARD THEM EVERY DAY. IF YOU STOP AND LOOK AT ORDINARY THINGS IN OUR LIVES, AND REFLECT ON HOW THEY CAME TO BE…AH…THAT IS WHEN THE DEPTH OF WHO WE ARE CAN BE SEEN. WE ARE ALL PIECES OF EACH OTHER. INDIVIDUATED DIVINITY SO TO SPEAK. THE MARVELS WE ARE CAPABLE OF WILL ASTOUND US. THE LAD AND OTHERS SEEM TO THINK SO BESIDES SNUFFLES AND THE GANG, SO IT HAS TO BE TRUE, RIGHT? IN THE MEANTIME, SINCE THIS EXPOSURE IS NOT MY REAL JOB, THE WORK CONTINUES ON THE PROJECT SIDE. THIS NEXT PHASE OF HUMANITY WILL SEE THE RELEASE OF VERY LARGE FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CRITICAL LIFE SAVING GLOBAL PROJECTS, AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE ECONOMIES. I want to ask a simple question. Why would you want to give reports if you have nothing to report on. For as long as I can remember your reports basically say ” looks good but nothing yet”. Why don’t you just report something good when you get something good. This is just like the story of the boy that called Wolf. After just two false reports no body believed him anymore. Why would people send you money to give reports that have no meat to them? Just would like your thoughts. JN WELL…LET ME SEE…I STARTED THIS AS A TRIBUTE TO POOF, NOT TO DO ANYTHING ELSE. TIME PASSED AND I WAS ASKED TO CONTINUE THE MESSAGES ON THIS AND THAT. THE MESSAGES ARE TO KEEP A SEMBLANCE OF ACCURATE INFORMATION GOING, INSTEAD OF WISHFUL THINKING AS SOME BLOGGERS DO. NOW THAT WE ARE ON THE VERGE OF THE RELEASES AND THE CHANGES, THERE WILL NO LONGER BE A NEED FOR ME TO CONTINUE THESE MESSAGES SO YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY I GUESS. BY THE WAY, DO YOU GO AND SPEND MONEY TO GET REPORTS FROM OTHERS? YOU KNOW…THE ONES THAT ASK “DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR RV IS? OR WHO HE WAS OUT WITH? DID THEY HAVE SAFE SEX? IS THE RV IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW OR SOMETHING?” I GUESS THE ANSWERS MADE TO FIT THOSE QUESTIONS ARE MEAT, YES? IF SO, THEN SPEND ALL YOUR MONEY HERE BECAUSE I AM ABOUT TO GIVE YOU THE MEAT YOU NEED, AND I WILL FAX OVER A COPY OF THE INFORMATION. “MOO” BANKER BOB IS ON STANDBY TO TAKE YOUR MONEY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE (MISS PHIPPS…FAX A PICTURE OF A COW PLEASE…) THE GLOBAL LANDSCAPE IS PREPARED FOR THE BIG STUFF NOW AS IN THE HISTORIC ASSETS AND THE GCR. MANY INTELLIGENCE REPORTS COMING OUT NOW ALL SAY THE SAME THING THAT IN SEPTEMBER, IT ALL BEGINS. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS BEING WIDELY CIRCULATED, AND IT IS IN KEEPING WITH WHAT IS OUT THERE. China has now officially announced that the historical bonds will be redeemed. This has been released in all Chinese media. Calzoncillos Boxer Calvin Klein These announcements made in the Chinese open media today and late yesterday finally confirm publicly that this operation is moving forward. There are also other sources who are optimistically informing that international agreements are nearly completed and official ceremonies are expected to take place over the next several days. Release of spendable cash was anticipated several times in the past, but has been delayed due to final currency negotiations involving several countries. At the moment, there is a slight delay due to the gold backing for the US TRN to be finalized, but this issue is expected to be resolved quickly, and it is anticipated that next week transactions will be put in place. Several large Dinar transactions will be completed before the bond and box matters are scheduled and undertaken. I have been told that just a bit more patience is required before all is put into motion. THERE HAVE BEEN CONTINUED ATTEMPTS TO DERAIL THE PROCESS AND SHIFT ATTENTION TO OTHER THINGS. LOOK AT THE STOCK MARKET STUFF HAPPENING NOW. STANLEY MORGAN HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS THE BAD GUY IN THE DECLINE IN THE CHINA MARKETS STEALING OVER 3 TRILLION FROM THEM. NASTY BUGGERS. THESE ARE ALL THE FINAL ATTEMPTS BY THE VEGGIES IN POWER TO DESPERATELY CREATE THE CIRCUMSTANCE FOR WAR OF ANY KIND. ONCE THE GCR HITS, THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT, AND THEY WILL ALL GO DOWN. THEY KNOW THIS, AND THEY WILL TRY ANYTHING TO OBFUSCATE AND MISDIRECT ATTENTION FROM THEM (WHILE THEY STEAL AS MUCH AS THEY CAN). Boxer Calvin Klein Al Mayor IT WILL NOT WORK. THE PROCESS IS TOO ADVANCED AND INEVITABLE. BRICS countries intend to create their own multilateral financial system that would be similar to SWIFT, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said in an interview with RIA Novosti. According to the official, “finance ministers and heads of central banks of BRICS countries discuss the whole range of issues, including those related to the organization of payment systems and prospects for transition to settlements in national currencies,” Pravda.Ru reports. BRICS countries will establish the new system to avoid financial control of the United States and the EU. “Whether it is SWIFT or not, it goes about the possibility of establishing a multilateral system of payments in the form of an association that would ensure greater independence, and, more precisely, create guarantees for the countries protecting them from the risks associated with arbitrary decisions in this area,” the Russian official said. SWIFT is the world’s largest system for the transmission of financial information. The international payment system unites together more than 10,000 banks in more than 200 countries. More than 600 Russian banks are connected to SWIFT, ranking Russia second in the world after the United States on this indicator. However, Russia is listed in the second top ten of SWIFT members in terms of wire transfers via SWIFT. Noteworthy, Western leaders have repeatedly discussed the issue of disconnecting Russia from SWIFT within the framework of sanctions related to the conflict in the east of Ukraine. HYPERLINK “#sthash.PNhGlgmc.dpuf” #sthash.PNhGlgmc.dpuf LAST MESSAGE I SAID THAT THE GEOPOLITICAL LANDSCAPE IS GETTING FIRMED UP WITH ALIGNMENTS BEING FORGED ALMOST ON A DAILY BASIS AS COUNTRIES AND GOOD HEARTED PEOPLE SEE WISDOM IN HELPING HUMANITY. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING OUT THERE, AND AT THE FOREFRONT OF THESE EFFORTS ARE THE CHINESE AND THE RUSSIANS. I TRULY HOPE THE USA DOES THE SAME AND BEGINS TO THINK ABOUT OUR HUMANITY MORE THAN WHO GETS MARRIED TO WHO, AND WHAT KIND OF FRUIT WILL CAUSE YOU TO SHED 100 POUNDS IN 3 DAYS. NO, THIS IS NOT AN OBAMA TORTURE DEVICE. SOME HAVE ASKED ME FOR PREDICTIONS. SO HERE IS MY PREDICTION: IT WILL BE LIGHT DURING THE DAY. IT WILL REMAIN LIGHT UNTIL NIGHT WHEN IT WILL BECOME DARK. IT WILL BE DARK THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT, WITH WIDELY SCATTERED LIGHT IN THE MORNING. MAYBE THIS QUALIFIES AS MEAT? AHA – SEND MONEY TO ME TO GET YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED DAILY PREDICTION. I PROMISE TO BE CONSISTENT. (MISS PHIPPS!…GOT ANOTHER IDEA…ASSEMBLE THE CAPTAIN OBVIOUS WRITERS) IN THESE END TIMES, DO NOT LOSE FAITH OR HOPE. IT SEEMS THAT IN OUR BASE FEAR AND NEED FOR VALIDATION AND CONTROL WE HAVE LOST FAITH IN THE ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS OF THE UNIVERSE TO PROVIDE. LET GO AND LET GOD I SAY! THE UNIVERSE WILL INDEED PROVIDE. SEND OUT THE ENERGY AND THOUGHT FORM, AND LET IT DO ITS WORK. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FIXATE ON IT AND RUN ABOUT FOLLOWING IT FROM PLACE TO PLACE, VISUALIZING, PLEADING, BEGGING, SUPPLICATING, PETITIONING, PUTTING IT DOWN ON 3X5 CARDS AND STICKING THEM WHERE THEY CAN BE IN YOUR FACE ALL DAY LONG, AND PUTTING ALL MANNER OF ENERGY AND THOUGHT PROCESSES ON IT, THERE IS NOTHING THAT WILL GET IT TO TURN INTO WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. NOTHING. NOT UNTIL YOU LET GO. IF YOU DON’T YOU WILL DO THE STRESS THING, BECOME SICK, AND GET GREY HAIR. SO KEEP HOPING AND HAVE FAITH THAT THE UNIVERSE WILL PROVIDE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, DO NOT FORGET TO DONATE SO YOU TOO CAN HAVE SOME MEAT. MISS PHIPPS IS PREPARING SOME VERY NICE MATERIAL TO SEND OUT THAT IS SUITABLE FOR FRAMING. THANKS EVERYBODY, AND THOSE THAT HELPED AND I HAVE NOT ANSWERED AS YET WITH A BIG THANK YOU PERSONALLY, HERE IS MY BIG THANK YOU TO YOU: ***BIG THANK YOU!***  KEEP THE PROJECTS ROLLING IN TO DHINTAKE AS THAT PART IS ABOUT TO TAKE OFF MAGNIFICENTLY. IN SOLID GRATITUDE. ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” August 30, 2015 Copyright ZAP 2013-2015 Why It’s More Blessed To Give. There is a teaching that it is more blessed to give than to receive, but now we under- stand why this is so. It is understood that vibration is the essence of Creation, and that every thought sets up and launches a unique positive or negative vibration that goes in all direc- tions, gathers substance like itself, and returns in- creased to the point of origin. Before we can give a physical gift, say to “Mary,” our thought of giving comes first. Our thought of giving sets up a distinctive vibration that goes out into every dimension–physical and spiritual–inter- acting with a universe of similar Cheap Converse Shoes vibrations (birds of a feather) entertained by souls of good will. Our thought of giving touches, blesses, and enriches countless souls, but it doesn’t stop there. Our thought carries a blessing, but it is also bless- ed by those it blesses, and it is these accrued bless- ings that return to us, the thinker. So, if our thought of giving to “Mary” touches and blesses 1000 souls while enroute to her, our initial thought of giving to “Mary” comes back to us multiplied a 1000 times. Mary receives 1 gift, but the one who gives to Mary receives one-thousand fold of goodness in the forms that bless the giver most. Give to your heart’s content. Don’t take a chance on receiving more than your heart gives. Your contributions to support our work is greatly appreciated. Please go to: and send to via “friend or family. We send thanks and much gratitude to those who have generously supported us. We could not continue without your help. If you have a problem, please contact Consultations, continue…
